A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 44

A week or two weeks ago, the very thought of Aaron disappearing from our lives would have given me so much joy I woul have thrown a party, but now knowing what I know, I felt like a horrible person for everything. 1 was a horrible person.

I cheated him; I cheated him of the years he could have gotten to know his son. I knew he would have given anything to b a part of Zion's life.

“I can't,” I said with a small voice. It was the truth, I couldn't bring myself to leave. My legs felt stuck.

He sighed and said nothing else.

I wanted to ask many questions, but I couldn't ask why he didn't tell me of his condition because we weren't even friends to begin with. Last I checked, I hated him. The only thing that joined us was our son, and that wasn't enough reason to open himself up to me. Besides, there was nothing I would or could have done to help.

“I want to be alone” he said, “please leave.’

“I can't,’ I said again, and I wanted to move at this point, but I didn’t find the strength to do that.

He turned to me and I saw the wounded look in his eyes and it broke my heart to see it. “Aaron.”

He shook his head, “Don’t.” he said before storming out.

My heart shrunk in my chest and my eyes grew glassy. This hurts much more than I thought, much more than I expected. knew it wasn't my place and it would just get me into more trouble with him, but I wanted to be there for him. It felt right within me and leaving him alone, like he requested, didn't feel like something I could do.

I followed him outside. The day was less bright as compared to yesterday and the sky looked cloudy as if it would rain soon. I found him seated on the balcony with his face towards the open field to the left. The chilly breeze blew through h long hair and swayed it around on his face. The same breeze gripped my skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over, and wrapped my hands around my exposed arms.

He had sensed my presence because he spoke. “You shouldn't be out here, Zera, it's not healthy for you."

“l know,” I answered, my lips trembling a little.

“And yet here you are.’

It was the way it was. My heart was heavy, and I knew I wouldn't rest today or in the days to come if I didn't step up and d what needed to be done, said what needed to be said. “I am sorry.”

He turned his head to the side but didn’t turn fully to look at me. “Why? Are you saying that because you mean it or because you don't want to be the villain who wronged a dying man?”

“Both. But I am sorry because I didn't get it be fore. I do now and I have had a moment of self-reflection and I know what horrible person I have been to you. I have also been a selfish mother to Zion and considered my feeling and insecurities above what was best for him. I denied him the years he could have had with a father who would have wanted him, years I would have been loved and cherished. Now he may not get the love he deserves because of me and I am sorry. I was mac when you wanted to take him away, but now I understand why. You're the better parent and I wronged you so badly and 1 need to say I'm sorry” a tear ran down my face.

He turned around and finally looked at me. “That must have been a hard thing to say out loud."

I nodded, “It had to be said and I need you to know that I understand now. I understand why you do the things you do."

I turned to make my way back to the room, but his words halted my step.

“You never reached out all those five years. Why?” he asked.

I didn’t want to talk about that, but that was the origin of the lone path I took later in life and was the reason behind eve decision I made.

“Because I had my heart broken by your conversation which I overheard. You were on the phone talking about the need t find the woman made for you. The one your soul longed for and I realised that wasn't me”

I laughed and shook my head at my grand stupidity, “You see I had somehow fallen for you in the short weekend we sper together and I was going to say yes to the offer you made about us being more. That conversation, however, broke my heart. It made me question everything and once again I was the fool in love with the guy who was nothing but a liar” “You fell in love with me?” he asked as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

We were placing all the cards on the table and there was no need to lie or pretend. I turned to him and found him alread) standing with his intent gaze on me. I pressed my lips together and nodded. “I loved you. And to an extent, I felt you were the one. I felt the connection I had never felt for anyone else. Not even Owens. That was why I was going to say yes to you offer. It was a risk I wanted to take before the conversation ruined it

I drew a deep breath, “When I found out I was pregnant months later, I reached out to call you. I wanted to tell you our weekend together had brought forth a child, but some woman picked up the call and called you babe over the phone. I le my insecurities and heartache take over. I feared you would take him and cut me out of your lives and I did the cowardly act of hiding him from you. That's the truth in its entirety. I hope a day would come when you will forgive me for my shortcoming, Aaron Hart he stayed silent, and 1 took my leave and went inside.

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