A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 67

“I don't understand,” I said, because the more he explained, the harder it became for me to understand.

“six years ago, I was in search of a mate. Every alpha needs a mate. But unlike every alpha that just needs a mate, I need

a true mate, one meant for my soul. They would be the only one who can balance the power that surged through me."

He took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered to reveal his difficulty in saying this. “Six years ago, I was on a mission to fir

her, and I found you. You weren't a wolf, as I expected. You were human, and I didn't prepare for that. At first, I thought it

was a mere physical attraction, but the closer I was with you, the more out of control I was, and I had to succumb. All

alphas of my bloodline dating back to the great alpha King Xavier Ainsworth, all had wolf mates, so it made me question

everything. It also made me question why I had the feeling I'd have if I met a mate. The moon goddess’ ways aren't ours,

and so 1 was going to hold on to you because it pleased my soul to do so. I also knew what that meant. We were two

different people, and I wasn't sure you would ever understand or accept me if I was completely open to you."

“Asking you to stay was the first step, and when you said you'd think about it, I waited, but never got your response. After

few months of waiting, I knew the time I had was short and doubt set in. Perhaps you didn't feel what I felt, and that was

why you didn't reach out as I wanted. If the feeling wasn't the same, then you weren't my mate, and that made me move

to find my true mate. Not long after I met Nicole Kent, the daughter of the alpha of the new age pack and future luna, anc

we clicked off

He paused, and I knew he didn’t want to speak anymore, but he had to. I had to know.

“My feelings grew for her, and I believed she was the one, despite the small empty side of me feeling incomplete. She tol

me she felt the same way I did and received visions that we were meant to be, and I believed her. We moved to the

ceremony of mates and we were joined. After mating, rather than the balance of the powers, I felt a block. The

deterioration speeded up instead of stopping.’
“My feelings grew for her, and 1 believed she was the one, despite tt

small empty side of me feeling incomplete. She told me she felt the same way 1 did and received visions that we were

meant to be, and I believed her. We moved to the ceremony of mates and we were joined. After mating, rather than the

balance of the powers, I felt a block. The deterioration speeded up instead of stopping”

“I knew I had marked the wrong one, and that was my punishment for not following my instinct. She lied to me and sped

up my demise. I broke the union and sent her away, never to return a thousand miles from me and my pack. I thought sh

came with the best of intentions, but I soon realised she didn't. She came hoping to damage my bloodline. The Harts had

the strongest bloodline, and that made me the strongest alpha to exist. Many alphas, including her father, wanted that ti

for themselves, and this was the way to get it. I only found out when it was too late. The damage had been done and I live

with it while every day I prepare my pack for my demise. With Zion as my son, the legacy of the pack and our bloodline w

be preserved because the same power that flows in me flows in him as well”

In all he said, all I took was if I had reached out to him, perhaps his days wouldn't be as numbered as they were now. If I

had confronted him that weekend when I heard him on the phone and have him explain himself, we would have reached

an understanding then instead of now. This was my fault, and the guilt crushed me.

“How do you know I am not a mistake on your part? How do you know that I'm your true mate?”

“Because only a true mate would be strong enough to bear the alpha an offspring.”

“Oh,” was all I said, and 1 slowly sat down in bed, pondering on everything he had said. He knew I was his true mate the fi

time he met me at the bar, but finding me with Zion when he came back further confirmed it, yet he stayed off.

I read a lot about werewolves’ bond with their mate and how hard it is to control their emotions and feeling around the

and yet he somehow controlled himself around me most times we were together.

He had been better than most men and I gave him no credit for it and now all I wanted to do was to be here and right for


“I know this is a lot to take in, but I have to be honest with you. I did not just give up. 1 did all I could for six years, and ye

couldn't change my fate. I have nothing left but to just accept my fate. Live happily for the little time I have left and make

the woman I love happy."

“Thank you for being honest with me. I know it must have taken a lot to say this." I reached out and took his icy hand

between mine, giving it a light squeeze.

“You're right,” he said, and 1 looked up at him with eyes of curiosity.

“About what?”

“About not giving up. I don't want to die. I have so much to live for. I have you, Zion, my siblings, and my pack, depending

on me. I have to find the courage to keep fighting for you all. Others might have accepted their fate, but I don't have to. I

will be the first to fight.”

A smile came onto my face and I pulled closer to him, placing my lips against his for a kiss.

I placed my forehead against his and stroked his face. “And I will be beside you every step of the way, doing everything tf

I have to"

“Thank you.”

“I did nothing”

“You just gave me the courage to keep fighting and not give up. That is everything.” he leaned in and kissed my lips again DA FRE

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