Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 385: The Arrival of the Big Traitors!

My spear didn't take roughly ten minutes for it to pump onto a huge number of monsters and demons creating a resistance that couldn't make it move forward anymore.

Its hunger value consumption rate just skyrocketed, and I kept myself busy replenishing its consumption with no time to fight the surrounding enemies.

I left them for my two demons, who kept attacking everywhere, killing the huge number of enemies around us.

However after flying for hours, I couldn't detect any players so far; everything was only filled with monsters and demons with no humans.

That made me wonder when I would face them, or they were fast runners and ran faster than my balloon?

It wasn't until six more hours that I finally was able to see a cluster of players, taking reign over a fort on the ground. I was feeling annoyed for the lack of intel I currently had, and so I told to my demons:

"Change of plans, you go down there and kill most of the players for me."

"Most?" the keen demoness noticed the slight shift in my orders. "Yup, I just want to have some prisoners," I muttered as I wanted to gain intel through them.contemporary romance

"We are going to torture them, yeah!" the demon, like an idiot, shouted out loud, making me uncomfortable for the word he chose. "We won't torture them, be more civilized, we are going to interrogate them," I said, correcting his awful choice of words here.

"Ok, we will interrogate them nicely and peacefully before we torture them!"

I slapped my forehead as this demon was really beyond repair! "Just go and do whatever you want, I want answers," I said.

"For the plans and the current escape route of the nobles?" my demoness asked, and I nodded.

The next thing happened was a small massacre while I kept myself up there in the balloon busy with the monstrous consumption of my spear. The demons and monsters were really trying their best to shield the nobles, but sooner or later I would kill them all!

After two hours of killing, and two more of terrorizing the prisoners, the demon and demoness called upon me and I lowered my balloon to get them.

The whole fort was covered in a lake of blood with no living player ever! "Have you killed them before knowing everything?" I exclaimed in shock and a slight tinge of anger.

"No, we nicely asked them as you ordered and after telling us everything we killed them all," the demon said with a grin over his face.

"And?" I demanded.

"They are running towards layer twenty four, unguarded by anything as all the demons and monsters are now standing between us and them," the demoness said, before adding, "and many forts had players who they decided to sacrifice. So, we can be delayed by them until they escape."

I smiled, evilly, while leading the balloon to the front. "Then I should let my players welcome them." I then opened the chat between me and Aria as I asked:

'Where are you now?'

'Layer twenty four, killing all the demons here.'

'A fat sheep is coming your way, please welcome them warmly.'

'The nobles?'

'The head of nobles.'

'Any demons or monsters?'

'Small entourage.'

I didn't say there was none as I didn't believe the monsters and demons would let them move without proper protection. She didn't speak further, and I knew she would be well prepared to welcome those cowards and traitors.

During the next few days, we met many forts full of players, and we killed them all without wasting much effort. My spear was keeping its high consumption rate, moving like a snail forward, but I wasn't worried at all.

The day towards the apocalypse was drawing near, and all I needed to do was to do my best and kill as many of them as possible.

On the fourth day, Aria sent me a message, finally telling me the news.

We ambushed them, a large army of five million players, but we have called in these days all the players nearby and summoned others using fast balloons. So an equal fight ragged on, and with an element of surprise on our side we managed to redeem victory, killing over two million while losing one from our side.

All the medallions of the dead belonged to us, plus many balloons. They had a small company of demons and monsters which caused some problems for us at first but we managed to deal with them.'

I read her news with a grin over my face, before asking:

'What about the rest?'

'Ran back towards layer twenty five. Do you want me to pursue it?'

I thought about it for a minute. This layer was doomed to be completely purified in a couple of days, so any waste of manpower over it would be pointless. Plus I didn't guarantee for my spear to differentiate between my enemies and my army.

'No, keep killing demons at your area and leave some players watching the whole border.'

She waited for a while before asking:

'Do you suspect they will try to cross the border again?'

'I'm quite sure of this, and this time they will come well prepared with many demons and monsters.'

'I will call more then,' she said before I closed the chat and glanced at the distance, where booming explosions kept shaking the whole layer constantly. My spear was doing its best, I knew that, but I hoped it could be a little faster than that.

My waiting moment was delayed for a couple of more days, as there were only a few hours before the end of the world moment. I lost hope already, thinking things were going to take the bad turn and my spear wouldn't be able to kill everything.

However, at this moment; three things happened!

'The nobles are crossing the border again in large numbers with the support of endless monsters and demons!' Aria sent this distress message suddenly and I knew things were going to be tough at their end for the next hours.

I sighed, as I had nothing in hand to do, however the second thing happened making me speechless!

"Game announcement: A large number of ex-players entered the game by force. The game can't prevent them from doing that, and they are heading now to the unified new sacred lands area. The game can't prevent them from doing that."

"Game announcement: the highest player with contribution points can sacrifice part of his or her own points to support the game. in return, the game will forcibly move them towards the place where the player will choose them to be."

"System prompt: Player is the highest player in the new unified sacred lands with contribution points. Player can choose to support the system and sacrifice part of her points; one billion points; in exchange for forcibly moving all those intruders in any layer the player will specify. Any killed player will grant the player ten contribution points at least, if not more according to the previous evaluation, current contribution points, and prestige of those ex-players."

I gritted my teeth knowing who exactly came here in this late hour! "Respon and Britty… just you two wait!" I then sensed my spear to find it was about to break through the resistance and fry this layer! The sudden withdrawal of many monsters and demons from here had already weakened this layer's defense, making my spear on the verge of conquering it.

"I agree!"

I didn't hesitate, as points mattered a lot by me, however all I wanted now was revenge. I never saw this move coming, and it was my luck its timing was so perfect!

I had roughly three billion points now, so taking one down wouldn't really affect me greatly. And I would still garnish some points from them.

"System prompt: Player may specify the layer for the players to appear at."

"Layer twenty five," I didn't hesitate, as I would scatter them here and make them all die under the mighty attacks of my spear.

"System prompt: Players will be forcibly moved here."

"System prompt: the size of players is very great, so they will be stretched over the next two layers as well."

"System prompt: players have been allocated successfully."

I sighed, as they came with all their might it seemed, leaving none behind. "So all those fighting here were trying to save points for you? Screw you all!" I shouted with much anger the moment many flashes of light appeared , filling the whole world around me.

It was like the clear sky was raining, not water drops but players! players appeared feeling somehow confused, as they saw the place littered with ruins, marks of brutal battles, beside the presence of endless corpses of monsters, demons, and players!

The forts in the distance were all ruined, with tongues of flames and pillars of smoke rising up from all of them. they reached their judgment day, and I would act as their executioner!

And at this moment, my spear managed to break free from all the demons and monsters holding it, and it started to explode, spreading endless lightning to cover the whole layer in an instant, killing those who just appeared here.

"I hope you two bastards will be here!" I prayed as I pictured the two of them lying dead, fried by my spear's lightning, getting what they deserved as punishment, with a loss looking over their faces.

And an evil grin appeared at my face! That was what you would gain from betraying me, betraying your people, betraying the witch!

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