A Mother's Love

Chapter 28

Sunday morning Parker and Angie had to go to the bakery. Being Sunday was their biggest sale day at the bakery, they had to be there till noon when the bakery closed. The morning was busy and it kept their minds occupied and off the issue of gather more information from the Lost Boys. The morning pasted by quickly and by twelve thirty they were locking up the bakery and heading back to the house. When they arrived there Peter and May were ready to proceed with contacting the Lost Boys.

They all gathered in the parlor of the house and Peter sat in a large arm chair. May, Parker and Angie sat in kitchen chair that surrounded the chair Peter was sitting in. May asked if Peter was ready to contact them and he replied he was. Peter looked at May and said “Mom, I think you should join in on this contact. Is that Alright with you?” May replied quickly and said “Peter how can I join in on this conversation?” Peter told her that to contact them he would have to go to the safety place, Neverland; he created and then contacts the Lost Boys. Once contact was made he would link to her mind and she would be able to communicate through him to them. She asked Peter why he wanted her to talk with them. Peter told her that maybe communicate with a person who is a mother may help open them up to give as much information as they can. Peter could see the May was trouble by this idea so he reached over and gripped her and said “Don’t worry I’ll be there to protect you if anything goes bad. I’ll break communications at the first sign of trouble.” May nodded and Peter felt some of her anxiety subside in her mind.

Peter sat back in the arm chair and brought himself into the Neverland he created. He found himself sitting on a tree stump on the shore of Pirate Cove. Gentle waves were breaking on the sandy shore. He looked to the sky and found the twelve stars that represented the Lost Boys. He focused his thought on the group of stars and one by one they started to twinkle brightly. Once all twelve were twinkling he heard in his mind a message that said “We are here and waiting for your aid to free us.” Peter replied back “I need information from you to make what you ask of me to happen” The Lost Boys replied that they would give Peter any information he needed to accomplish his goal. Peter then asked if he could bring another person into the conversation. The Lost boys wanted to know who this person was and why this person should be involved. Peter explained to them that the person was his mother and her wisdom was great and filled with an emotion called love. The Lost Boys accepted Peter’s proposal without any problem and he focused on May star to bring her into the communication.

May felt a slight tingle in her head and she closed her eyes. She felt her consciousness being pulled into a spiraling void for just an instant and suddenly she found herself standing next to Peter in Neverland.

Peter smiled at her then she heard a child voice fill the air of Neverland. The child’s voice said “May we please call you Mother?” She responded with “That would be fine with me, but my name is May. How shall I address you? Do you have a name?” The child voice responded back with “We do not have names, only numbers. You may call us what you like. May replied “Then I shall just call you “boys”. Is that okay with you?” “That is fine.” The boys replied. My did not waste any time and got right to the point by saying “We have found out were you are located, but we need to know how we can enter without being seen. Do you know if there is an alternative entrance to the chamber?” There was a long lull of silence and May asked the same question three times before see got a response. The response was not what she was expecting.

The child’s voice finally responded with a question that asked, “Can you tell us about this thing Peter calls love. We know little of it and lack the knowledge to truly understand it. Please explain.” This request caught May off guard but her motherly instinct kick in and she replied “There are many kinds of love. All different from one another but at the same time they are all the same emotion called love. There is the love that two people find that want to spend their life together and have a family. Then there is the love for a certain thing that you enjoy, like music, art, or adventure. The love of God is one that all human share, though they may call their God by different names. Each of these loves spawn other loves, like a mother’s love for its child. It’s a love that is spawned from the love of family. A mother holds a great love for all of her children. She accepts in them the good and the bad and sacrifices much to accept faults. This is balanced by the pride she has for them when they show their good traits. The greatest part of love that is hard to understand is the sacrifice one makes. To truly love, one must put another’s well being before there own. In the case of a mother’s love, she would put her life on the line to protect the life of her child. I as would, and as other’s have done before me. Do you understand love now?”

At first there was no reply. All May could hear were the waves crashing against the shore of Pirate Cove. She looked down at Peter as to ask had she said something wrong. The child voice finally filled the air and it said, “You said nothing wrong. The concept of love is new to us that is all. The words you used to describe love were well used, but it was the images and feelings that your mind emitted that showed the true meaning. We felt the warmth and beauty that you share with you mate Parker. No words could describe its depth or dedication. The love you hold for the one called Angie was full of divine respect for a man full of a giving spirit. It made us understand the sacrificing of oneself for another that you spoke of. The mother’s love that you feel for Peter was the hardest for us to comprehend. We could not relate to it because we all feel that our mothers abandoned us to this existence. We found the truth in the memories that you shared with one called Fawn Moore. Our mother’s did not have the truth in what they were doing. Their love was to bless others with a child to love. That was the sacrifice of love they were giving. Fawn had been fortunate enough to have seen through the deception and spared Peter from this living turmoil we exist in. She gave her life to protect her child from all that we have experienced. “

There was a moment of silence and Peter smiled at May. She felt in her mind the pride that Peter felt for her and this made her whole being fill with warmth that brought joy to her spirit. The silence was broken by the voice of the child and it said “The love that Peter feels for this place he calls Neverland is a very special love. He finds a peace here that many people in a lifetime never feel. This is the love that you spoke of that transcends the physical world. The love of thing that is dear to the heart and mind. This love was given to him from the one called Fawn and he keeps it sacred to remember her by. It may be a story of fantasy, but from her mother’s love it was spawned. It is the one love she chose to share with him that she cherished. It was the memory of her parents that she had lost and how she always remembered them. She past this along to Peter in love so he would always remember her. We thanks you and Peter for sharing this with us. Whatever the outcome of this venture to aid us, just knowing these truths will ease the pain of out existence.”

Peter replied “We are glad that we could be of help in easing your suffering, but to completely free you of it we need more information. Is there an alternative way to enter the chamber other than the tunnel from Milk Street station? The voice of the Lost Boys replied quickly and said “That would depend on how you wish to enter.” “What do you mean by that?” asked Peter. The child voice of the Lost Boys replied “Well if you want to come in unseen you might want to walk through the north wall of the chamber. That is where the electric generators are that power our cylinders.” “Are you saying that there is another open entrance to the chamber on the north wall?’ questioned Peter. “If you are asking if there is an open doorway or door there, the answer is no.” replied the child voice. “Then how can anyone enter through the north wall if there is no opening in the wall to walk through?” Peter asked in an irritated tone. For a second May and Peter thought they heard more than one voice speaking. They all were saying the same thing which was “He doesn’t know.” “Doesn’t know what?” Peter asked yelling aloud.

The voices stopped speaking and abrupt silence fell for a moment that seemed to last for an eternity.

The single child voice of the Lost Boys broke the silence and it said “You do not know your full capabilities.

We have been prodded and trained to bring these capabilities to their maximum usage. We will share our memories of training with you.” Peter suddenly stood up and raised his hands to grip his head. Images started to fill his mind so quickly they were overwhelming. The pain was unbearable and he let out a scream that actually shook the whole of Neverland. Peter fell limply to the ground and lied there with his eyes opened staring up at the sky above. May dropped to her knees beside Peter and held him in her arms. As she held him he started to shake as if he was suffering an epileptic fit. She did not know what to do or how to help him but her motherly instincts took hold and she yelled “I beg you, please stop you are hurting him. Can’t you see that? Is this the how you repay him for trying to help you.”

Tears filled May’s eyes and she held Peter close to her. That is all she could do. She held him there praying that all of this was not in vain. Suddenly Peter stopped shaking and went limp in her arms. He opened his eyes and looked at May and said “Mom I’m all right. I now have the knowledge that we need.” May helped him to stand up then gave him a hug and a kiss on his forehead. Peter looked his mother in the eyes and said “Mom, I can take it from here. I am going to break the link and return you back to Dad and Papa Angie.” The image of May faded away and Peter stood alone on the shore of Pirate Cove.

May found herself back in the parlor with Parker and Angie and there was a look of concern in their eyes. They all looked over at Peter still sitting in the large arm chair with his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. Parker turned to May and asked “What happen? We got a scare when Peter started shaking uncontrollably and you started to scream “You’re hurting him.” May told them about talking to the Lost Boys about the subject of love and about how Peter didn’t know of his full capabilities. She then told them that the Lost Boys sharing their memories and training with Peter and that he had all the information that they needed.

At that moment Peter opened his eyes and said “I know what has to be done and we must do it as soon as possible. James is planning to take control and that is worse than the Doctor Scull and Xenograft having control.”

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