A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 59

“Oh,” he seemed rather puzzled, and I heard his footstep coming even much closer, making my heart pick up its pace. “That's the first"

“How is it the first? We were intimate, and then you act as if nothing like that ever happened.”

“ hope I'm safe” he breathed, and it sounded more flirty than scared.

“We will find out together,” I answered, and then turned to him. I dragged a deep breath at the sight of the man who now stood before me in a white round-necked polo and black jeans trousers. He seemed to have also been playing with water because his hair, although not dripping, looked wet. A few strands fell into his face, shielding his alluring eyes and puffy, red lips. He looked as gorgeous as ever. It took much control to not reach for him.

I dragged in a deep breath and returned to reality to meet Aaron's eyes on me, staring at me from head to toe and if I wasn't mistaken, there was a desire in his eyes as he beheld me.

First goal reached.

“You look beautiful. It's as if you got ready for someone!” I didn’t miss the trace of humour in his voice.

“I did," I answered, not willing to bite around the bush anymore. I've done that for two weeks straight.

“Lucky him.”

“What happened?”

“How do you mean?”

“At the party, we were all over each other and after that, everything changed and it felt as if we never even crossed a line didn't know where my courage came from, but I was not complaining.

He didn't act as if he didn't understand what I spoke about. “I'm sorry.”

“I don't want an apology. I want an explanation.” I folded my arms across my chest.

He took a deep breath. “I never stopped thinking about what happened, Zera. It was the thought I woke up with and slept with every day in the past three weeks.’

Okay, this is progress.

I pressed my lips together and nodded. “Then why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I was scared and unsure. I have never stopped wanting you even after all these years and while I know what I want, I have to consider what's best for you."

“What's best for me?" I echoed, not knowing where he was headed with his explanation.

“Someone who will not be gone soon.”

I raised a brow. “Oh, yeah, that. Shouldn't that be all the more reason to not spend time acting like we feel nothing when we actually do?”

“I can't give you assurance, Zera, and you're still so young and deserve someone who would be there for you and Zion always.’

I scoffed in disbelief and took a step back. “I can't believe this."

“Believe what?”

“Your audacity in deciding for me!” I slammed, my tone rising a little. “you made me want you, long for you only to pull away at the last minute. I had spent the past weeks wanting you and wondering what I had done wrong to make you act s cold towards me. Now you're saying you gave me the cold shoulder because you're dying."

“That's a legit reason, Zera."

“It's a bullshit reason. You do not get to decide for me. I am a grown woman and I can do that for myself welll”

He opened his mouth to speak but snapped it shut and just stare at me.

“You do not know what I've been through these past weeks."

is apology came immediately. “I am sorry I put you through that, but I believe you might not be looking at this from eve angle or in the long run. 1 am not a human like you, I am a werewolf and that alone is enough to keep me away and with reality, I do not think its fair!” he reached out and his hand stroked my face tenderly and I leaned into his touch before I could snap out of it. “I never stopped wanting you and I never will”

“I know your fate and I am quite aware of what that means for me if I choose this, but you feel more real than anything else. I also cannot let the fear of the future dictate the present.” Perhaps this was me being s*-starved and wanting to be f+*++d properly by a man. It didn't matter at this point.

He chuckled, and I raised a brow at him. “You're so f*****g stubborn.” He cupped my face in his palm and pulled me close to mumble, “I can't get enough of that."

He took my lips between his for a soft kiss that made my toes curl. My body eased into his, trying to find completeness ai comfort. He pulled back, and I saw the red flare in his eyes overshadowing its natural hazel colour.

I didn't fear the sight. It had to mean something good.

He kissed me again, sliding his tongue into my mouth, and I accepted and deepened the kiss. His finger trailed the side o my face, sending tingles through me and making goosebumps break out on my skin. He pulled away and let his hand wander to my neck, dropping further over my chest and over the cut of the red blouse that led between my two breasts. I nipples hardened at the impact of his touch and the bud pushed against the blouse, revealing itself and need.

He dragged a deep breath, “Not here” he spoke as if scolding himself and with that he scooped me into his arms and rac us into the bedroom in seconds before setting me on my feet.

He didn't give me time to get accustomed to the bedroom, which I hadn't been in before, because he kissed me desperat while his hand pushed off the jacket I had on. Then he cupped the swell of my b****t, fondling them tenderly. He kneads the nipples between his thumb, earning a moan from my lips.

His lips strayed from my lips onto my neck, kissing and sucking on the skin there. My legs grew weak, and I clung to him desperately. He got to the slim hand of my blouse and he paused, pulling away to stare at me.

A smile remained on his face, “You wore this for me." it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

I bit my lips and nodded, “I like it.” he answered.

“vm glad.”

“But I want to take it off and see what's underneath now. Can I take it off?"

I bobbed my head.

With ease, he pulled the blouse off my skin and my b****t came free to his eyes.

My cheeks heated, and I felt even more nervous. I pulled my blouse down to cover up my upper nakedness.

“Change of mind?” he asked, his brow curiously furrowed.

I took a step back towards the door. “Would it be a problem if I am having one?”

His smile came out a little. “No, it won't. But I know you want this just as much as I do. I will not force you or manipulate you into it. It has to be your decision.”

I turned to the door and reached for the knob, but paused. This was me acting in fear of not being able to live for once. Fear that after this, we would go back to acting like nothing happened for weeks again. Fear of the many sleepless nights ahead if this went sour.

“Fk it I let go of the knob and hurried over to Aaron, kissing him hard on the soft, full lips. He didn't hesitate to kiss back. He pulled me closer to his body and mine pressed against his as if made as one.

His hand raced to the back of my blouse and he slowly sank his hands into the flesh of skin exposed to his touch. I gaspe when he applied pressure and he snaked his tongue into my mouth again. I kissed him and pushed at his shirt and he reached for it, breaking the kiss to yank it off his body.

He stood naked from the waist up, his inked skin exposed to my gaze, and I dragged my eyes to every corner. This body, although the same as the one I had many years back, had a few new inks on them now. All of which drew me in to find ou more.

I bit my lips and placed my hand on his rip side, trailing over the line. His breath hitched when I moved my fingers up toI arms and then shoulders.

There was a beautiful work of art on a beautiful man whom I was about to have. The very thought set loose nerves of reactions within me.

“It's just s*x," I said, more to myself than him. I needed to take this with much confidence.

It's the only way.

“It can be whatever you want it to be, love."

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