Accidentally in Love with the Best Friend

Chapter 14.|Escaping The Wolves|


I could see the rays of sunlight shining through from my spot in the mouth of the cave. All I remember was praying I didn’t fall asleep so I wouldn’t be defenseless to the wolves, but look at how far that got me.

I was going to stretch my arms above my head as I yawned, but I couldn’t do that. I struggled, trying to sit up, but I couldn’t move. My breathing quickened as I noticed the heavy weight of the black wolf on top of me, his head in the crook of my neck. I started shaking underneath him, tears springing into my eyes. I was stupid enough to fall asleep, and now look where I was - seconds from my life coming to an end.

The wolf immediately stuck his head up, his gaze sweeping the area, as if he was oblivious to the fact that it was him causing my tears. Not finding any sort of threat, he snuggled closer into me, causing my shaking to increase and the hyperventilating to commence. He watched with his expressive eyes as I shakily moved my hands to his shoulders, gently trying to push him off of me.

I was afraid he would snap at me for doing so, but instead, he surprised me. He stood, laying down next to me and sighing. I held my breath, my entire body still shaking. I knew I needed to get myself together, but I also needed to escape.

I couldn’t stay here any longer, not when I was afraid this wolf was going to eat me and I was keeping Justin worried. So, I decided that when the moment arrived, I was going to take my chances and slip out of here. Staying around, waiting for this wild animal to eat me wasn’t going to work.

Finally, after hours of rocking back and forth against the wall, the wolf got up from his spot watching me and headed out of the cave, but not before giving me a warning look. It was obvious he didn’t want me to leave, but was I really going to wait to be eaten alive? I’d rather not.

So, the minute he was out of my sight, I was up on my trembling legs as I made my way towards the entrance. I didn’t really care if I was caught - making it out breathing was all that would concern me right now.

I ran towards the exit, my weak legs slowly becoming stronger at the mere thought of being home again, of seeing someone, anyone again, of the mere idea of food. The world around me grew brighter as I entered the woods versus being trapped in the cave. I kept moving, not sparing a glance behind me, fearing what I’ll see.

The trees only grew thicker as I continued to run, but I didn’t care. As long as I got out of here in one piece, I was good. My senses were on high alert, and my sides began to cramp up as I continued running.

I knew it wasn’t a smart move, but I stopped my mad dash to look around, deciding it was best if I knew where I was and which way I needed to go. Unfortunately, I didn’t recognize anything from the way I entered the woods, and fear began to chew on my insides. What if I never escaped? What if I was stuck here-

My inner rant came to a halt when I heard a dangerously low growl behind me. I turned slowly, my limbs starting to lock up in fear.

Standing on rather large rock right behind me, was the wolf, who looked even more magnificent in the sunlight. His head dipped low though, as he observed how far I had come from the cave.

As if making up his mind, he jumped down, stalking towards me like I was prey. Just feet from me, my instincts kicked in and my legs became unstuck as I took off. Judging by the sounds of paws pounding on the ground behind me, I was certain that the wolf was following me.

I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to go, but I wasn’t about to give up anytime soon. I tore between the trees, weaving wildly, trying in vain to throw the beast behind me off my trail.

When the wooded area around me began to thin out, I took it as a blessing. Although there would be less obstacles separating me from the nightmare behind me, I would hopefully be closer to humans. And any kind of civilization meant safety.

I was nearly there, the field that I had originally come through just yesterday was in front of me, and a cry of joy left my lips. It looked like I had spoken too soon, however, because before I knew it, I was on the ground, the wolf hovering over me.

He growled lowly, and I shook violently. But I hadn’t come all this way to turn back, to be killed. So, with as much strength as I could, I shoved the wolf, hard. He obviously hadn’t been expecting it, and stumbled back. I used this as my advantage to get back on my feet as I took off.

Farther into the field was a road, and past that was an old house. I wasn’t sure if anyone lived there, but hopefully I could use it as shelter.

My legs started to slow, but I wouldn’t let myself stop moving, not until I was completely out of danger’s way. I finally collapsed out of exhaustion, after all, I hadn’t eaten since yesterday’s breakfast and I had been running for a good hour.

I heard footsteps coming closer, so I started crawling, trying to catch my breath. If this wolf thought I was going to roll over, it was wrong.

Suddenly I stilled as an all too familiar voice rang through the air. “Harp?!” I looked up to see Justin, leaning down to look at me.

All I felt was pure relief. I was safe.

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