Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 389: Happy New Year: A Very Annoying System... Just Like Shin!!!

I literally waited biting the tips of my nails! I just recalled that old lizard and swore to myself if it betrayed me then I wouldn't care about anything but to look for its lair and take my revenge upon it!

"Ding Dong! You have all the right to be confident! You have the extremely precious village token, making you gain the highest title in the world, the village lord."

I took a deep breath out of relief, and as I was about to ask more regarding what it meant, the system kept talking; per its usual habit!

"Ding Dong! The token in hand enables you to establish your village, however to establish one you first need subjects to rule over, work in the village, and fight for you."

"Ding Dong! A group of helpless humans are not far from here! They are trapped inside a small valley nearby, and a large number of monsters are now heading to slaughter them, eat their flesh, and enslave their beauties. Saving them will grant you a suitable number of humans to work for you, join your village, and pledge the oath of loyalty for you forever.

Will you go and save them?"

I was instantly speechless! Why did I smell something fishy here? "I can't go like this, with no weapon, no strength, no army!" I complained, as I wouldn't move myself to go and save others while risking myself in return.

"Plus I just arrived here, and I need time to rest and enjoy this peace. Why should I hurry and move to save those I don't know?"

"Ding Dong! Those are people from your past world, from your own kingdom. If you don't want to save them fine, but who knows, a member of your family might be there!"

I was jolted awake at once, stood up in a moment, as I regained my former ferocious self. "I swear if anything happened to my family, I won't stop at anything before destroying you!"

"Ding Dong! Calm down, princess, I'm not your enemy; I'm your best ally. Just move and I will give you the general direction to the valley. The distance of travel will be half an hour walking, so don't delay more."

At this moment, I didn't know why, but I recalled Shin! "I don't have any weapons, plus I have a spear that I can use here, and a feather that can give strength to one of my artifacts to be able to function here."

"Ding Dong! Your inventory is opened to you, and you gained the title of lord –temporarily."

I used the same old method to open the inventory, and strangely enough it opened as a small window hung up on my left. I found many things inside, my points, my artifacts, a feather, a spear, and a board.

I didn't delay and took out two things, the feather and my prison, the witch prison artifact.

This prison was a godly item for me. any other artifact had the advantage of making my personal strength soar, but this was only limited to the personal attacks only, however my prison was able to affect my whole progress and future.

"I want to use the feather on the prison artifact," I said, as I didn't know how to use it.

"Ding Dong! Just put it in the prison and leave it for a few minutes to work."

I did as the assistant told me before saying:

"Show me the way."

Without saying anything, I noticed the presence of golden particles drawing a path from my place towards the horizon. I didn't delay to take my spear out, feeling the awesome coldness of its metallic shaft, before hurrying over, running towards the distance.

I first had to descend from the hill I was at, before taking a turn to the left, then moved towards the front with my greatest speed. The prison once had the feather on top of it, it showed a progress bar on top of it, while the feather sank into the artifact like it was sinking in deep waters.

Then the progress bar kept increasing, slowly, and I assumed it would take ten minutes at least for it to be complete. So I tried to store it into my inventory, the same way I did when I was playing the game, but I couldn't.

"Are you playing a trick on me here?" I muttered, as I felt the intervention of the system here.

"Ding Dong! Just open the inventory and add and remove anything manually from it."

"You must be kidding!" I commented with a stern look while doing as it said, and it worked. I stored the prison, while shifting my gaze upon my spear.

As for the inventory, I decided to keep it open like this, so I could get accustomed to its annoying presence on my left side.

I then started to observe my spear. It was like my old one, with nothing special about it except for the cold metallic shaft of it, which gave me a fresh feeling all the time.

Per habit, I threw my spear to the air, and tried to hold it by the tips of my fingers, however I couldn't manage to do that!

"What's wrong?" I asked, "my mystic art can't be used here?" I complained!

"Ding Dong! You need to first adopt a special nature before being able to use the mystic art."

"Special nature? What is that?���

"Ding Dong! After building your village, you can open your special nature, and then you will understand."

"Meaning?" I pushed further, as I didn't like what it was inclining about.

"Ding Dong! You understand my meaning perfectly."

"That's unfair! I'm a single little girl here alone in the wilderness, and you want me to go and kill a large army of monsters without the use of my mystic art! That's unfair!"contemporary romance

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

"What the hell that was supposed to mean?"

"Ding Dong! Don't be shameless! You will have the two demons with you!"

"Will they have their former powers? Will they be able to use their artifacts?" I hurried to ask, and the system replied instantly:

"Ding Dong! They will keep their former powers, but they need to live inside the artifact. As for their weapons, they are just mere weapons now."

"See? You are bullying me, and if you kept pushing me like this I might cry!"

��Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

"Don't Ding Dong me! what the hell does that even mean?!!"

"Ding Dong! You are such a big girl now, don't cry like you are a baby!"


I didn't say anything anymore, as speaking with this system would result in making me much angrier than before. "At least tell me this damn piece of metal is worth something!"

"Ding Dong! It's a mighty weapon! Don't treat it like it's a common cabbage thrown on the side of the street!"

"Good, tell me the reason then!"

"Ding Dong! You are too weak to be able to use it properly. Not until you unlock your own special nature, or else you can't use most of the spear abilities."

My eyes shone, as this stingy system was keeping such info away from me. "So I can use one ability? Come, tell mama what is this? Huh?"

"Ding Dong! Why don't you try and see for yourself? I'm not here to babysit you!"

"Yeah you are here to just Ding Dong me, right?���



I totally ignored the presence of this system as just the mere thought of it made my nerves on the edge! Something strangely was familiar between this system and Shin; both were able to push me off the roof and make me show my other angry self!

I sighed, before moving to pick up the spear after another failure to pull the mystic art trick. "If I can't use you as before, then show me your strength then," I muttered before selecting a target and ran a couple of meters to the front before arching my whole body to launch the spear like an arrow, heading in rapid movement towards the huge rock I selected.

"Speed is normal, sigh," I commented, as it moved fast –indeed –but it wasn't even on the same level as the speed of my normal spear from before. I squinted my eyes towards the rock, and the next moment the spear hit it, to be inserted deeply inside the rock, causing a long crack to appear.

"Strength of the attack is nice, snap!"

Per habit I was consumed by my comment and analysis of the spear, as I snapped my finger to call the spear back, forgetting my inability to use mystic art here.


However the next moment the spear appeared in my hand, like it didn't leave it. "Oho ho, so I can call it back? That's a good thing," I was really excited, as like this I would keep the rapid attack running without the worry of losing my spear or wasting time trying to bring it.

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