Accidental Surrogate

Chapter 385

Accidental Surrogate Chapter 385-Long Miles
I gasp a few hours later when I see the gigantic RV that rolls up out front of the
“Seriously?” Hanks says, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at it,
somewhere between impressed and revolted by the extravagance. “The gas
mileage on that thing must be horrible
“Ohhh,” I say, laughing and swatting him on the arm with one hand, the other
holding Rafe’s carrier where he’s already bundled and ready. “Don’t spoil my
fun, Hank – you’re just jealous because you’re not coming.”
“Yes,” Hank murmurs, giving me a good-natured side eye. “Yes, there’s
absolutely nothing I want more in the world than to be cooped up in a tin can
with Roger and Cora for forty-eight hours. You’re right.”
I laugh when I consider this point, stepping closer to Hank and wrapping him in
a one-armed hug that he’d probably rather avoid. But we’ve grown a lot closer in
the past few days, working together, and well? If he’s going to be my friend, then
he’s going to have to get used to a great deal of affection.
“You’ll be all right here when we’re gone?” I ask, pulling away.
“Ah, don’t worry about me,” Hank says with a little smirk and a shrug. You guys
have bigger things on your plate.”
“When I come back,” I say, looking at him seriously now, hoping he understands

how much he means to me – to all of us. “We’re going to do big things, okay?
Help a lot of people. With the gift, and with your skills.”
“That’s all I want, Ella,” Hank says seriously, giving me a nod and a little smile
that’s likely the most emotion I’m going to see from him anytime soon. But then
his eyes drift to Cora and Roger who come through the door of the clinic and I
know...well, I know that what Hank says about this being all he wants is a little
bit of a lie. And my heart aches for him because I know now, for sure, that he’ll
never get it.
I purse my lips a little, trying not to let him see me pity him. But he catches me in
the act.
“Don’t,” Hank sighs, shaking his head at me. “I’m good, Ella. I really am.”
“I know,” I say, putting a hand out to his shoulder. He gives me a sad little smirk
before turning back into the clinic – intent, clearly, on busying his mind so that
he doesn’t have to think about her. Cora and Roger call brief goodbyes to Hank
before coming to my side to admire the RV.
“It’s huge,” Cora says, her eyes wide.
“It’s not so big,” Roger says with a shrug. But Cora and I both roll our eyes at
him as Sinclair parks the vehicle and climbs out of the driver’s seat. Cora and I
didn’t grow up with much as kids, and we’ve certainly never been on a vacation
like this – with a whole fancy vehicle reserved just for us.

I’m so incredibly excited I can barely contain it.
“Ready?” Sinclair asks, opening the door to the living compartment of the RV
and pushing a button that activates a little metal platform that lowers itself to the
ground so that Henry can wheel onto it.
“Yes!” I say, taking Cora’s hand and pulling her with me to Sinclair’s side. ” Is it
nice? Are there enough beds? Is there a kitchen? How do you -”
Sinclair just laughs at me, shaking his head as Henry maneuvers himself onto
the lift. “Just go in, Ella,” he says, nodding towards the door with the short flight
of stairs. “Explore. Let yourself be surprised.”
I eagerly do as my mate suggests, hurrying up the steps and gasping with
excitement again as I look around. It’s absolutely gorgeous inside, and
everything is so shiny –
“Oh, wow,” Cora says, her eyes as wide as mine as she climbs in after me. “This
My sister comes with me as we wander around the space, admiring the
gorgeous kitchenette with its white leather table space, the little living area that
comes after that, the adorable, cleverly designed bathroom that makes the most
of the minimal space allotted to it. But I really gasp when I see the bedroom
tucked away in the back –
with its king-sized bed, and plush downy linens.

“Oh my god,” I say, quickly unbuckling Rafe from his carrier and groaning as I sit
down with him on the bed which is as comfortable as it looks. “Oh, I missed big
beds – ”
“Um, Ella,” Cora says, smirking at me from the doorway. “What do you think
you’re doing?”
“Huh?” I ask, confused.
“That’s my bed,” she says, her wicked smirk growing.
“What!?” I gasp, and then I groan as I remember Sinclair’s promise to her – a
big bed for her and Roger. “Well then where do I sleep?!”
“Out there,” Sinclair says, appearing in the doorway behind Cora. “The couches
transform – one into a queen for me and you, and the other into a twin, which
my dad will take – ”
“Noooo,” I moan, tossing my head back and settling deeper into the pillows.
“Can I sleep in here with Cora and Roger? I won’t take up much space – you
can take the baby and -”
“No chance in hell,” Roger declares, pushing past Sinclair into the room with
little travel bags filled with his and Cora’s stuff which isn’t much, considering we
haven’t had access to any of our possession since we left the bunker. Roger
places the bags on the ground and snaps his fingers at me when he straightens
up. “Up, Ella. That’s my bed.”

“No, I need it,” I whine, pouting at him.
“Ella,” Cora says, unable to keep the mischief out of her eyes even though she
pretends she’s serious. “I’m pregnant. I need my rest.”
I sigh then, glaring at her for playing the pregnancy card.
“Fine,” I growl, making them all laugh as I huff my way back to the living room.
“But this queen-sized bed better be comfortable,” I say to my mate as I pass
“Fit for a Queen,” he says, following me back into the main living area of the RV
and giving Roger and Cora a moment alone.
To my surprise, Henry has already settled himself at the front of the RV, locking
his chair into a space where the passenger seat should be. He gives me a little
wave before turning back to a set of maps. I take a moment to admire the
ingenuity of the vehicle and how cleverly it’s been made accessible for someone
in a wheelchair.
“You two ready?” Sinclair says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and
looking down at Rafe, still in my arms and looking happily around at all of the
bright lights.
“Yes,” I say, meaning it as I give him a big smile. “How long do you think it will
take to get there? To the temple?”
“We’ll probably get there sometime tomorrow,” Henry calls over his shoulder and

Sinclair nods in agreement. “Oh,” I say with surprise. “So where will we sleep
“A campground somewhere,” Sinclair says with a shrug. “We have to see how
far we get. It’s part of the adventure, and part of staying anonymous. No
reservations for people to know where we’ll be staying.”
“Do you think,” I say, glancing out the windows. “That we’ll be followed?”
“I don’t,” he says, placing a finger beneath my chin and turning my face back to
him. “It’s all right, Ella,” he says softly. “You can relax. Enjoy it. You’ve worked so
hard lately – let me... let me give this to you, as well as to Cora.”
And a soft smile finds my face as I realize that Sinclair’s willingness to take this
trip was about ensuring that Cora and Roger get the answers that they need,
but that it’s also about me. About us. About giving us a minute as well to just...
breathe. To have a nice couple of days.
I nod to him, letting him know that I understand.
Roger comes out of the bedroom area, Cora close behind, and he claps his
hands, asking if it’s time to get started. I settle myself down on one of the little
grey couches, eager to see what happens next, and Cora sits next to me,
likewise buzzing with excitement.
Then, as one, our mates turn towards the front of the RV and take a step
towards the driver’s seat.

“Um,” Sinclair says, putting out a hand and settling it on Roger’s chest, stopping
him. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“,” Roger says, as if it’s obvious. Sinclair lets out a sarcastic little
laugh. “Funny,” he says, gesturing towards where Cora and I sit with his other
hand. “Go play checkers with your mate, Roger.”
“How can I do that, Dominic,” Roger says, his voice deadpan, “it will be very
distracting to be playing a game while I’m driving.”
And then the two of them start to bicker about who is going to drive, making
Cora and I dissolve into laughter.
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“Do you think there’s really checkers?” I ask her, looking around at all the clever
little compartments around me.
“I hope so,” she says, starting to open a drawer which I gasp to see is indeed
stacked with a bunch of games – most of them magnetic so that we can indeed
play them while we’re driving.”
Because I’m going to need a distraction if we’re going to listen to that all day,”
she says, nodding towards the brothers who still continue to fight.
It takes them about fifteen minutes to come up with a driving plan that they both
find equitable and Roger sits down next to Cora in a huff, letting Sinclair take the

first shift.
“Red or black?” Cora asks him with a smirk, unfolding the board and placing it
between them. “Black,” he sighs, scowling a little and looking jealously at his
brother in the front of the RV.
“Poor baby,” Cora coos, running a hand through Roger’s hair. “Don’t worry – you
can have your turn soon.”
His scowl deepens, making me laugh, and then – with a lurch – we’re on our
way. My stomach twists with excitement. A road trip! I can’t even begin to think
of anything I want to do more with my family right now.
“I get winner,” I declare, leaning back against the cushions with Rafe sitting
happily in my lap as Roger and Cora begin to play. I’m looking forward to this
relaxing little vacation, but deep down?
I’m most excited about Cora getting answers to her questions. Soon, I think, my
stomach giving an excited little twist. Soon we’ll know the answers to so many
mysteries about this baby.
Mysteries I’m absolutely dying to have solved

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