Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 371: A Hard Bargain with A Dragon!

I glanced silently, glaring with both eyes towards him, while this stupid lizard kept smiling, like having fun at my misfortune and anger.

"Kekeke, I never get tired of teasing you witches. Anyway, there is no time to waste, so let's discuss our current deal."

I didn't reply, holding my tongue from cursing it out loud. After all, I was the weakest, heavily wounded one here, making me unable to object out my own curses rudely like this stupid lizard.

"The deal is simple, when the disaster befalls on all of us, I will be subjected to a huge misfortune, and I want to make a deal with you so you can help me out in my misfortune."

"Your misfortune?" I couldn't help it and asked it directly, feeling much bizarre towards his words. "Do you want me to release your curse now?" I asked, as this might be the only way that would be logic for such a huge lizard to be faced with a misfortune.

It was tied with the seal, unable to do what it wanted.

"I told you already, you can't do this and it won't help me at all. In fact breaking the seal now will only make my situation afterwards much worse! I just need you to make a pact with me, on the honor of the blood of witches, to help me in my next crisis."

I still didn't understand its words fully, and when I was about to ask about this crisis, it glanced at me in a stern look that made me pause, realizing what answer it would give to me.

I sighed, what a stupid arrogant lizard it was!

"Tell me then what do you want me to do for you! I can't agree on things I don't really know! Plus I know nothing about this pact of blabla witches, and what is the benefit I will gain out of this deal?"

"You can keep your life, as I won't kill you here. isn't this enough for you?"

"No, my life is out of the question. If not, then go ahead and kill me, after all you are saying the apocalypse is coming and no one is going to stop it. so just kill me and erase the only hope you have in this world!"

I wasn't really this brave and collected as I acted in front of it; I was extremely terrified! It could instantly kill me if it loved to, and I would lose all my current progress to here so far!

"Sigh, why are you always this hard to deceive and trick? Annoying witches!!"

I raised one eyebrow while glancing at it in a strange way; was it complaining of me not falling in its obvious trap? This shameless stupid lizard! Good for him I was weak and wounded, with no artifact, or else I would have loved to put some senses in its large dull brain of it!

"Alright, I can grant you one thing, and this is the only thing I can do for you by my current situation."


I didn't reply or even buy its words! it was trying to trick me again!! did it think I would really buy this? It had only one help to give! No way!!!

"Alright, I can give you two, and this is really the most I can do."


"Then three, and don't ask for more!"


"Damn it, why is it always that hard dealing with your kin! You aren't the only shameless beings in this universe!!"


Shameless beings?!! That stupid greedy wicked dark hearted cursed lizard was trying to call me a shameless! It was the shameless one!!!

"Alright alright, the last and really final offer, five things will be granted to you, no more."


"I won't raise my bidding higher, as I have nothing else to offer!"



We both kept glancing silently at each other, while I realized how desperate this dragon was, and how greedy and wealthy it was as well.

"Tell me what are those five things you will give me?" I asked.

"I can summon you an army to help you in your current crusade, and I can give you precious artifacts for you to use in your current crusade. Plus I can give you a defensive item to make any attacks falling on you and your army negated at once, and a huge army of very offensive monsters that will help kill your enemies in your crusade.

And finally I can give you the key where you can go directly towards the trapped lands of those calling themselves mystic art players and gain their support in your crusade."

He repeated 'in your crusade' so many times that made me already hate hearing it!

And that made me realize something; this cunning lizard didn't promise me anything related to post the apocalypse, or even to survive in it!

"No, I want things related to the apocalypse."contemporary romance

"And your fight? Your enemies are really strong and will prove themselves worthy by stopping you."

"No one can stop me, not even you," I shouted, declared my stance loud and clear, "My crusade is my fight, and my fight is my responsibility. I won't take anything related to the current situation; I wanted the five items to help me facing the upcoming apocalypse."

"Am I a prophet? I don't know how to help myself, how am I supposed to help you then?"


Again I didn't reply, as this cunning big lizard didn't give up on tricking me! It even tried to sell me cheap, giving me something that would eventually expire, according to this vague apocalypse of its saying.

"I can give you one item that might be of help post apocalypse."


"Two, and that's my limit!"


"I can't give more than three, and really this time is my last time to raise the price."



Sigh, the bargain with this dragon was really hard! I didn't even know how many items it had! I was sure it wouldn't make a losing deal, this stingy cunning lizard!



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