A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 26

He stood in a blue shirt and trousers with his back to the car and his arms crossed over his chest, and I knew he was waiting for me.

This was the wrongest time to meet up and the worst place to meet because things would be beyond my control.

My heart squeezed in my chest at the sight of him, and our eyes locked. He had the same formal and blank look he'd had on his face when we interacted with each other at the University a few days ago.

After almost a minute of a locked gaze, his eyes wandered from mine, travelling down to Zion, whose small hand 1 held onto. I could see the flicker of emotions in Aaron's eyes at the sight of him. These emotions ranged from surprise to confusion to a bit of pain and then anger. His teeth clenched and his breathing grew laboured.

I knew he knew at this moment Zion, my son, was his.

it wasn't hard to guess. Zion was his father’s son and had all his features, from his eyes to his smile and his face. My son barely looked like me and I knew Aaron realising he was his would come as easy as breathing.

He looked back up at me for the second time and he had a stormy look on his face, one that took my very being into a state of chaos. He wasn't happy. I didn’t need the genius to tell me what that look meant.

He knew the truth. He knew five years ago wasn't a fleeting moment like I had claimed to him many weeks ago. Somethin more than that happened, something I had kept away from him since then. The look on his face terrified me, and I swallowed shakily.

In all the times I had known Aaron, I had never seen him as angry as he looked now and my brain stayed frozen, not knowing what to do or which way to go.

Although a raging storm went off on the inside, I did my best to hold on to his gaze with the last will left in me. My worst nightmare just turned real and there was no escaping or taking me out of it. I didn't know how to respond; I didn't know how to act and so I stood muted, like a dumb being.

He furrowed his brows at me. “I think this meeting was long overdue, don't you think?” his voice stayed low, but it held sc much anger and restraint in them as he spoke.

I bit down on my lower lips and dragged in a deep breath. I couldn't afford to have him go off on me here and now. Not while Zion was here and the look on his face showed he could not care less.

He seemed pissed at me and I understood why, but this wasn't Zion's fault and there was no reason to drag him in to the midst of the war about to unfold. He deserved none of that and should stay out of it.

1 doubt it, though. The war about to unfold was about him, and it would affect him one way or another. And I won't be ab to protect him. My mind told me, and I groaned inwardly.

I had played out all the scenarios in my head. I could jump to the defence and ask him what he was looking for or what h thought by following me down here. I could even ask why he was stalking me, but the cards were no longer in my hand. They were in his and he held the most important card; taking my son from me.

“We can't do this here” These were the only words I could come up with.

“Why?” he challenged, stepping up towards me, and I knew he was past the point of reasoning.

No one would win if we decide to fight this fire with fire. One of us had to be calm and understanding and since I didn’t have the luxury of being dramatic, I chose to be the calm one. “Because he doesn't deserve to see that" 1 said, the “he’ being Zion, our son.

His hardened gaze softened for a moment before he spoke. “What he doesn't deserve is you”

My heart broke into a million pieces at his accusation. A part of me agreed with him and another part was just tired. “You issues are with me, Aaron, so let's sort it out without involving him."

He growled under his breath, “Then meet me at the Vanity restaurant at nine p.m. today.” And gave no room for objection I was supposed to take tonight and get a little rest. I didn’t get that last night, but with the turn of today’s events; it looke as if I wouldn't be getting the adequate amount of rest I need today either. The look on his face told me there was no roo for debate.

I bit my lips, knowing my back was against the wall, and I nodded.

“I will be there,” I said, and he stepped away from before me, walking away and not bothering to look back. I opened the car and strapped Zion into the seat before going around and entering.

I drove off and wished I could drive off to a faraway place where I would never have to see or confront Aaron ever again, but alas, 1 didn't have that luxury. There was no place on earth I could run to that he wouldn't find me. I knew that. I want to turn back the hand of the clock. I wished I could do that. Then I'd go back to a few hours ago and change the course of my actions. I'd make sure I'd do everything to keep this truth from being known. And now, I feared doing anything that would put me at risk of losing my son.

I didn't know what waited ahead for me, but I knew it wasn't something good. I could feel it. My entire world was about tc change, and there was nothing I could do about it. The more I thought about it, the more fear I have and this fear wasn't going away soon.

End of part 2

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