A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 80

Third POV

“I love you, Aaron,” she mumbled.

He knew that and believed it. “I love you too"

They stayed in each other's arms, unmoved and unwilling to let go. The night was chilly, but Zera didn’t seem to mind. Aaron held her close to his warm body, and the heat kept her contented.

She kissed his chest while running her hand over the mark of the tattoo, making him shiver at her touch.

“We should go inside,” he spoke, seeing as the morning approached. They had laid for over an hour in silence, and as mu as he wanted to continue, he knew they shouldn't.

She nodded, and he helped her to her feet, gathering her clothes and helping her put some on. He found his trousers an shirt not so far away and quickly retrieved them. He wore them, hoping to go in and clean up properly.

“You're okay, right?" he asked, but she didn't answer. Instead, she picked up her boots. He took hold of her hand, bringing her attention to him, and their gazes locked. “You're okay, right?” I asked again.

She smiled before answering. “I am okay, Aaron, don't worry."

He smiled. “You were really brave, braver than I ever was with Ron, and I think he's your hardest lover yet.”

That made her smile harder, but her smile faded and her gaze remained on something behind him. His eyes narrowed, ar he turned around to find a tall brown-haired man with height and build matching his, having a smirk on the corner of his lips. He walked towards them along with four men equally built like him and Aaron knew they were members of his pack. Aaron recognized him. His name was Theo, the alpha of the rebellion pack, and it made his blood boil. He had always hez about Alpha Theo, the ruthless and blood-thirty alpha who ruled every territory he went to. Aaron had always heard abot him and knew a day would come when they would meet. He didn't look forward to it but knew he couldn't escape it. The alpha was the bully of the other packs and kept his enemies on their toes. Theo was also Nicole's ally. After he banished her from the Dominio pack, she left and joined an alliance with him.

This was their first confrontation and Aaron hated that he was under-prepared for it.

It was considered an act of war for a pack to cross into the territory of another during a full moon shift without formal notice or invitation. Theo knew all that and still defiled the rules. The consequences of crossing territory included war on the offending pack or the death of the invaders. This was the rule and order that had governed the werewolf realm for thousands of years. However, Aaron couldn't uphold those rules because here now, he was outnumbered and outmatche and needed to consider the proper course of action.

The rebellion pack had no respect for anyone, and Maxwell, Theo's father, just like Dane, Nicole's father, had always want power. His rebellion brought about the death of Dwayne and Scarlet Hart, Aaron's parents, and he did it to become the strongest alpha alive. Though the attack was meant to wipe out the entire Hart family, the four heirs of the Harts survivec and went into hiding, only surfacing when they had built themselves up. With the bloodline of the Harts still alive, power did not shift to Maxwell Vane or another living alpha.

Just like the Vanes did with my parents, the Kents, using Nicole, tried to eliminate me and failed as well. Together, the Ker and Vanes were vicious and had no loyalty to anyone but themselves. Rumours were Theo killed his father to take over a the alpha, and also helped Nicole do the same. The rumours surprised no one.

Aaron wanted to know how they got in. He wanted to know who they harmed to get in and what their plans were. Zera wa still with him and he had to protect her at all costs.

“What do you think you're doing crossing into territories that aren't yours, Theo?” he asked, stepping up towards him, his eyes glowing.

Theo took a bold step forward. “I came to give you something” he said and nodded his head to the one standing behind him on the right side. A man stepped forward with a black bag in his hand. Theo took the bag, stepped up towards Aaron, and reached into it. He pulled out a decapitated head and tossed it towards Aaron and Zera.

The head rolled over and stopped at his feet and, glancing down, Aaron realized it was Blake, the werewolf he had sired and charged with the responsibility of infiltrating and gathering information about the rebellion pack and sending them across.

zera gasped out in fear from behind before covering her mouth and he knew she must have seen the horror too. He didn’ want her caught up in any of this, but he knew the rebellion pack didn't hide their lack of respect for boundaries and he didn't think they ever will until put in their place.

“Recognise him?" Theo asked.

Aaron looked up at him with a face red with fury. “'d advise you to choose your next words carefully.” he snarled and his hands balled into tight fists. The air coming through his nostril grew hot and his fangs grew into long and sharp ones. “Why? You're about to break your curse and think you can take us?” Theo challenged, and the men behind him stepped forward, growling.

“No, but I am strong enough to blast you into oblivion if you don't leave now,” Ivan spoke up from behind.

Aaron tured and found him in a long white robe. He had three white stripes on his face, one on his forehead and two under his eyes. His hands were stretched out, ready to blast his magic, and with every step he took, he did with much confidence.

Theo growled loudly, not loving that he didn't have the upper hand in this confrontation as he thought he would.

He turned his back and the six other men he came with followed.

Aaron turned around and wrapped his arms protectively around Zera, who trembled beside him in fear. He wanted to assure her everything was okay, but even he wasn't so sure.

These men had entered the pack estate with much ease. He wondered how they got in and what other access they had. Without protection, they were as vulnerable as ever, open to attack, and that was the last thing they could afford.

End of part 5

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