Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 399: My Life Will Be Lived by My Own Rules!

"Ding Dong! It's your path and it's your choice. I will summon the five selected elite officials for you, is that a go?"

"Sure, go ahead."

I waited, as I glanced at this scenery around me with no content. The villagers I rescued went behind me to explore the place, feeling much awed at this. Their expressions… gosh how much I hated mediocre people!

Have some aspirations folks! This wasn't even close to a ruined village back in our days!

I waited for almost five minutes before a change occurred; five humans came out of one of the old wooden buildings.

They were dressed in normal linen clothes, like other humans here. They seemed lost at first, glancing at others and the place they appeared at before they finally found me.

I didn't know how, but they instantly recognized me. The five headed towards me in rapid pace, and the moment they reached me they all bowed their heads as they said one by one:

"Jack salutes the lord."

"Dore salutes the lord."

"Meck salutes the lord."

"Cal salutes the lord."

"Fared salutes the lord."

I glanced at the five with no interest. Some middle aged men like them wouldn't get me interested, so I hurried to say with no care:

"Stand up, from now on you five will be responsible for running the village for me."

They stood straight and the first to speak, seemingly their highest ranked individual here, said:

"May I ask what vision my lord is asking us to execute? Do you want it to be an economic village, a war village, or balanced between the two?"

I glanced at Jack and I felt the hidden touch of that sly system appearing in his words. "Nah, I don't need any of these," I said before adding, "I want you to turn this old forgotten ruined place into a piece of our previous glorious days."

"I beg your pardon, but I didn't understand," Jack replied and his stupidity or the stubbornness of the system started to get on my nerves!

"Didn't you all come from kingdoms and empires?"

They all exchanged silent glances before they nodded while I added:

"Great, I want to turn this cursed place into a place of our home. Is that difficult to understand?"

They seemed hesitant, and I almost swore I could see the eyes of that hideous system glaring at me through their eyes! It wanted me to play by the rules, fine! I would play by them; my own rules!

"But…" Jack, who I considered from this moment onward as their leader, stuttered in his own words, "we got instructions and a road plan about what we should do here."

Bingo! Yup, I knew it, didn't I? that sneaky system was trying to force me to follow its stinct rules! no way!

"You take all these instructions you heard, grab them into one large pile of sh*t and throw them off that cliff over there. and if anyone of you don't want to follow my own instructions then he should throw himself along with that sh*t!!"

My words were calm, yet I saw the look of fear in their eyes.contemporary romance


"No more words; either stay and live by my own rules or you got the hell out of my place!"

My words descended upon them as a decree of god; I was now their god here! there were no more words to say, and they didn't have any room for hesitation anymore.

It appeared to them I wouldn't reconcile, and I was pretty sure the system was now so much frustrated; but it was him who played this dirty from the start! Didn't he promise me to go on my own path with my own decisions and choices?

"We agree," Jack said, after some time of silence. I knew they would, but got some interest in how he spoke about everyone without even exchanging a single word or even an eye contact with them!

"How did you know their opinions?" I asked.

"We have some sort of connecting system between each other as we can exchange messages. We just discussed it and we all agreed."

Jack spoken lightly of it but this went down on me like thunder! "System, why didn't you open such a function for me? huh?"


It didn't respond, and this made me more furious! This stingy system kept some of its functions off purposely, and now my subordinates were just having more features than mine!

That wasn't fair!

"System, don't act dumb now you stingy one! Gimme my features now!"


"Alright, but don't forget you owe me one here!"

I knew I had nothing in hand right now to press over this wicked twisted system, so I decided to get over it and postpone my revenge for later due.

"I want you now to start planning, I want this place to shine with touch of human civilization," I said to my five advisors, as I was now giving them my orders.

"My lord, what about those buildings we need to build?" Dore asked.

"And the resources needed to sustain all this huge number of humans. We need farms, plus meat supply," Meck said.

"The size of the village is still small, so not many things can be done until we upgrade it," Cal said, before adding, "if we want to have the same level of civilization of our past, we need to upgrade technology first. Technology needs brilliant minds, many resources, and patience."

"And a good army, trained well to venture and look for different types of ores, and strong enough to keep the base safe," Fared added his own touch.

"Great opinions, first of all Dore you will be responsible for construction here, building all kinds of buildings and leveling them up. Meck you will be my resources advisor. Your task is to build various resources structures, and maintain the highest productivity of them. Cal," I paused as I glanced directly into Cal, giving him all my attention before saying:

"Your task is the highest priority here. I don't like the idea of inventing the fire and wheel all over again! our civilization wasn't inherited as it was, but it was built by our greatest minds. Look for them, gather them up and try to write down everything it's needed to restore that former glory of us."

"But my lady this will be hard, as our population might seem big but they are so insignificant to this task. I'm pretty sure if we found one talent here it would be a great strike of luck!"

I understood his meaning so I instantly reassured him:

"Don't worry, leave the task of gathering more humans here to me. I won't be satisfied by the scarce number of humans coming here every day!" I then turned to the last one, Fared, as I added:

"Your task is to maintain the security here. train troops as much as you like, and form search teams to look around for resources everywhere. As for the foreign invasions, leave this to me."

They all nodded in agreement while I nodded to myself in content. I knew the system was ruling the world here by his own rules, but for me that wasn't even close to be enough!

Besides I wasn't sure if my true enemies were also abiding by the rules! After all, they meddled with the system before the collapse of everything.

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