A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 69

I told myself the ast time I came into my office and found Aaron there would be the last time we'd do anything in my offi but I couldn't keep to my words, especially when Aaron was involved. S* before work had now become a frequent thing. enjoyed it and won't be a liar, but the effect was getting worse and I couldn't stop myself from wanting him whenever I sa him. We barely had time to ourselves because of our work and other responsibilities, so this worked best.

Aaron adjusted his brown trousers and rose to his feet. He looked dreamy in his white long-sleeved shirt tucked into his trousers, and it was the sight that made me lose control this morning.

I rubbed my hand over my face after adjusting my suit and pencil-mouthed skirt. “We can't keep doing this at work."

“I know.” he took a step toward me. “I know, but sometimes I just want you so much it drives me crazy." He kissed my cheeks, down my neck.

I wanted him to, and it was hard to control, but this was also my job, and I couldn't keep doing this to my students. They needed the best, and I had to give it to them.

“Anywhere but here. I want you too, but wanting you would mean neglecting my responsibility as a lecturer to my student I think they deserve more than that and do not tell me to quit my job” I said because the last time I spoke about this in f place, his suggestion was for me to quit my job and I remembered how angry I got at him.

“twill not say that" He raised both hands in surrender. “I understand, and that's why I'm going to propose that you move with me.”

I gave him a look of disbelief, but the hand he held out had a key in it. “You're not serious, are you?"

“Well, I've got the house key in my hand. I have to be serious at this point.” He said. “If you move in, we can do things together. Take care of Zion together, and then we will have more time to ourselves.”

I stayed silent, thinking over what he had just proposed, but not taking the key in his hand yet. “Would Zion be able to adjust to the changes?”

“I think so. He's seen us together in the last few months and can figure out something is up between mommy and daddy! His last line made me chuckle and roll my eyes because indeed, Zion had asked a few questions in the last few months. about us. “You're just saying things to make me accept your offer of moving in."

He grinned. “I get to kill two birds with one stone, so it's a happy deal”

Despite having taken the key before he left, I told him I would think about his offer. My class was long but engaging, and I had worked to get more control over things. At the end of the class, Myra, a second-year student of mine, hinted I had a s+ glow, which I didn’t think was a thing. I had to look it up and discovered that it was.

Oh, how red my cheeks became.

After the class ended, I spent the rest of the hours at work researching on the internet for clues about the curse of power finished reading the fourth book of the werewolf myths and lore two weeks ago and after finishing the 300 paged book; I didn't find the information I needed or anything related to the curse of power, which was what I wanted to find. It frustrated me, but I had to keep going.

At five p.m., the reminder I had set for the third Adams’ picnic we had planned out for the day went off and I shut down laptop. Though I got up and got ready for the outing, my mind remained on my failed attempt at finding a way out for Aaron.

His people were also out finding a way out, but I wanted to do my part.

I promised Aaron I would give him an answer soon about moving in, but that wasn't as easy as saying the words. He woul get my answer, but I had to think things through properly.

“Your mind is far away,” Tatiana said, and I glanced up to find hers and Lionel's gaze on me.

I shook my head and picked up and spring roll Tatiana brought along when she was coming over. “just work and other related thoughts” I shrugged it off.

“Do you want to share?” Lionel asked, sounding concerned.

I wanted to share because a problem shared has always been a problem solved, but Aaron had spoken about how important it was to not disclose information to the wrong person.

I trusted Lionel and Tatiana was slowly earning my trust but I didn’t know what other ears were listening to me talk and s said, “Aaron asked me to move in with him” This wasn't what I was thinking about, but it was helping shift their attention from the truth lying underneath to something else.

Tia's eyes sparkled in delight as I said those words, “You don't look so thrilled about it.”

“I don't know if 'm ready for such a big move, I revealed, and that was really a genuine fear of mine. “I wasn't sure I was. open to that yet”

“You two have been together for a long, right?” she asked, not seeing the reason for my fear.

It's been a few months.

I nodded, but my fear was not because of how short we've been together but something else.

paron lived at the pack estate and the pack estate, according to what I knew, belonged to members of his packs who wer also werewolves. Moving in with him would make Zion and me the only humans to live there. Unlike Zion, I had human blood flowing through my veins, and that meant I would be the weird one there. OF course, I couldn't tell them all of that without making them raise a brow, and so I remained quiet.

For the rest of the picnic, I buried my thoughts and focus on the moment I was having with my family. Tatiana disclosed s got an interview with a cosmetic store and she was told to expect a call in soon. I couldn't help feeling happy for her. She was finding her feet, and it made me proud. The smile on her face was impeccable, and I could only hope for the best fro here on.

Lionel spoke about Sesi and his failure to stop thinking about her. He told me he knew she would never consider someon like him as anything more, but he wanted her to. I told him to not give up and that if he believed what he felt was genuin he should fight for it.

They looked great together the few times I'd seen them together. Lionel was getting his life back and after his recovery from the accident, he returned to art, which was what he loved. Things could fall into place in a better way for the Adams for the first time and I was ready for it.

This distraction was what I needed.

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