A Princess Reborn

Chapter 21

Self-doubt begins to creep in once Rune and I return to Market Square. Despite the drastic changes in my life, the fear of my family's rejection and their reaction still looms over me.

"We should be near your farm soon. Are you ready to face your parents, your highness?" Rune inquires.

"To be honest, I'm dreading the very idea."

"You have nothing to fear; I am here with you."

"Thank you for your encouraging words. But it's not my physical safety that worries me. My parents are good people, but they have different opinions on life."

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to worry about. You are intelligent, wise, and beautiful. What could you possibly dread?"

Rune has conducted himself as a perfect gentleman throughout our journey. Although things have changed since the stone gods, our relationship has acquired a new depth that's difficult to define.

"Is there anything you need before we leave the village? Perhaps something to drink... or eat?"

"No, I believe I'm fine."


We have arrived at my family's home. Following my orders, Rune waits just outside the backdoor. It's better to face this alone.

As soon as I step inside, the familiar aroma of stew and freshly baked bread greets me. I expected my heart to race, but my sweaty palms take it to a whole new level.

There's my mother, her back turned as she peels carrots, and Brianna, diligently scrubbing dishes. They both look at me in unison, their surprise evident. "Sarah?!"

"You insolent, selfish child! How dare you put us through such misery!"

That all too familiar feeling of yielding to my mother's demands threatens to overwhelm me. But I must remember who I am.

Brianna approaches me, her arms crossed. "I had to do all your chores! How utterly selfish of you, you brat!"

"I'm sorry."

Brianna's lips curl in disdain. "Sorry doesn't make up for the hardships you've caused us!"

My mother joins my sister, her voice dripping with anger. "I'm tempted to lock you in your room and throw away the key, you foolish girl!"

My father enters the kitchen. "What's all this commotion... sweetling! We were so worried!"

He's the only one who seems somewhat relieved to see me. "I'm sorry, Father. I..."

"She's a selfish, ungrateful daughter who deserves none of our time! Off to your room, Sarah!"

"To her room? She should be cleaning the pigpens instead, Mother."

"You're absolutely right, Brianna. Sitting in her room is not punishment enough. Fetch a shovel and start cleaning that pigpen immediately. After that, you'll scrub the floors, from the porch to the backdoor!"

Everyone is taken aback as Rune appears behind me. "I advise you all to choose your words carefully! This is not how you speak to royalty."

Brianna chuckles. "Royalty? That's a good one! Aren't you the knight from the butcher shop?"

"Indeed, I am. And I have found the daughter I was seeking."

"The... what?"

"I know my identity. I know the truth."

Brianna drops the scrubber, turning her gaze to our parents' stunned faces. "What is she talking about, Mother?"

I look at both my parents. "I am not your biological daughter. You found me when I was just a child."

"So, you're adopted? I always suspected you were too peculiar to be my blood!"

Rune turns to Brianna. "Mind your words, maiden! Such language is inappropriate when addressing Princess Liana, the rightful heir to the throne."


"Sweetling... Sarah, I apologize for not telling you. We thought it was best this way."

I glance at my mother, but she avoids eye contact, her gaze fixed on the floor. "None of that matters now. I'm searching for my medallion, the one I was wearing when you found me."

"I'm sorry. We sold it."


"To pay for the butcher shop. Without it, your mother and I would have lost our home."

A sudden fury grips me. "And you were going to send Brianna to study in town with the money you got from my medallion?"


"I had to endure Brianna's insufferable bragging, do chores day in and day out, and be treated as if something was wrong with me, all while you knew who I really am!"

My father kneels in front of me. "I apologize, princess. Please forgive a humble butcher for his mistakes. I was young and trying to support my family." I can't stand to see my father on his knees. After all, he was the one who showed me the most kindness. "I beg your mercy as well, Sir Knight. As the protector of... Her Highness. Please forgive our transgressions against your princess."

"I cannot grant mercy, sir. That's up to Princess Liana."

"I've had enough of this! This is our house, not yours! You never belonged here. I don't care who you are; get out of our house!"


"No, Father. Royal or not, she can't see you on your knees! How utterly foolish! Do you have no respect for the man who raised you? And besides, I'd rather have my head chopped off than ever kneel to you, little sister!"

"Let's kneel, Brianna. It's the right thing to do."

"Mother! Not you too!"

Brianna is right. Despite being a princess, I can't let my parents kneel. "Father, Mother, please rise. I apologize if I gave you the impression that you should kneel before me."

"That's the first sensible thing you've said since barging in here! And don't think you can wield your royalty like a magic wand!"

Rune points a finger at Brianna. "I warn you again. Do not speak to Her Highness in such a manner!"

"Fine! But I'll never kneel before her! I stand by that."

"Let's all calm down. There's no need for formalities or conflict."

"Thank you for your mercy, Princess."

"Father..." He regards me with a mixture of darkness and speechlessness; there are no words to soothe this surreal moment.

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness," Mother adds.

Rune turns back to my father. "About the medallion: to whom did you sell it?"

"Uh, a merchant named Ernest, sir. I sold it to him at a grand auction market. I only know he lives in a foreign kingdom, but I can't specify which one. He's the only one who would know its location."

"I'm familiar with whom you speak. It seems we're embarking on another journey, Your Highness."

"Anything to retrieve that medallion."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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