A Princess Reborn

Chapter 1



I groggily mumble as I rub the sleep from my eyes, rudely awakened from my slumber. My mother stands before me, an expression of displeasure etched across her face.

"Sarah, still in bed? What's the matter with you? Get up, lazy girl!"

"Ugh...I must've overslept...what time is it?"

"It's nearly noon! You left your sister and me to handle all the housework and breakfast. Is there no respect left for your family?"

My bleary eyes catch sight of my sister, Brianna, stationed beside our mother.

"Seriously. I ended up doing most of your morning chores," she quips, her tone dripping with annoyance.

"It wasn't intentional, I apologize. If you had woken me, I could've-"

"That's not the point! Why are you so utterly exhausted?" my mother inquires.

I can't let on that I snuck out last night; she'd explode! "Uh...I'm not sure."

"You don't know? Your memory must be quite the sieve." She gives me a self-satisfied smirk, arms folded. "How convenient that you suddenly forget about sneaking out! You really know how to push my buttons, Sarah."

Angrily, I shoot a glare at my sister, the only one privy to my nighttime escapade. "Brianna, you spilled the beans? How could you!"

"Brianna is a responsible daughter, unlike someone here. She pitches in without secrets kept from her loving mother."

"Brianna, you swore you wouldn't tell! What kind of sister does that?"

"Sorry, Sarah. I was just worried sick about you. Going out to watch the Starfall in the dead of night..." Her sarcastic tone leaves no doubt about her indifference.

"Perhaps if you focused on your chores and your family, instead of gallivanting off to watch stars, you wouldn't oversleep like this."

"I'm sorry, Mother, but you understand how rare it is. I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"No, you just wanted to. You're so selfish, Sarah. I'm disappointed. Your sister and I are going out, you are to stay home and clean. I want this house spick and span before we get back, understood?"

"Byeeee Sarah!" my sister waves as she and my mother leave my room through the door.

She is way too happy for having just betrayed a sisterly bond of trust. I'll have to think of a way to get back at her.

As I flop back onto my bed, I start to remember last night. I don't care if I was caught, it was definitely worth it.


"Sarah, over here!"

"Hannah!" I rush over to where she's settled on a spread-out blanket under the tree.

"You made it! I was almost afraid you wouldn't. Can you believe your parents actually forbade you from coming out tonight?"

"I know, right? They never let me do anything." Their refusal stung, but I recognized the importance of being here. This was about seeing, feeling, experiencing freedom from my family, just for one night.

"At least you managed to sneak away! I was seriously worried you wouldn't pull it off." She pulls me into a hug as I settle beside her.

"Yeah, it was a close call slipping out of the house. The dogs nearly gave me away," I admit.

"Phew, that would've been disastrous. I'm so glad you're here. The Starfall is said to be the most breathtaking natural spectacle ever, and I've only heard tales about it. Finally, we're witnessing it ourselves."

I gaze upwards at the night sky, the stars shimmering against the velvety backdrop. One by one, they seem to ignite, leaving trails of luminous light in their wake.

"Wow..." Hannah breathes.

"It's truly incredible..."

"Almost as though it's calling to me."

"Absolutely. You're captivating, and so is this phenomenon. The attraction makes perfect sense." I chuckle.

Hannah playfully nudges my arm. "Oh, come on, stop teasing."

"But it is genuinely exquisite. I can't recall the last time I saw something so enchanting."

"Do you happen to remember our cherished story?" Hannah prompts.

"The legend of Princess Liana?" How could I forget? It's been a favorite since our childhood.

"Haha, yes. I told my sister about the heartrending tale a few days back, and it's been lingering in my mind."

"Well, it is beautifully tragic. A royal family poised to sail the seas, thwarted by a ferocious storm. Parents lost, young princess left stranded on the shore."

"-And, as the kind princess is taken in by common folks who remain oblivious to her true identity, she could be anyone among us!" Hannah chimes in.

"A princess raised by her community, unaware of her heritage. How bittersweet."

"I sometimes wish I were Princess Liana. Imagine, growing up in our little village, then being whisked away by valiant knights to the royal court," Hannah muses.

"Leaving everything behind...that wouldn't be too shabby," I remark.

"But it's just a tale. You and I must carve our own brave, solitary paths in this harsh world."

Hannah tends toward dramatics, yet she never fails to brighten my day. "You deserve more than this tucked-away village, Hannah."

"Perhaps. But luck is on your side. You're heading to town for studies soon. My family can't afford such a luxury," she sighs.

"I'm sorry, Hannah. I'll make sure to write often, alright?"

"Absolutely, you goof! Can't have you forgetting your best friend. And no need for apologies; it's not your fault I'm one of six kids."

Hannah gazes at me with a mix of admiration and a hint of sadness. Her smile remains steadfast. "Hey, I've got an idea."


"The Spring Festival is around the corner! Dancing, music, delectable food, handsome boys. Let's go together, a last hurrah before you head out."

"That's an amazing idea, Hannah!" The Spring Festival had always intrigued me, catching my eye during moments working with my father in his shop. Yet, my parents would never allow me to attend.

"I've got a knack for those," she quips with a grin, flipping her hair playfully.

"But promise me you won't leave me to fend for myself. I'm no dancing pro," I tease.

"Don't fret! I'll have your back, no matter what."

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