Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 359: A Complete Victory with Minimal Losses

The fight seemed unbalanced, however my players were dealing impressively with them! The soul suckers became an old problem they used to deal with, as for the new incoming giant demon army, they were able to handle them on expense of losing many of my players.

The good thing for them was the fact that their numbers were not that great, as only less than a million demons passed through my devastation in layer fifteen.

As for the main force here, they were, undoubtedly, the soul suckers! They were towering and filling the place with their huge bodies, and the ground was already filled with them, walking underground, unseen, secretly and silently attacking and killing my players.


At this moment, a huge explosion occurred at the distance, with a huge ball of lightning bolts forming, starting to grow, sweeping any demon on its path!

It was good to push all the demon army back to the border of layer fifteen, but they had minimal effects on the soul suckers.

However, I didn't wait for the lightning attack of my spear to reach the other border, as I snapped my fingers, retracted my spear, took out my normal spear, and glanced at the underground silent assassins of these soul suckers.

Your judgment day had arrived!

"Penta auxiliary skill."

"Lightning tempest skill."

"Dragon head skill."

I used my signature skills, and the next moment, I started hammering my spears on the top of the heads of those sneaky giants underground.

I already got used to spotting them, and so I could easily spot anyone of them. I moved my balloon over the whole layer, unhindered, with no demon or soul sucker able to attack me, or even touch my balloon.

I was this layer's bloody queen, flying everywhere, with tens of thousands of spear shadows behind my back, forming a huge, greatly horrifying scene to behold.

As for my players, they didn't reorganize themselves ever again, instead they fought in a much more chaotic way that I couldn't follow or understand. I didn't need to understand how they were fighting, I only wanted them to stay alive, and kill their enemies.

I learnt from my last experience in using the spear, so I filled the balloon with pearls, grew my army of spears into tens of thousands without pause for days, while replenishing the high consumption rate of these spears with pearls.

However, no matter how much I summoned, they were in no comparison with my spear artifact at all! I never experienced that monstrously terrifying consumption rate like I did using my spear artifact.

The fight continued on for a whole five days. The main problem were these soul suckers, which were moving underground, making it hard for my players to spot or attack, while I was the sole person here able to see and kill them.

So, I took over two days cleaning up every single bit of this layer of them, while I sent my players, those surviving of them, towards the next layer. The moment they reached there, Aria sent me a message, with much distress:

'Guild master, the whole layer is covered in lightning! What should we do?!!'

I laughed when I read her message, and greatly regretted I was stuck here and wasn't with them. their faces must be a scene to marvel, not to be repeated easily again.

'Don't worry, just move forward, nothing bad will happen to you.'contemporary romance

I didn't receive anything else from her, and that meant either they passed safely or they were all killed by my lightning; just joking.

I vented my frustration of being here over any remaining sly soul suckers, and finally, by the fall of the final one, and I made sure there were no more monsters here, I sent the word to Aria.

'Sent players over!'

However, I didn't receive a reply, making me wonder for a moment about the reason, and it suddenly hit me!

"Oh, I totally forgot the layer was still shielded by those demons' nasty aura blocking any communication."

I sighed, and then I glanced at the distant border as I sighed. "Start battering that border to crack it," I said to my demon, wasting more time in making a big crack, enough for my balloon to pass.

It took a day to reach the border and make enough crack for me to pass through. The moment I entered the layer, I was met with cheering roars, as my slogan was repeated one time after another.

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

I totally forgot how vast and mighty my true army was! After many days of fighting alone, and after days of fighting alongside my small army, I finally was recalled, in a majestic and much amazing and mesmerizing way about how strong the army of players I had was!

I smiled, without saying a word, without speaking to any, I raised my spear, with the huge tail of spears stretching for miles behind me, driving the whole world here into a very domineering silence. I simply waved my spear forward, I waved all the tens of thousands of spears forward, towards the border of layer fourteen.

The next moment, my spear disappeared with the huge entourage of shadow spears following its course.

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

They all cheered with their mighty voices, while I led them passing finally through the border of the layer that caused us all this trouble. However, marching right now, in this great march of triumph, alongside the great army of my players, passing through this layer, and the next, and the next, I really felt how bitter my enemies were feeling right now.

"Hahaha, send whatever you want, anything you throw in my face I will smash it and spit it over your dirty faces, before I come to you and kill you all with the two of my hands!"

I laughed out loud in a maniac way, as I was right now feeling really invincible. I didn't mind the glances of others surrounding me while we were marching in the vacant and empty layer sixteen, as I had all the right to be like this, arrogant and proud!

Layer sixteen was completely empty, even from demons, regular demons, those that always felt any layer. So, during the march, we only moved forward, while arranging the work of everyone under the guidance of my vices and elders.

All players with mystic arts were now dealing with the dead bodies of the giant soul sucker monsters. We lost over one million and half of our players in that battle, however all the medallions were restored, and one million and half others stepped in taking their places.

This made the loss quite unworthy to mention, like it never happened at all! As for my blacksmith players, they started strengthening the gears of others, using greater amounts of cubes and parts salvaged from the dead monsters' bodies.

We also met many remains of the giant monsters, and the flying ones. These remains were globular in shape, dark red and dark green in colors, making me wonder which was of what.

I also left them to my players, to make them strengthen the gears of all players with them. Currently, the tens of millions marching with me are now going through a phenomenal upgrading transformation to their entire gears, making them all immune and lethal to two types of demons and one type of monsters so far.

Let's see what they would use to attack us next.

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