A Very Furry Christmas

Chapter Chapter Six

As promised, Jason left a ticket for her at the box office on game night. Dressed in her favorite white sweater, she stood out in the waves of colorful hockey jerseys crashing through the doors of the arena.

She sat close enough to the ice she could smell it, and the cold bypassed her chunky knit protection to prick her skin with goose bumps. Jason achieved the same effect when he threw her a wink as he skated onto the ice.

The fast game left her struggling to keep up, but her eyes never left her man. Padded in his kit, slamming the opposition into the boards, the ice warrior usurped her favorite bear in her affections. The strength and power he displayed out there dominated the other team. He'd directed it all into passion passionate during his encounter with her. The thought of it made her tremble, her body remembering the effect he'd had on her that had left her dazed for days. Tonight hadn't come soon enough for her in the hope they'd get to do it all over again.

The home team led most of the match with an early wraparound goal and Caitlin was with the crowd as they counted down the minutes to the end of the third period but for an altogether different reason. It gave her chills thinking about having those strong arms wrapped around her again.

Unlike some of the autograph hunters crowding the players' exit to steal a moment of Jason Lewis's time, Caitlin hung back and waited. He dutifully signed everything presented to him but kept his eyes trained on her the whole time over the heads of his fans. Looking at her as though she was the only person left on the planet.

"Okay, ladies. Have a good night." Professional to the end, he waved them off before he came to her. "Sorry."

Without a hint of awkwardness, he gathered her into his embrace for an exquisite kiss.

"Did you enjoy the game?" He broke off to quiz her and she could see the adrenaline rush hadn't yet left his system.

"I did. Thanks for the ticket." Not entirely sure if it qualified as a date so far, Caitlin nonetheless knew how it would end. "My place isn't too far away if you want to come back for a drink?"

Despite several of the other players crossing the street to a nearby bar, Jason took her hand. "Sure."

To any passerby they would have looked like a couple in love instead of two people who knew nothing about each other except they were sexually compatible. Even that could change when he discovered her little kink. With some trepidation she let him into her apartment.

"What can I get you?" She opened the fridge and hoped he said either beer or milk.

Jason dropped his kit bag onto the floor and reached her in two large strides. "There's only one thing I want tonight."

The assured way he pulled her to him and kissed her so thoroughly, turned her on to a point well beyond her worries. It didn't matter he was wearing civilian clothes. Not when he made her feel safer than her furry friends ever had. Lost in her world of confused emotions, she allowed him free reign over her body, stripping away her clothes until she stood naked before him. The exposure to his hungry gaze woke her from her slumber and she hastened to feast her eyes on his hard flesh. Words weren't necessary as their bodies did the talking, and only the soft rustle of clothes hitting the floor broke the silence in the room.

The unyielding wall of Jason's muscled torso proved irresistible and Caitlin pushed the soft mounds of her breasts into his chest. Their mouths clashed together in a violent display of undisguised passion. His proud cock pressed snugly into the seam of her pussy, but she wanted him deeper inside her than another upright coupling would allow.

In a walking tangle of tongues and body parts they made their way blindly to her bedroom. Caitlin patted up and down the wall until she located the light switch and killed the mood dead.

"What. The. Fuck?"

She could only imagine the horror running through his brain as he took in what looked like the toy aisle in Carr's department store. Every shelf, every available inch of space housed her collection of cuddly toys. Except the bed, where only Percy, her giant stuffed polar bear resided. Jason gawped at Percy tucked under the covers, and then back at her.

"I know. I know. It's seven shades of fucked up but I find them comforting." She should start the count now and see if he broke the record for the fastest getaway of a potential lover. It had happened on more than one occasion. "You have a thing for polar bears?" Although, she collected all shapes and sizes of plushie toys, polar bears dominated her collection and she loved him for trying to normalize the situation.

"I do collect them, but it goes deeper than that." As the penny dropped, she waited for disgust to crawl into him and steal his hard on.

"So, uh, it was my costume that got you going?" Instead of the anticipated revulsion, his furrowed brow and big brown eyes told of his curiosity. Not the usual reaction to her predilection for all things plushie.

"Yes. No. I'd be lying if I said the suit didn't grab my attention first, but I do like you." It sounded lame, but how could she explain it when she didn't understand it herself.

"Let me get this straight. You only get off on polar bear sex?" It genuinely sounded as though he was trying to understand it, rather than mock her.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not into weird, animal sex. I, um, just like the feel of plushies and polar bears are my particular favorite." She lifted Percy out from under the covers and stroked his white fur. The last gift Paul gave her, he comforted her at night and was big enough to hug. It might appear sad to the outside world, but she had no-one else.

"So, instead of a leather or rubber fetish, yours is plushie?" Jason lifted a bear from her dresser and ran his hand over the wisps of white fluff.

"I guess so. Everyone has their triggers and mine is just a bit more...unusual." She shrugged and left tonight's fate entirely in his hands.

Jason moved around the room, eyeing up her obsession but giving nothing away. "Your past lovers were okay with this?"

She winced at the difficult memories that brought back. "The last two I dated were a football mascot and a guy who dressed as a promotional hotdog."

His laugh eased some of the tension seizing her limbs. "And?"

"And, no, it didn't make for a lasting relationship by asking them to keep their costumes on." In hindsight, those guys had no substance beyond that initial physical attraction. Unlike Jason, who by some quirk of fate hadn't yet run screaming for the hills.

"Well, I can't say I'd be too happy spending the rest of my life sweating in that outfit either."

Surprise quickly replaced Caitlin's disappointment as he gathered armfuls of her toys and laid them on her bed. "What are you doing?"

"It's the sensation of the plush on the skin you like, right? It's not that you have an urge to strap a dildo on your man here, is it?" He chucked Old Faithful onto the floor.

"Noooo. I prefer my lovers with all moving parts." Automatically, she dropped her eyes to his still erect, fully functioning penis.

"Ah, good. One advantage I have over him then." With a wicked grin, Jason lunged at her and sent her sprawling onto the plushie quilt covering her bed.

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