A Mother's Love

Chapter 37

Peter had a hard time understanding how James found pleasure in other people’s sorrows or problems.

What was it about James that made him enjoy the misfortunes of others? The answer came to Peter in the form of a voice in his mind that said “He is an abomination of human genetics.” Peter didn’t recognize the voice that spoke and asked “Who are you and why did you say that?” The voice responded “It does not matter who I am, but you will find out some day. You are not like him, yet you share the same genetic patterns. He holds the dark forces of evil in him, while you are an opposing opposite; the eternal good. James existence has put your world in grave danger and he must be eliminated from it. You and your brothers must see to this.” “If you know about my brothers then you must be from the Agency and you are trying to use us to kill James, who is also our brother.” Peter replied. “I am a victim of the Agency just like you and your brothers Peter, but unlike you I was not created by them.” the voice answered. Peter reached out with his mind and tried to read the being who was communicating with him. All he could read was a tranquil color of blue and a presents of peaceful calmness. The voice responded to Peter’s attempt to read him “You are not capable of touching my inner thoughts. What you perceived is all that I will allow you for now. In time I will allow you to know all the truth, but you are not ready to understand it yet. I could make you trust me but that is not what I want to do. I ask for your trust openly to show you I am not a threat to you or your brothers. I wish to only assist you in removing the threat you call James.” Peter could feel in his heart and mind that the voice was telling the truth and was sincere in all he said. “I feel that you can be trusted and we will help you to do this.” Pater communicated back. “I will communicate with you again when the time is right. Right now you should be aware that James is about to contact someone you know” was the voices reply.

Peter quickly brought his attention back to the opening in the sky that showed James. He was sitting on a bench next to an elderly gentleman who was reading a newspaper. James was closing the journal he had found in the carved black box. Peter could mentally read that he had read something that interested him, but couldn’t read what it was. James looked over at the elderly person sitting next to him and waved his metal hand and popped out of existence. The man dropped his newspaper and ran down Commonwealth Ave.

screaming. The image in the sky when out of focus as the man ran away but slowly came back into focus and showed James standing in front of a home in the country. Peter soon realized that the home he was looking at was Papa Angie’s childhood friend Gaetano’s.

Peter watched as James walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Gabrielle answered the door and asked politely what the strange visitor wanted. She also told him that she was not interested in buying anything he was selling. James told her he wasn’t selling anything and that he was here on business he would like to discuss with Gaetano. “Is he expecting you young man?” Gabrielle asked. “No he is not, but if you tell him I was sent by Doctor Scull he will see me.” James replied. Gabrielle invited him into the house and told him to wait and she will relay his message to Gaetano.

Gabrielle returns and informs James that Gaetano is not interested in whatever it is that he wanted.

James smiled at Gabrielle and said “That gun won’t do you any good Gaetano so come out so we may meet.

Doctor Scull spoke of you highly and I am in need of your services.” Gaetano enter the room with the gun aimed right at James. “Doctor Scull is dead. I just heard the news report that he was one of the victims found in the downtown building massacre. Who are you and what do you want?” Gaetano replied. My name is James. I am one of Doctor Scull’s prodigies you might say. He sometimes use to tell me I was the son he never had and yes I did kill him and the rest of the victims in the downtown building. So if you wish not to share their fate put down the gun and let’s talk business.” James said as he walked over and stood next to Gabrielle. Gaetano followed his movement with the gun. James made a facial expression of distain and said to Gaetano “Okay let’s do this the hard way.” Gaetano tried to pull the trigger of the gun but found he could not do it. Instead his hand, not working under his control, pressed the release for the gun’s magazine. The magazine slide out of the handle of the gun but did not fall to the floor. Instead it hung in the air defying the pull of gravity. Gaetano tried to move to grab the magazine but found he was frozen in place unable to move He watched a bullet extracted itself from the magazine and slowly rose up to his eye level. It moved closer to Gaetano face and stopped when it touched the area right between his eyes. James spoke to Gaetano in a commanding voice and said “I control you and the bullet right now. Here are your options. Either do as I ask or I fire off the bullet.” Gaetano looked into James eyes with a stare that was full of hate. James could read the rage and anger raising in Gaetano’s mind, but he felt no fear of death in him. He looked even deeper into his mind to find the fear, but there was none. What fear James found was Gaetano’s fear of Gabrielle being hurt.

The bullet moved away from Gaetano and moved towards Gabrielle. It stopped when it touched her chest directly over her heart. “I see that you are not afraid to face your death Gaetano, but her death is a different matter altogether. Your options have changed. Either do as I ask or she dies.” James felt the rage in Gaetano raise even higher, but he also felt another feeling that he never felt before. It was the feeling of love for another person and it sicken James to feel this emotion. The only thing that James loved was unadulterated power and nothing more. Gaetano nodded his head to show that he agreed to James terms.

The bullet and magazine drop to the floor and Gaetano could move again. His first desire once he was freed was to throw the gun at James but he knew it would bring retaliation. Not against himself but towards Gabrielle. He placed the gun down on a small table next to him and bent over and retrieved the magazine.

Gaetano could feel James roaming around in his mind and reviewing his memories. He tried to fight it with all his will but couldn’t stop James mental assault. James would now know all Gaetano’s contacts and business dealings. While James was roaming through Gaetano’s mind he came upon the memories that he had of Peter. James instantly knew that this was the missing brother he had faced and who had disgraced him. He now knew how and where to find him and this changed his plans. He would have to make his brother pay for belittling and insulting him before moving to the nest phase of his plans,

“Gaetano, I need you to obtain for me an Identity or should I say create an Identity. You see I have no birth record, last name, or social security number. Without these things I cannot function properly in this world.” James told Gaetano. Gaetano told James that he could arrange to create an identity for him but that the cost of such a thing would be high. James opened the wooden box, removed the money and without counting it handed it to Gaetano. The money was composed of large denomination bills and totaled to six million dollars after counting it. Gaetano told James that there was more than enough money there to get what he wanted. He looked James straight in the eyes as he said “I am no fool young man. I can assume that once you have what you need you will cover your tracks. So I know that you will eliminate anyone or anything who knows the truth about you. If that is the case we have no deal. You might as well kill us now. Unless I have your word that all involved in creating the identity, that you need, will walk away unharmed the deal will not proceed further.” James just stood there for a moment in silence thinking to himself that the man was a fool.

Of course he would cover his tracks and eliminate all threats to his new found identity. This man simple ask for my honest word to spare their lives. He thinks by giving my word I would abide by it. He’s a bigger fool that I imagined. “You have my word that no harm will befall them.” James replied as he extended his hand to seal the deal. Gaetano shook his hand and said “I’ll get right on it and I’ll waiver my normal fee of service.” Peter knew that James had lied to Gaetano about not harming anyone involved. He had read it in James’s thoughts. He knew that he would have to act quickly to save them. The voice of his unknown ally spoke to Peter once again and said, “You are correct in your train of thought. We must act now to save your friends. With the help of your brothers we can eliminate the threat known as James. Return to your home and I will contact you and your brothers there.

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