Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 361: Facing the Hidden Monster Behind Such Attack!

I was really enraged at this moment! I went to rest and have a moment of peace, and the next second I opened my eyes to witness this horrifying scene!!

"Roar… Roar!" my demon coughed, or sneezed, I didn't get it actually, but he was at least alive! The hands, these illusionary deadly hands made out of fog were now circling around my balloon, like carrying and caring for it, waiting for the right moment to step inside again!

"So you are afraid of full hunger value, of full energy of me and others, despite craving greatly for it? how ironic and silly you are!"

I muttered, while the next moment I took out my shield artifact, put it heavily on my balloon, and then rested my leg over it. a hand took out my spear, and the other took out my sword, and the next moment the whole balloon got covered totally by pearls, even many started to fall off it.

"Just feed yourself to the full state, and come to help me kill these demons," I said, while starting to activate my shield, and used my two artifacts to casually attack the area around me.

The next moment, a huge shield was formed around my balloon, and two attacks fell upon the world, clashing with many hands in the way; however nothing worked!

My shield passed through these hands like they weren't existent, and my attacks just penetrated them like they were illusions!

"What the…" I exclaimed out in shock, before sending my attacks once more, for more times actually, and as before, they all went through these hands without causing any harm at all!

As for my shield, it was, for the first time ever since acquiring it, useless!

"Let me think, you only fear my energy, only my energy drives you back, then I should use my energy to attack you then!" I finally guessed it right, as I glanced at my spear artifact, while shaking my head.

This monster spear was something so hard to control! I had first to assess the success of my idea, if so then I wouldn't hesitate to use the spear artifact instead.

So, I stored my three artifacts, took out my normal spear, and easily threw it in the air, while letting it slide over the tips of my fingers. At the same time, I started stuffing pearls into my mouth, without pause.

"Let's start testing," I said with a mouth full of pearls, while the next moment I threw my spear to the front.

A calamity had befallen over these hands the moment my spear rushed its way through them! every single hand touched by my spear got itself disintegrated, and much more were already harmed by just the mere passage of it beside them!

"Great, that's great," I shouted out, finally venting all my stress and anger. The next moment I checked my hunger value, and was shocked by it!

The value of my hunger currently was exceeding three thousand, and my own hunger value upper limit was in four thousands; how could this be possible?

I glanced at the pearls around me, took one of them, waited until the pearls I just ingested finished working, and then just ate this one.

One pearl, that pearl that was able to reduce my hunger value by hundreds of points, now only gave me one single point!

"How can this be possible!!" I finished eating it, and then went to take more, testing all, and all gave me one point each!

That meant for me to be able to use my spear, I needed thousands of pearls to be eaten first, and during its fight, I needed much more pearls in the process!

That wasn't possible! Not possible at all!

"Forget it, I will just throw it, snap my fingers, bring it back, eat and replenish, and start attacking again," I gritted my teeth, as I snapped my fingers and called my spear back. I then let it on the side of the balloon, and literally dived in this large pile of pearls, eating them without stop.

I had to eat over three thousand pearls in the shortest span of time! after ten minutes, I was already full, and finally I cleared half of the balloon pearls on my own, and the other half was cleared by my demon.contemporary romance

"Don't look at me like I stole your lunch! Here, eat them all," I said when I noticed the blaming look of my demon, while waving my hand to refill the balloon once more. "Let's see how you stand against my spear, cursed hands!"

I got up, took my artifact spear off, and finally threw it over my fingertips. This time, I didn't feel such pain as before, and all I cared about wasn't pain actually, it was the hunger value consumption presented on my screen.

It went down pretty fast, damn it! I didn't wait any longer, and hurriedly threw my spear towards the ground, in a curved path!

The moment it went off my fingertips, a roaring sound erupted from it, and a huge deafening sizzling sound came from the world around me. I had to resist the urge to put both hands over my ears to protect them, as this would cancel my attack!

"Go, kill them all!!" I screamed with all my might, while enduring this torturing voice. The spear went like a thunderbolt, sweeping and cleaning any hand in its path, and even for miles around it!

Many hands appeared instead, lightning sparks emanated from the spear, moving like serpents, zigzagging in the air, running after any hand to kill it!

My spear seemed to sense my anger, and it decided to show off its support to me in this domineering way! From my high up place, a huge triangle started to appear, with its apex being my balloon, and its base was these huge numerous lightning hands surrounding my spear.


A huge mighty explosion occurred, while my spear shifted its course finally, to go forward, to the direction of layer fifteen border. I hurriedly glanced at the hunger value consumption, it was decreasing, not as fast as before, as a strange thing happened in the process.

The meter would decrease, and suddenly increase again, then decrease, and increase again! this kept happening every passing second! I closed and opened the screen again, and if there was a way to shake it off I would have done it already, however after many times of opening and closing, nothing changed.

My hunger value was rising up and down, on its own, pretty fast!

"Never mind, all I care about right now is to make sure this hunger value hit the zero bottom fast!"

As there was no threat currently over me, I jumped in the pearls, joining my demon, and an unofficial competition of who would consume more pearls started between the two of us.

While my spear kept causing booming explosive sounds every now and then! I didn't glance at it, as I knew it wouldn't stop killing all these hands as long as I provided it with energy!

After ten minutes, I felt the sizzling sounds here to be lower, dying down for sure. I glanced at my hunger value, and thankfully it was now in hundreds only, and the previous dancing was still happening non-stop.

I didn't give this strange dance any heed, stood up and hurriedly glanced at the world around me.

At the border with layer fifteen, a very ugle huge mouth appeared, opening its huge, endless, jaws and all these hands just erupted out of it!

The whole border was now made entirely of this monster's jaw! The whole world had hands coming out from this weird mouth, sucking dry everything!

"How come it appeared from layer fifteen? The whole layer was swept clean already, checked more than once by me and my players?!" I muttered in daze, while then glancing at the ground. My whole army of players was now unconscious, deep in coma, and there might be a huge number of them dead already!

I didn't delay as I waved my hand, controlling my balloon to move fast in the whole layer, above my players I let the pearls fall like rain, hoping they would be able to sense it, open their mouths and eat them.

As for that strange hideous huge monster, I was sure my spear was now doing a great job, already blocking every single hand coming out from this monster, trying to break through it to finally kill it.

At this moment I realized what my spear was planning to do, as it would exhaust the monster first, like what it did with the witch killers, then it would explode with a mighty wave of attack, killing anything in its way, covering the whole world in a layer of thunder!

"Let me be sure that damned value is zero then," I laughed, as I started letting go of the pearls in huge quantities, while letting few drop over my face and eat them in the meantime.

Sigh, why fighting here turned out to be so hard and complicated!

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