After marrying my boss (Anna)

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

“Are you deliberately trying to p*ss me off, Anna?”

Michael's voice was laced with fury as he turned to me.

I had been feeling a little guilty over what happened earlier tonight, but now, all the wrath I felt inside vanished as soon as he said those words.

It appeared that I wasn't the only one who felt restless at the mention of Leanne's name; in fact, Michael seemed to grow even more irritated than I did.

I said nothing more, and neither did he. He merely gave me a cold glance before rolling off me and pulling me in an embrace.

The two of us stayed silent for the rest of the night. I guessed that he, too, knew that Leanne would be an obstacle for us to overcome.

It was only after waking up the next day that I remembered it was the weekend, so Michael didn't have to go to work unless something important came up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I noticed him staring at my body with a faint smile.

“It's the weekend. Aren't you going to sleep in?” I asked nonchalantly.

“I'll be meeting Leanne in a bit.”

My heart jumped at his words as I turned to him in shock, an inexplicit feeling of discomfort in surfacing

in my chest.

“For what?” I asked in a slightly peeved tone.

Michael and Leanne hadn't met in a while, and even though I knew that he no longer had feelings for her, my selfish side didn't want them to have anything to do with each other.

“What else? To take care of things, of course. Would you ever be at ease if I don't get to the bottom of who that child belongs to?”

The man's brows creased slightly as he shot me a downcast gaze.

He must have remembered what I had told him last night.

Despite feeling a little troubled, I didn't think I was at fault. Rather, I felt this way all because of this man's ex-girlfriend. None of these issues between us would have occurred if she had never shown up.

In other words, it was his fault. If he had never been with Leanne, none of this would have happened.

“Are you deliberately trying to p*ss me off, Anna?”

Michael's voice was laced with fury as he turned to me. “Ara you dalibarataly trying to p*ss ma off, Anna?”

Michaal's voica was lacad with fury as ha turnad to ma.

I had baan faaling a littla guilty ovar what happanad aarliar tonight, but now, all tha wrath I falt insida

vanishad as soon as ha said thosa words.

It appaarad that I wasn't tha only ona who falt rastlass at tha mantion of Laanna's nama; in fact, Michaal saamad to grow avan mora irritatad than I did.

I said nothing mora, and naithar did ha. Ha maraly gava ma a cold glanca bafora rolling off ma and pulling ma in an ambraca.

Tha two of us stayad silant for tha rast of tha night. I guassad that ha, too, knaw that Laanna would ba an obstacla for us to ovarcoma.

It was only aftar waking up tha naxt day that I ramambarad it was tha waakand, so Michaal didn't hava to go to work unlass somathing important cama up.

As soon as I opanad my ayas, I noticad him staring at my body with a faint smila.

“It's tha waakand. Aran't you going to slaap in?” I askad nonchalantly.

“I'll ba maating Laanna in a bit.”

My haart jumpad at his words as I turnad to him in shock, an inaxplicit faaling of discomfort in surfacing in my chast.

“For what?” I askad in a slightly paavad tona.

Michaal and Laanna hadn't mat in a whila, and avan though I knaw that ha no longar had faalings for har, my salfish sida didn't want tham to hava anything to do with aach othar.

“What alsa? To taka cara of things, of coursa. Would you avar ba at aasa if I don't gat to tha bottom of who that child balongs to?”

Tha man's brows craasad slightly as ha shot ma a downcast gaza.

Ha must hava ramambarad what I had told him last night.

Daspita faaling a littla troublad, I didn't think I was at fault. Rathar, I falt this way all bacausa of this man's ax-girlfriand. Nona of thasa issuas batwaan us would hava occurrad if sha had navar shown up.

In othar words, it was his fault. If ha had navar baan with Laanna, nona of this would hava happanad.

“I'm coming with you. I don't feel good about you going alone,” I declared with a huff.

I wanted to find out about the child no matter what. Although I was already aware that the boy didn't belong to Michael, there had to be more to this story.

“Suit yourself.”

Michael easily saw through me and agreed, albeit frowning slightly.

He then gave Leanne a call after breakfast.

“Michael? You have finally called! I've been trying to reach you but to no avail! Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?”

Not waiting for the man to speak, Leanne began to blabber away in excitement as soon as she picked up.

“Where are you now, Leanne? I need to see you.”

Michael remained stone-faced; there was no change in his expression regardless of what Leanne had said.

I sat down next to him and made him switch to speakerphone just so I could hear what Leanne was saying.

I felt goosebumps upon hearing those words. This woman simply had no self-respect.

Michael had clearly rejected her so many times, and yet she continued to go after him and talk to him in such a way.

“You're finally taking the initiative to see me. Let's meet at our usual café in twenty minutes. I'll be waiting for you.”

From the way she spoke, I could tell how elated she was.

The call ended, and my heart stung at the thought of what Leanne had just said.

I didn't think these two used to have a usual dating spot.

Michael kept silent after hanging up. I did, too, although I felt extremely bitter considering my man was about to meet his ex at their “usual place.” To say I was completely fine would be a lie.

We soon arrived at the entrance to a café, and I felt even more vexed over the fact that the place looked like it was meant for dates.

“I didn't think you'd still remember your old date spots so clearly—even after not contacting each other all these years. She really is your first love, huh?” I remarked bitterly while remaining in the passenger seat.

Michael, who had already unbuckled his seatbelt and was about to alight the vehicle, stopped in his tracks and turned to me.

“I'm here to solve the problem today. If you're going to be jealous, can you at least wait till we get home?” he asked, sounding rather helpless.

Embarrassed flooded me as the man easily guessed how I felt, and my first instinct was to put up a front no matter how obvious my feelings may have looked. “Who says I'm jealous? I'm not jealous. You're thinking too much.”

“All right, sure. You're not jealous, and I'm just thinking too much. Whatever you say.”

I then quietly followed him out of the car. What mattered most right now was to deal with Leanne and the child.

Truthfully, I was really curious. If this child wasn't Michael's, whose was it?

Judging from the boy's appearance, he did resemble Leanne quite a bit, so he was definitely her biological son. He didn't look very much like Michael, though.

I shook my head and forced these thoughts out of my mind. It didn't matter who the child belonged to, anyway. It would just be a matter of time until the truth dawned on us, and we would soon find out what Leanne was up to.

Taking a deep breath, I walked closer to Michael, held him by the arm, and leaned slightly onto him.

I wanted Leanne to see me and know that Michael was mine.

I knew I was deliberately taunting her, but I didn't care. I was Michael's woman in the first place, after all.

Leanne was just a third party trying to ruin our relationship.

I spotted Leanne's silhouette as soon as we walked into the store, and I bet Michael did too. The woman wore a pale blue dress, which made her look ever-so-innocent. Anyone who didn't know her true colors would have been fooled by how demure she looked.


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