A Very Furry Christmas

Chapter Chapter Eight

Caitlin couldn't keep the smile off her face at work the next day. Even if some parts of her were a little tender to say the least. She couldn't believe some of the stuff she and Jason had got up to last night. A lot of it straight out of her fantasies. Even the thought of the plush fur wrapped around her wrists whilst Jason fucked her was making her wet. She was aching to do it, do him, all over again.

"Where did you disappear off to after the party? You left me all alone," Shannon pouted, taking her by the arm as they walked towards the wards.

"You weren't alone as far as I recall. In fact, I think Santa was very excited at the prospect of getting you alone." Caitlin raised an eyebrow and her friend at least had the courtesy to look embarrassed about pretending to be hurt by her absence.

"Yes, well, I needed someone to keep me entertained the rest of the night."

"All night?"

"All night, all morning and most of the weekend. Nev is absolutely amazing."

"I'm so glad for you." Caitlin was thrilled for her friend who, despite being a beautiful, slim blonde, never seemed to find happiness in a relationship. Not that she was an expert in that area either but her 'quirk' probably had something to do with that. Most men soon tired of her little fetish and without it, she grew tired of them. She hoped Jason was different. Especially when he seemed to have kinks of her own. Some of which she didn't mind exploring further. "What about you and Jase? How did things go there?"

Caitlin didn't think Shannon was ready to hear exactly how things had gone. Nor was she ready to tell her. Some things were better kept in the bedroom. That didn't mean she couldn't boast a little bit herself.

"I, er, we, er had a good time." Her cheeks were burning at the memory of her reckless behavior which had seen her screwing an ice hockey player she barely knew up against a wall where anyone could have seen them. Never mind what else they'd done to each other in private.

"You fucked him, didn't you? Wow. I didn't think you had it in you Kitty Cat." Shannon screeched and slapped her on the arm. Her voice ringing down the corridor, announcing Caitlin's brazenness to the world.

"Ssh! I don't need my private life used for water cooler gossip." It wasn't appropriate talk for work when they were in a children's hospital. Caitlin didn't want the parents getting the wrong idea about her. Having sex in public was not something she did on a regular basis. In truth she'd surprised herself with her bold moves, the way she'd come onto him and groped him as though there wasn't the possibility of rejection. She'd simply got carried away by the man, the chemistry and the costume. A trifecta she hadn't been able to resist. Thank goodness Jason had been on the same wavelength, so in tune with her wants that they hadn't wasted another second delaying the inevitable. Even the few hours she'd been apart from him today seemed like an eternity when her body was burning for him with every reminder of their time together.

"Okay, okay but this is big. You seem like such a good girl on the outside but I'm looking at you in a whole new light today. It's true what they say about the quiet ones..."

"You have no idea," Caitlin mumbled as they parted ways to go to their assigned charges for the day. There was an open clinic on today in the metabolic unit, so she hoped she'd have plenty to keep her busy and her mind from wandering to where her hands and lips had been last night. To everything Jason could do to her without even touching her. Everything she would let him do to her.


"Do we even have permission to do this today? I could do with a day off to recover. That Shannon has worn me out." Nev made a show of complaining but Jason knew he was as enamored with his new squeeze as he was with Caitlin. "No one is going to turn Santa away this close to Christmas. Besides, it means we get to see the girls again." So, his charitable visit to the children's hospital might have had an ulterior motive today but that didn't mean they weren't spreading some cheer along the way. The kids and their parents were always delighted to know that someone remembered about them being stuck in hospital at this time of the year. What else would he be doing anyway but sitting at home mooning over Caitlin anyway? These last nights together had made her impossible to forget.

Yes, he'd been surprised to say the least about her predilection towards polar bears or stuffed toys in general, but everyone had their own thing, didn't they? He thought himself bloody lucky she'd been as keen to explore his as much as her own. They'd started slowly but he was sure he could win her around to his way of thinking when she seemed so keen to explore his desires too.

His dick began to stir, his balls tightened as he recalled her willingness in letting him spank her, tie her up and fuck her in the ass. It usually took months, if ever, to convince a partner to do any of those things with him. He and Caitlin just seemed to click. Like-minded souls enjoying the adventure of getting to know one another's bodies and limits. So far, they hadn't found one they didn't enjoy. He looked forward to the continuing journey.


"How long are we going to keep coming here?" Nev asked as they eventually finished handing out the gifts they'd brought to the excited children who needed a distraction from the machines at their bedsides monitoring their progress. They hadn't seen Caitlin or Shannon around today, but Jason had come away feeling he'd contributed in some small way to making a difference. Bringing a smile to a child's face was as much as he could do here and made everything worthwhile. "For as long as the donations keep coming in." The ice hockey fans were always keen to take part in the charity appeal, as were the club sponsors. Christmas was a time when everyone wanted to spread a little cheer. Which was exactly what he was trying to accomplish too.

They were on their way towards the exit, Nev had discreetly removed most of his Santa outfit bar the trousers, but Jason's was a little trickier to take off while on the move. When he spotted Caitlin, he was glad he'd kept it on. If only so he could see that smile on her face and revel in knowing he'd been the one to put it there.

"Hey. I wondered if we would see you today." She looked cute in her sunshine yellow uniform, hair in pigtails and wearing minimal make up. It seemed a far cry from her alter ego who'd felt him up at the Christmas party and not been too subtle about what she'd wanted from him. There was a chance there were two sides to her too and he looked forward to getting to know both of them intimately.

He saw the pink flush in her cheeks, the coy lowering of her lashes and he just knew she was thinking the same dirty thoughts as he was having about the past two nights they'd spent together.

"I didn't know you were coming here today," she said, eyeing him up and down with that predatory look he'd begun to love. Regardless that it was usually him sizing up his prey. It was a genuine reflection of Caitlin's feelings towards him. Her wants and needs. He didn't have to try and second guess what she thought about him when it was written all over her face. There was no playing games with Caitlin. At least, none that they didn't both enjoy.

"It was a, er, last minute decision." There was being honest with each other, then there was coming across as totally pathetic not being able to get through the day without seeing her again. These were not the actions of a man who remained in control of the relationship at all times. Who called the shots and had a list of women he used to fulfil his needs. It was unnerving that only one currently occupied his thoughts and no other would suffice.

"Is Shannon about?" Nev didn't even attempt to hide his eagerness to find her friend, peering down the corridor behind her and looking disappointed when he couldn't see her.

"You just missed her. She was heading over to the bus stop. If you run, you might catch her."

"Thanks. Jason, can you-?"

He sighed. "Yes, I'll make my own way home."

Nev gave him a mock salute before tearing down the hallway as though his life depended on it.

"I don't fancy playing gooseberry with those two anyway."

"No? What do you fancy?" Caitlin took a step closer, her teeth nibbling at her bottom lip as she reached out a hand and stroked the zipper of his outfit.

"You. Always you." He wanted to grab her up in his arms there and then and kiss her senseless. Except he didn't want to get her into trouble at work. It was one thing ripping at each other's clothes in the shadows but completely different under the fluorescent lights of reality. They both had jobs and reputations to uphold outside of their libidos.

Reluctantly, he kept his hand and his lips to himself.

"I don't think I can wait until we get home." Caitlin didn't help him hold on to the last vestige of his restraint as she stood up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. He was hard as stone as she took him by the hand and lead him giggling down towards the old Victorian building which once served as the main hospital and was now used for little more than storage.

The brightly lit tiled corridors soon changed into darkened hallways with fewer and fewer people or sounds the deeper they walked into the belly of the building.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked eventually. His heart pumping wildly as she led him into the unknown. A mixture of trepidation and excitement fizzing in his veins.

"To heaven," she said with a smirk and a confident wink.

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