A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 50

We arrived home and Aaron carried the still sleeping Zion into his arms and rested his small head on his shoulder and wi both approached the house. The little boy must have felt the change because he woke up and his dull eyes lingered on “Mommy.” “Yes, my love." “Are we home yet?" I bobbed my head, “We are, we are going in now." Aaron opened the door, and I followed him inside. “Ym hungry,” he whined. “I know and I will get you something to eat in no time.” I reached out and ruffled his hair. I felt exhausted from the stress today, but I had to put him first and put his needs above mine, like always. “Okay, mommy." My eyes strayed from him and moved around the room. I haven't even taken the time to notice the massive change that had taken place in the room and now that I had; I realised nothing changed. Everything was the way it used to be, and it felt as if there was never an attack to begin with. Aaron had spoken about taking care of what happened, but I never thought far about what that would be like. The centre table, the couch and the television and even the walls had been fixed and made to appear the way they alway did. Aaron's memory of how things were around the living room surprised me. still, it didn't take the image of what happened away, and every corner of the room made me recollect the horror. I remembered being attacked from the kitchen and trying to run out into the parlour. I remember my hand getting caught I Henry, and I remember losing my balance and falling to the ground. Then after Aaron came in and I got Zion out of his room, I remember turning away to face the door as the attacker approached and I prepared for the worse. My body grew stiff and my breathing became unsteady. 1 was shivering at the memories the house had. It was a terrible one. wrapped my hand around my arms and gently massaged them. “You could stay in a hotel if you're not comfortable here," he spoke up, pulling me out of my thought and my eyes turned look at him. He must have seen the much effect the house had on me and wanted to help. “How long will I keep running?” I raised a brow. “For as long as you have to," he answered. His offer was generous, but I couldn't afford it. “This is my home, and I got it from working hard and being exceptional. I let no one drive me out of it” I answered, and he nodded, understanding my point and he didn't argue. “Ah yes, but they can drive you insane in it! I guided my legs to the kitchen, and I stared through at the pots and plates, also intact, as if nothing happened. I jumped when I heard a crash in the living room and I raced out to see Aaron standing there with apologetic eyes. He ha dropped the empty vase close to the television stand, breaking it into tiny pieces. “It slipped,” he mumbled, and 1 sighed and turned from him. I wasn't ready to be here, and I didn’t want to take his offer and stay in the hotel either. It wouldn't solve any of my problems. No matter how much I hide, I'd still need to return and face reality at some point. “I can't stay here," I said, kicking off my shoes. “The memories of what happened feel like yesterday, and it's only a matte of time before it drives me completely insane.” I didn't care how revealing the truth made me look, but I didn’t want to pretend anymore. “I just don't think running away will help.” “I could stay the night,” he offered. “Where would you sleep?” my brow arched. “Don’t your kind sleep?” He chuckled, “I am touched that you care” he said before turning to look around. “The couch is empty.” I didn't reject his offer to stay over because I couldn't stand the idea of being alone in this house with Zion. I wasn't expecting any form of attack, but it would feel comforting to know that we weren't the only ones in the house. “Do you want that?” he asked, and I realised I hadn't given him an answer to his suggestion. “Yes,” I nodded, “but no more breaking of stuff’ “Yes, ma'am.” I returned to my room and after showering; I changed into my pyjamas. It was just a few minutes past six p.m., but I knew would go nowhere else before I sleep and I wanted to wear something comfortable. I regretted that action after stepping out and meeting Aaron in the living room. I had forgotten I gave consent to him staying over and I was dressed in my nightwear already. My cheeks warmed up as his eyes widened when he saw me and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. “You look good.” “shut up!” glared at him and walked into the kitchen. zion had gone back to sleep, and Aaron tucked him into bed in his room. I had to make sure dinner was ready before he woke. The fastest and easiest thing to make now was pasta. We still had those last I checked. “Do you need my help?” Aaron asked from the door and I froze for a moment, then realise he was harmless. I shook my head. “I've got it” “You're sure?” “Yes, you could just stand at the door like that. It would help assure me that no one is coming for my head.” I laughed an poured the water into the cooker after turning it up. “Sure I can do that. But whoever wants your head would have to take mine first” That was the reassurance I didn't think I needed, but did. “Thank you," I said, genuinely meaning it. “You're welcome." I poured the pasta into the pot and I turned to stare at him and found him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. With his arms crossed, his muscles bulged, making the blue long sleeve hug him tightly. His hair looks a little messed up and his face redefined due to his now trimmed beards. All these features I had failed to notice this morning while leaving the estate. He was just as good-looking as always and knowing he wasn't human (which, by the way, he hinted at from the very first weekend we spent together) explained a lot about him. I snapped out of my thought and found his gaze on me, analysing my features hidden in the pyjamas. It sent shivers dow my spine, and I looked away. “How long do you have?” I blurted out, snapping his attention from my body back to my face. He stayed silent, although understanding my question. “I don't know.” he mumbled under his breath and I barely heard it “Do you have more than a year or two?” I raised a brow. He chuckled, and his voice held so much life. “I'd be lucky if I get a year, Zera" My heart went out to him. “I'm sorry" He shook his head and stepped toward me. “It's not your fault, and I hope you believe that." I wanted to ask more questions but the cooker timer went off and I jumped and turned around to face what I was cooking felt his gaze on my every move while I cooked and, though affected by it, I remained silent. Zion woke up before I finished cooking, and when he came downstairs, Aaron attended to him. I finish and served three plates instead of two because we had an extra mouth to feed tonight. I placed the three plates, forks and glasses of water into the big tray and carried it out. I served on the dining table and they came after I beckoned to them. We sat around the table to eat and I noticed how Aaron stared at the meal before hi “This isn't the type of food you eat, is itz" He pressed his lips together and shook his head. He saw me make it earlier. Why didn't he say anything? Well, he was probably being noble, since this wasn't his house. “Try it, mommy cooks delicious,” Zion said, already grabbing his fork and plate. “I don't doubt that” he turns to Zion, his eyes flickering with adoration as he stared at his son. “Then what is it? You made pasta for me five years ago” I reminded him. He nodded. “Yes, and that was five years ago. A lot has changed since then.” “What do you eat then?” I asked, and I was curious to know and see if it was something I could make. “Wow, Zera, your soft side for this man is showing’ Well, he's been around all day for me and Zion, even though he had other things to do. This is the least I can do. “More meat, especially during these times." “These times? What do you mean?” “l am not as strong as I should be and the less meat I consume, the weaker I become” He explained, and I understood hi point now. “I do not have meat,” I said. I didn’t want it to get to me, but not having what he wanted didn't feel right. “I know." The look on my face must have affected him because he picked up the fork and ate through, despite knowing this wasn't what he needed. I was the first to feel sleepy and Aaron told me he'd put Zion to bed when he gets sleepy and I had nothing to worry abou That was comforting, and I retired to bed without wasting time. I woke up to the sound of soft singing and I wonder who had gotten up so early and had to wake others up as well. I rubbed my eyes before turning to the clock on the lampstand to see it was almost eight a.m. My eyes opened wide, and I realised the day had already begun. Zion was probably up and hungry, since he always had an enormous appetite. I didn't even care to know how I looked before dashing through the door and toward Zion's room. I opened the door but saw no one in bed. He had already woken up and left his room. I hurried into the living room, yet I saw no one there. The music, however, was louder here than it was in the room. The living room also had the aroma of eggs and butter, and whatever was happening in the kitchen had to be delicious becau my mouth was already watering. The singing continued and this time I could hear the wordings. I could watch you for a lifetime. You're my favourite movie Athousand endings You mean everything to me I walked into the kitchen and there they stood, facing the cooker. Zion was in his blue pyjamas sitting on the counter and bobbing his head to the song his father was singing while having his focus on the pan before him. Aaron had only his whi singlet and black trousers on, singing and stirring the pot before him. He was still in his blue long sleeve from yesterday because I didn't have any male clothes to give him and it looked a little ruffled up now. Forever fascinating I hope you don't stop running I stood at the door, not ready to disturb or interrupt the picture before me. It was perfect. Father and son bonding mome; and 1 just wanted to watch. You are my cinema Action, thriller I could watch you for a lifetime. I had never heard the song he sang before, but it was now my favourite and this man sang it wonderfully. Was there anything this man wasn't good at? Singing, cooking, making money, s*x. Damn. “He was also good at killing! And just like always, my mind ruins a perfect moment. “Mommy!” Zion called out, and Aaron turned around to look at me. I smiled and made my way over to him. “Good mornin mommy.’ I got to where he was and took him into my arms. “Good morning, Zion.” then I turned to Aaron. “Good morning to you.” “Good morning, love. I hope I didn't wake you up with my singing” “You didn't, but you kept me up with it" “Ym hungry, daddy didn’t want to wake you so he is making breakfast,” he announced. “I see that." I eyed the pan and saw the sauced egg and vegetables and it looked like an absolute delight. “Smells delicious.” “Thank you!" he smiled at me and that weakening dimple appeared. “And I'm sorry if I had overstepped by cooking withor first asking for your permission,” he said. Trust this man to add nobility to his many virtues. “You didn't and never apologise for doing what's right for Zion. I'd always understand.”

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