Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 363: They Don't Want to Come and Attack Me!!!

Despite knowing that, I was extremely enraged at the moment. my demoness was dying, and I have nothing in hand to do to make her awake again!

"You keep feeding her, and when I find something worthy and useful, I will send for you," I hurriedly opened my eyes after, without waiting for him to reply to me.

The moment I opened my eyes, I glanced at the world down below. My players were now resting, recuperating from this stressful experience, while my leaders were now busy assessing the losses.

Over thirty percent of the players were lost in this wave, however the good news was that none of the mystic art players died.

It seemed this monster was afraid of mystic arts after all!

'Aria, how is the situation down below?' I asked, while moving my balloon to head directly to the ground. I had to arrange things here before venturing alone to the next layers.

My demoness wouldn't wait for my army to move this slow forwards, and thus I had to move alone, buy her some time, and try to find some worty monsters to kill.

'Things are quite chaotic, what happened here?' she asked, as this seems the question everyone was asking right now.

'I'm heading to the ground, come to meet me,' I said, while reaching to the ground, and waited for her to come.

Around me, I spotted all the players resting. They all stole glances towards me, like they were afraid to look directly towards me in the eye! I sighed, as I never planned to be a monster in these players' eyes.

"They are just admiring you, don't worry."

Suddenly this familiar voice came from my side, startling me. without delay, I turned, took out my spear, and hit that rude Rog on the face with the shaft of my spear, sending him flying backwards a couple of meters.

This startled everyone, and made them all move, at once, away from me, for fear I would attack them too.

"Again?!! Rog, after all that time together, and that nasty habit of yours never changes!"

I bellowed angrily at him, I wasn't in the mood for his little tricks! At this moment, I didn't know why, but I pictured Shin laughing, standing by my side, saying one of his annoying silly comments that he thought mistakenly as jokes!

"I'm sorry, never thought you would really hit me this hard," he stood up from the ground, rubbing his head while feeling pain. Despite his expression that could have pushed sympathy towards him for me, I didn't feel like that now!

"Stop fooling around," I simply said, while turning to spot Aria coming from far with Diana, Rendy, Merwid, and Nina. Their faces showed how serious the situation was, and that was acceptable by me, not this rash behavior Rog just expressed right now!

"Hi guild master, how are you feeling now?" Aria asked, as she was sure I also was subjected to some harm, just like others.

I was hurt, badly hurt, as my own demoness was dying! "I'm good, how are you all?" I asked, swallowing my own pain and hiding my own scar.

"We are recovering, this was really a close call," Merwid said, before adding, "I think this wasn't a simple death, as these players who died still have their bodies scattered all over the place, the morale are low and many players are shocked."

I sighed, as his words were true. My silence came as a confirmation to his own doubts, and a consolation to all the dead. "We should mourn them, later not now," I said, trying to make them all forget their losses and pains for now.

"What was that monster?" Aria asked, again, "I never sensed it approaching, and when I saw its hands, the next moment I lost my consciousness, as the next moment I got awakened by your shout," she added, while her face, her paled face, showed how severe and traumatizing this experience was.

"It surely wasn't a normal demon," Nina said, "I ventured into these layers once before, and never met something like that, ever!" she added, while Rendy and Diana nodded their heads in agreement.

"It's the monster residing in the heart of layer fifteen," I simply said, with a long sigh.

"Fifteen? Didn't we already clear it?" Diana hurriedly asked.

"I know it seems weird, but it's that fog from legends. It was suppressed under the central forte, and after the fight with those demons and monsters there, it got free, stayed silent and well hidden, and didn't show up until recently," I said, while they exchanged silent glances, feeling more shock and fear.

"Is it dead?" Aria asked.

"It's supposed to be, my spear had already attacked and killed it in layer fifteen."

"We need to make sure," Rog said, as he was now speaking seriously, "it's more wise to wait here, dispatch a group back, and scan the layer before moving forward," he added.

"Sure, go ahead and do it, I have another urgent thing to do," I said, without explaining any further.

They all glanced at me in strange way, whole Diana asked, with doubt and worry:

"Don't tell me you are going forward alone!"

"Sigh," I only replied with the sigh, the helpless sigh of mine. "You can't do it, you should wait for us to move together," Diana hurriedly added, as she was now acting like my own mother!

"It's pretty complicated, must go there and find something fast," I said, and before anyone of them could open and argue, I hurriedly added, "you stay here, make sure the monster is dead, and keep contact with me all the time. if anything happens, just inform me."

They all glanced at each other, and before they said a word, I turned around headed towards my balloon, and jumped into it. "Don't worry, it's not easy to kill me," I jokingly said, while leading my balloon towards the air, before hurriedly moving forward.

I knew they were worried about me, but I had to go. the life of my demoness was resting in my hands. it was my fault to let her enter this risky stage, and it was my responsibility to save her! And I would!

Layer sixteen was already considered a desolate land. So, I didn't find a single living creature there! my spear killed everything, and even if there was something living in hiding, then that foggy monster killed them indeed.

It took me five days to cross the whole layer, and when I stood on the border of the next layer, I was readying myself for a long and hard battle.

I took out my shield, rested it on my balloon, while activating it while holding it with my legs. A shield erupted around my balloon, and the next thing I did was to take out my spear artifact, my calibre sword artifact, and finally fill the entire balloon with pearls.

"Let's see if you dare to stand in my own way!"

I muttered, while pushing my balloon forward, entering through the border towards the next layer.

However, what met me was a huge stretch of normal demons, nothing more!

"Sigh, not a single worthy one of my time," I muttered, while shaking my head in regret, before moving forward, totally ignoring these demons.

This layer was just like the old normal layers, full of demons and forts. I noticed many already had many players staying in defense, eyeing me with extreme fear and worry.

"Sigh, no time to waste on small flies," I muttered, as it was their lucky day today, for me not having enough time to go down and kill them all. I kept moving my balloon with extreme speed, trying not to stop at anything, while glancing everywhere, looking for any single demon or monster worthy to be hunted down.

"C'mon, give me some nice monsters and demons!" I cursed loudly, while passing through the barrier of layer eighteen. The entire seventeenth layer was void of anything worthy, as if all the great demons and huge monsters retreated far the moment I needed their large numbers to appear around me!

"I'm here, I'm all alone, come and get me!" I screamed after the passage of the entire week, not seeing anything except for mere demons, flying and on the ground, and endless forts with huge armies of noble players in defense. I sighed, as this was a very bizarre moment for me.

"When I wanted to kill them they ran, when I didn't want to fight them they attacked, and when I desperately needed to kill them they vanished! What the hell is wrong with this enemy of mine?!!!"

I was very, very impatient and angry right now! I sneaked a peep into the prison, and luckily she was still breathing, and my demon was keeping the pearl supply to her unstopped for a single moment.

I took a long silent glance at her, feeling her breaths getting much weaker, and her condition seemed much worse than before.

I opened my eyes, while glancing at the world in front of me, where I was heading directly to layer nineteen without spotting a single monster or demon worthy to be killed.contemporary romance

"Sigh, what else do you want me to do for you to take my bait?!" I wondered, with much frustration inside, as their hesitation to attack me really made me angry!

"I swear if she died, I won't stop only at killing you here, but I will make sure that every single one of your filthy noble families got slain on my hands, and the hands of my army, even if it reached to topple this whole empire upside down, and spread the fire of chaos and destruction in it!"

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