Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 407: Meeting A Strange Tree

The promise I just gave them made them all stirred up, fired up to go and start achieving their aims.

However, before they head out, I noticed them starting to make alliances. Most of them were previously enemies, and the one who had the most advantage here was Jen.

However other small leaders who were under her command weren't fools; they knew the chances of having pearls out of her were so slim, not like their chances with others like Mark and Lilly.

Also many small ones started to grow greedy, sticking together and forming new powers here.

I glanced at all that with no much concern, as this all would help me to reach my goals. In less than one hour, twelve different teams sat off; each heading towards different directions, leaving me and my two demons behind.

"Ding Dong! You know you are cheating!"

"That's a privilege of being a human."

"Ding Dong! To cheat?"

"No, to be smart."


I totally ignored the remark of this greedy system as I started to feel so much quite standing here alone with my demons like this. "Sigh, I hate waiting," and that was a fact.

"I should go and see those human settlements then," I muttered as I noticed I gave the mission for monsters to look for monsters; leaving humans and other smart races behind.

"Give me the location of the nearest human village."

"Ding Dong! You refused this offer a short time ago, or you have a short memory or what? Like a fish!"

"Funny system. Alright, give me the location of non-human villages."

"Ding Dong! You have three current villages nearby. I will make their locations appear to you."

The next moment three paths made entirely of golden specks appeared in front of me. the three headed towards the distance in different three directions. "That's good, a way to spend time until they come back," I muttered before pointing to my demon as I ordered:

"Come here dummy, kneel."

The demon was standing still like a statue until I gave him the order. He jolted awake and moved to me, knelt and I just simply jumped up his shoulder. "You two will lead the way towards that direction," I pointed towards the central path, while deepening my voice, "anything you meet… kill!"

The next moment they jumped towards the front, without any care for the one standing on the demon's shoulder. I grabbed his bulging muscles tightly with one hand, while the other grabbed the spear.

I was waiting for any hostile movement to attack, despite knowing the area adjacent to here was quite safe.

The path stretched for miles to the front, passing through many trees and plants, before ending up taking a turn to the right.

Initially I thought it was heading to the woods in the distance, but later on and after taking some turns right and left, it ended up in a hidden depressed valley in the area, covered on both sides with a long line of trees that finally merged with the forest at the distance.

"It has a natural camouflage appearance, this place wasn't selected randomly," I muttered to myself before giving the order to my demons, "Go this way."

I didn't hurry to enter the valley, as I was quite sure I would be faced with much resistance if I entered blindly. Instead I went to one side of the valley, kept my demons running for suitable distance before saying:


They abruptly stopped. I was damn sure if I didn't hold up firmly before giving them the order, I would have been in the air right now, heading to the ground.

"You, go and try to take these trees off by the root," I said to my demoness while pointing towards the line of trees nearby.

The trees were long with cylindrical smooth trunks. Their branches were thin and long like ropes, ending up with broad thin dirty green leaves.

The moment I gave the order, the demoness moved to execute it. just as she touched the trunk of a tree, tried to hold it with both hands, in an attempt to uproot it, the tree suddenly moved on its own!

"Dirty creature, take your hands off me!"

The shriek strange sound came from this tree like it was a scream. I felt quite the pain in my ears while my demoness didn't react to its words and continued to lift it.




"I said keep your dirty hands off my beautiful body!"

The next moment many of these branches lashed out at my demoness, hitting her body hard, creating a strange loud sound that resembled the sound of waves hitting each other.

I didn't understand, yet the moment these ropes moved back, preparing for yet another attack, I noticed the deep and ulcerative wounds on the body of my demoness.


"Retreat now!" I hurriedly gave her the order to full back, and the next moment she jumped back, evading the brutal attack of these ropes.

And then the tree got itself circled to face me, and to my shock I found the trunk ending with a long stalk, carrying a big flower with red long petals and the centre was a face resembling a human.

A face of a kid no older than ten years old appeared in front of my eyes, buffing his reddened cheeks, looking quite amusing.

"So, you are the owner of this vulgar creature?"

"And you are the owner of these brutal branches?"

"I use them to defend myself, no more!"

"And I use my demon to make the way open for me, no more!"contemporary romance

"There is no path through here, this is the end of the path. What do you want to do with me? huh?"

I glanced at this towering tree like I was glancing at a child. Even the way of its argument and speech was similar to a kid!

"Sigh, I want to take a peek at the valley down there."

"There is nothing there but rocks, dirt, and more strange foul creatures like yours! There is nothing interesting to take the trouble of annoying me!"

"I want to look and observe those foul creatures so I can attack and move them out of here."

"So you aim at the valley? Damn it, I told my mom not to select this place for their nap!"

"Your mom?!!" I was so speechless to hear these words, before he said with a proud tone:

"Yes, here is the location of my tribe, sleeping for their summer nap."

"Summer nap?!!"

"Yeah, excuse me aren't you from this world? this is our annual summer nap, and after that we will have the winter nap as well!"

"Ahem," I didn't know what to say to this kid before I added," I'm so sorry to disturb your napping time, yet I want to take the creatures out of here, and not interested in the valley."

"Aha, you are interested in the golden tree inside, but mom said this tree is so dangerous, kids shouldn't get near it. you shouldn't get near it."

"I'm no kid!" I bellowed out with much frustration at his remark! I wasn't a kid since ages ago!!

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