A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 71: Holy Nirvana Physique

Chapter 71: Holy Nirvana Physique

A deafening boom rang out as a giant golden palm that was several acres in size came descended from the sky, crashing down upon a blurry azure shadow with devastating might.

However, the azure shadow was extremely fast and was just barely able to evade the giant palm.

Having missed its target, the giant palm crashed down onto a mountain, causing the entire mountain to shatter and collapse with an earth-shattering boom.

The azure shadow instantly skirted around the massive palm to arrive behind the right arm of the golden giant that was connected to the palm, and bright azure light erupted from the crest on its head before spreading over its entire body. All of the azure light then converged toward its sharp talons, which were swept viciously through the air.contemporary romance

Dozens of azure talon projections came together to form a huge azure net that swept toward the golden giant's right arm, tearing through the space in its path with ease, creating a series of inky-black spatial rifts.

The golden giant raised its head in response, but it was still in the process of withdrawing its right arm, so there was no time for it to evade the attack.

A string of loud metallic clangs rang out as golden and azure light erupted between the azure net and the giant's right arm, but the explosion of light only lasted for an instant before the golden light was torn apart by the talon projections like paper.

In the face of the azure net, the golden giant's right arm was sliced off with ease as if it were made from tofu.

A hint of elation appeared in the Azure Luan Bird's eyes, but right at this moment, the golden spiritual patterns on the surface of the severed arm suddenly began to glow brightly, and it instantly exploded into an enormous cloud of yellow mist.

In the blink of an eye, the cloud of mist had already expanded to encompass an area that was dozens of acres in size.

The Azure Luan Bird immediately turned and fled the scene as soon as it realized that something was wrong, but the cloud was too massive to escape from.

All of a sudden, the Azure Luan Bird felt the air constrict around it, and its movements instantly became extremely slow and sluggish.

There were countless thin yellow threads dispersed throughout the cloud of yellow mist, and those threads had bound its entire body.

The Azure Luan Bird let loose an alarmed cry as it attempted to spread its wings and struggle free from its bindings, but the yellow threads around it instantly released a torrent of countless yellow runes in response.

The air around the Azure Luan Bird tightened even further, and it felt as if it were being crushed under a giant mountain, making it an immense struggle just to make even the slightest movement.

However, in the next instant, a vast expanse of silver flames erupted forth to envelop its entire body.

The thin yellow threads quickly melted and disintegrated within the silver flames, but there were countless more yellow threads converging from all directions to bind the Azure Luan Bird tightly once again.

Thus, a cycle ensued in which the thin threads around the Azure Luan Birds were constantly disintegrating and reforming, and during this process, it was able to regain some mobility.

Blue light flashed in its eyes as it attempted to find a way out, but right at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly dimmed, and at the same time, a burst of invisible force came crashing down upon it.

Immediately thereafter, an enormous hand appeared around the Azure Luan Bird, and the hand was so close that every single line on its enormous handprint was clearly visible.

As soon as the hand emerged, it immediately began to close around the Azure Luan Bird.

Han Li frantically adopted his Giant Mountain Ape form upon seeing this, and he was able to complete the transformation right as the giant hand closed around his body.

An agonized look appeared on the giant golden ape's face as bursts of tremendous force compressed toward its body from all directions, causing its bones to creak and shudder, but thankfully, its physical body was strong enough to withstand the crushing force of the giant's grip for now.

What was truly astonishing to Han Li was that his Flame of Essence was completely ineffective on the giant hand.

Right at this moment, the surrounding cloud of yellow mist swept back rapidly, revealing the enormous figure of the golden giant not far away. There was a sinister smile on the giant's sickly yellow face, and its left hand was closed tightly around the giant golden ape.

A speck of piercing yellow light flashed from the giant's chest, immediately following which all of the yellow mist converged toward the wound left behind by its severed right arm.

The mist quickly churned and intertwined to form a brand new arm, which the golden giant immediately clenched into a mountainous fist, then raised it up high before sending it crashing down toward the giant ape's head with devastating might.

Even before the fist arrived, the tremendous power imbued within it was already causing the surrounding space in a radius of close to 1,000 feet to warp and rumble violently.

A hint of despair welled up in the giant golden ape's heart upon seeing this.

Even with his immensely powerful physical body, being struck by such a fearsome blow would undoubtedly result in at least severe injuries, if not death.

With that in mind, Han Li was forced to make a decision, and he quickly made a hand seal as bright purple light erupted from his body.

The golden giant's fist came crashing down with devastating force, but in the next instant, a hint of surprise appeared on its face.

Contrary to its expectations, its fist wasn't able to smash through the giant ape's head. Instead, a dull thump rang out as a burst of purple light pierced through the back of its hand, and the fingers of its other hand were also folded back as if they had been snapped.

The purple light flew over to a short distance away, then faded to reveal a golden ape that was around 2,000 to 3,000 feet tall.

However, in contrast with before, this giant ape's entire body was covered in countless purplish-golden scales, and there was an azure horn on the top of its head. In addition to that, two more pairs of furry ape arms had grown out of its shoulders and ribs.


A serious look appeared on the golden giant's face as it cast its gaze toward the six-armed giant ape, and the injuries dealt to its two hands were instantly healed.

A layer of yellow light appeared over each of its two fists, and several massive golden runes flew out of the yellow light, then circled around before fusing into its fists in a flash. As a result, its fists swelled to around twice their original size, and a burst of terrifying power akin to a volcano on the brink of eruption was brewing within those fists. Even though the power hadn't been unleashed yet, the nearby space was already trembling and buzzing incessantly.

The six-armed giant ape let loose a long roar upon seeing this, and it took a huge stride forward, instantly covering a distance of thousands of feet as it arrived directly in front of the golden giant, then lashed out with its fists, which were glowing with radiant purplish-golden light.

The golden giant immediately responded in kind without any hesitation.

Two pairs of fists clashed violently with an earth-shattering boom, and the nearby space began to buzz loudly as destructive shockwaves swept through the surrounding area.

This time, the six-armed giant ape remained completely unmoved, while the golden giant was sent flying back through the air.

Not only that, but its fists had been reduced to nothing more than grotesque masses of mangled flesh, and its arms had also been completely snapped and bent to strange angles.

The golden giant's eyes were full of incredulity as it flew back for several thousand feet before crashing heavily into a mountain, which was instantly topped like a pile of frail sticks.

Even after plowing through the mountain, the golden giant didn't slow down in the slightest as it continued to fly back, and only after toppling several mountains in a row was it just barely able to arrest its momentum.

At this point, the six-armed giant ape had already caught up,

The golden giant was quite surprised by this sudden turn of events, but it remained calm and unflustered as yellow light surged out of its chest before quickly spreading to its snapped arms to repair the damage there. At the same time, it swept its right leg horizontally through the air like a giant blade, aiming a vicious kick at the giant ape's midsection.

Enormous power surged through the air, sweeping up a huge white blast for energy.

The six-armed giant ape suddenly crouched down, rolling over in an extremely ugly maneuver to evade the kick, then instantly sprang forward to crash into the golden giant's body with tremendous force. At the same time, it wound its bottom pair of arms tightly around the giant as it was sent flying back through the air.

An alarmed look appeared on the golden giant's face, and bright yellow light erupted out of its entire body as it raised its arms, which were still yet to be fully healed, in a frantic attempt to struggle free.

However, the giant golden ape then reached out with its middle pair of arms to latch onto the giant's arms in a vice-like grip before snapping them once again. At the same time, purplish-golden light flashed from its top pair of arms, and they began to release a metallic gleam as they were plunged viciously toward the giant's chest.

The pair of arms instantly pierced into the giant's body, then churned around forcefully. The golden giant's movements instantly ceased, and the light in its eyes rapidly faded, while the recovery of its arms also came to a grinding halt.

A furious look appeared on the projection of the sickly yellow face before it also quickly faded away.

Han Li then withdrew his arms from the golden giant's body, and one of his hands was holding a yellow bean that was giving off dazzling radiance.

The golden giant shuddered, and as Han Li's arms were withdrawn from its chest, all of the golden light emanating from its body completely faded. It reflexively stumbled back a few steps as countless cracks appeared on the surface of its massive body, and it quickly disintegrated into an enormous cloud of yellow mist that was scattered by the wind.

Almost at the exact same moment, the six-armed giant ape's aura plummeted drastically, and it reverted back into Han Li's human form amid a flash of purplish-golden light.

His face was extremely pale, and he hurriedly summoned a Cloud Crane Herb that he promptly devoured, and only then did his complexion improve slightly.

Looking at the gradually dissipating cloud of yellow mist, Han Li heaved a long sigh of relief as a hint of lingering fear flashed through his eyes.

The golden giant wasn't capable of using any cultivation arts or secret techniques, but its physical body and strength were no less powerful than a Profound Immortal's, and he was no match for it without unleashing his Holy Nirvana Physique.

However, not only did this ability have extremely steep physical requirements on the user, it also expended a vast amount of magic power, far more than what he was able to muster up with his current magic power reserves.

Originally, it would've required the absorption of a vast amount of the world's origin qi to recover the function of his Organ Refinement Origin Arts, but thankfully, after mastering the sixth level of the Big Dipper Origin Arts, he was able to recover some of the cultivation art's function, thereby allowing him to use his organs as vessels for magic power.

Even though doing so required the expenditure of dozens of times the amount of quintessential purple qi that was normally required, he had still devoured almost his entire supply of Cloud Crane Herbs without any hesitation as soon as he noticed the abnormal activity taking place in the Origin Realm Temple.

Even so, he was still only able to maintain his Holy Nirvana Physique for a few seconds, and it wasn't even at peak power during those few seconds.

Thankfully, the golden giant wasn't to react sufficiently quickly to the situation. If it had immediately fled to buy just a little bit of time as soon as Han Li completed his transformation, the outcome of that battle would've been completely different.

As the medicinal power of the Cloud Crane Herb was converted into magic power, a hint of color quickly returned to Han Li's complexion, and he took a glance at the yellow bean in his hand, then raised an eyebrow before stowing it away.

1. For more information on the Holy Nirvana Physique, please refer to RMJI Chapter 2005: Holy Nirvana Physique. ☜


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