Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 367: A Fight Inside A Weird Labyrinth!

The central building of this forte was really huge from the inside. On contrary to the one I had entered at my conquered fifth layer's fort, this one was much spacious, looking like an underground garden with giant pillars connecting here with the above.

"Should I search here?" I wondered, as I descended through a big hole lined by thick bricks forming stairs, lined on its side, heading downwards towards the next level. I hesitated, as to look for the intruder here, or down there.

And the answer came swiftly, finalizing my hesitation.


The whole building rumbled, and in the next moment I heard and felt the gush of the summoned players up above.

However, I didn't glance up there, as my gaze only focused over down below. "So you are hiding deep underneath this fort, huh?" I smirked as I started galloping the stairs without any moment of rest.

I didn't like the idea of that enemy of mine working so near the heart of this fort. I just hoped I could reach there in time.

The whole structure of this building was really huge, like a labyrinth. If not for the recurrent rumbles coming from down below, I would never have been able to clearly scout this place in such a short duration of time.

I lost counting when I crossed the twentieth layer, and when I reached layer fifty, by rough estimation, I managed to reach the bottom of this building.

It took me five hours to just descend here! how insanely huge this whole building was! I leaned on the cold dark ground, taking my rushed up breaths, while glancing around, trying to figure out a way to head to.

In front of me, huge stone walls erected, forming a different number of corridors, while the huge pillars stretched from the ground to the high up rocky ceiling, acting like pillars holding the sky!

I couldn't tell from my low place, so I headed up the stairs, where part of the labyrinth was revealed to me, and the other was covered in strange fog.

"Screw it, I will summon my balloon and venture towards there," I cursed, as I couldn't tell which direction I should head to. The moment I headed to the ground, I heard another rumble, and this time I was greatly started by that!

This rumble felt like coming from the depth of the ground! This realization froze me, however in the next moment, a pulse of energy was born, passing like a giant wave from a certain spot there, through the walls, ending up to the place I was standing at on the stairs in no time

I hurriedly took out my shield, but had no time to even hold it straight before the shock wave hit me, sending me flying backwards to strongly hit the dry cold wall!

I spitted out blood from my mouth, looking with extreme vengeance towards the place this shock wave came from, to be stupefied at the next moment!

The wave passed through all the walls, everywhere, however certain walls were only lightened up, by a strange blue light, creating a clear path from my place heading straight towards the centre of this labyrinth, the source of this wave, the place where my enemy lied!

"Curse you, why always make everything hard, huh?!!" I cursed out loud when these lights started to grow faint, being pale and fainted rapidly until they all went!

I wiped out the blood from the corners of my mouth, headed down the stairs to grab my fallen shield, and returned back to a higher position than the one I was hit at.

I wanted to get a clearer view over the whole labyrinth, so I could memorize this long and twisted route.


The moment the sound erupted again, I activated my shield in a hurry, standing behind it to defend against the incoming wave.


The wave hit me, carried me with it, totally ignoring my shield like I was holding a thin piece of paper! I hit the walls behind fast and strong, making me bleed once more!

"Damn you!!!" I cursed, as I stood up, spat out my blood, and then stood on the stairs, angrly defying these waves and rumbles.

My eyes started to draw the pattern of this route, however before I could finish even one tenth of it, the laminating signs vanished!

"Again! Come at me you coward!"

I shouted out of anger and frustration, as I could only memorize a small part of this route!







Like this I kept hit again and again with these brutal waves, while every time I memorized a bit more of the road map until I completely memorized it after a dozen more hits!

My whole body ached, and I just descended the stairs, feeling extremely unwell, to be met with my falled shield, lying there like an innocent child who did nothing!

"You weak coward bastard! Can't you stand for even a second against this wave? If not for my need for you later on, I would have preferred to let you lying down here, totally forgotten for eternity!"

I vented all my kept inside anger and humiliation over my shield, before moving, like an angry little girl, to grab it and store it again inside my inventory.



"God damn it!!! I hate you!!!" I loudly cursed, as I wasted time venting my anger over my shield, to be hit instantly with this merciless wave!

I carried all my pain and anger, inside me again, while moving fast, without wasting any more time, towards the right direction.

The road map was freshly drawn in my mind, and I thought about flying with my balloon there; however the mere thought of this wave hitting and crushing me and my balloon made me drop such an idea.

The next minute I kept moving towards the depth of this place, while waiting for any rumble to occur.

Strangely, nothing happened! No single rumble occurred since I stepped onto the labyrinth! Was this a special rule of this place? I kept asking myself that while trying not to be distracted and focus on the map in my head.

After walking deeply in the labyrinth for hours, I completely lost the sensation of anything else! The monotonous scenes I was walking through all these hours made my senses dull!

However, when I was almost feeling nothing, I suddenly heard a scratching voice, so near to me that made me realize they were heading to my face!

Something hidden was trying to attack me! curse you!


Suddenly, the ten meters radius area around me changed, with a sudden shift in gravity, plus cancelling any stealth effect. Instantly a group of dozen assassins appeared around me, with their daggers coming so near that I thought I was gone!

However, my rarely used skill proved its worth right here, a skill I obtained a long time ago with Shin. The next moment I took out my demon's favored sword, and instantly waved it towards them, imagining them all dead!

However, no attack came out of my sword, nothing at all!

"What the hell…?!!!" I shockingly muttered, and my enemies just evilly smirked, making me realize they knew something about here, something about why my artifact didn't work.

"Mystic art!" I thought to myself, while hurrying to retreat away from them. however, just as they chased me, I noticed they were unable to use their skills here!

But I already used one of my skills! what was wrong about this cursed place! damn you barbaric demon!!!

They were chasing me away from the route I had in mind. If I couldn't kill them, then I wouldn't be able to venture forward one more step!

"Screw this, I will try my mystic art then!"

I took out my spear, threw it over my fingertips, before turning around sharply and throwing it towards the front!

My sudden move came as a surprise to them, however what my spear did was a shocking thing to me! Instead of its usual fast moving routine attack, it went like any normal spear, thrown to the front, to hit the chest of one of those attackers, nailing him down the ground, killing him just like that!

I glanced at my spear, and towards that dead player, feeling greatly confused! he could use his skills to evade, or even defend, however he just took the spear in his chest and died! As for my own spear, I suddenly felt it was simply a long stick, nothing more!contemporary romance

"Snap!" I snapped my fingers, however it didn't come back, making me more puzzled, extremely annoyed!

"Fine, if you all decide to act high and ignore me this day, I will come to drag you from your head you piece of crap!"

I screamed out at my spear, while moving forward with wide straps, heading towards the fallen assassin, however his teammates didn't stand by and watch.

They instantly appeared in front of me, coming towards me with their daggers, while two tried to pull out my spear!

"Don't touch it with your filthy noble hands of yours!!" I bellowed out angrily at them, while taking out my two artifact swords, "move out of my way!" I shouted, while waving my two swords towards the incoming enemies, hoping they would work this time.

However, unfortunately, they didn't!

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