A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 26

It would have been impossible to be in a bad mood on a wedding day. That's what I thought when Henris also woke up wi a happy smile on his face. Excitement reigned throughout the house, Anne and Gemma running in every direction to try t put the last things in place and to arrive on time for their appointments. After a little chat, breakfast and a shower, it was decided that I would get ready with the rest of the women, while Henris would spend time with Robin. At noon, we left the house, our chosen clothes slung over our shoulders. “Noras!" Henris called as I was walking through the door. I turned around to find him, his eyebrows furrowed and his han in the pockets of his tight black jeans. Those damn dark jeans that worked wonders for her legs. Slowly, he motioned for me to walk towards him and, looking up at the sky, I obeyed. “Yes? I don't want to keep you waiting” I said, walking up to him. I tried to stay angry after what he said the night before. He squinted in my direction and leaned against the door. “She wears her hair tied up. I like him." “Is that all you had to say?” I mumbled, staring at the floor. With my hands behind my back, I was swinging on my feet, avoiding looking him in the eye. “Yes. And I was going to kiss you, unless you don't want to." I grumbled and looked up, I saw him looking at me with an arrogant expression on his face, his eyebrows raised. Mutterin a little “fuck you," I raised my lips to hers and waited. He gave me a brief kiss and his lips carried the taste of the mint tez he had sipped just before and that was enough to make me melt into the kiss. When he pulled back, he put a finger under my chin to maintain eye contact. He could probably feel my heart racing at th mere touch of him, and the fact that my cheeks were blushing didn't help my embarrassment. “I'l see you soon, Noras. P your hair up.” I stuck out my tongue at him and ran, waving goodbye to him. He gave me a mischievous smile and closed the door when got into the car with his family, so he was out of my sight for the first time in 24 hours, and I couldn't help but think that I was already missing him. We made a quick stop at Starbucks, bought some drinks and continued on to the wedding. The ceremony was to take pla in a traditional church that they usually attended. The place was simple and cozy, but at the same time extremely beautif it was almost exactly what I imagined Anne would have chosen. There was a dressing room in the back, to which we were quickly escorted. We found a man armed with a trolley with all hairdressing tools, his legs crossed and a curious expression on his face, while a woman holding various make-up brushe was working around a vanity. “Ah, there you are,” she smiled when she saw us enter. “Anne, we'll start with your makeup. Girls, you can wait your turn o start doing your hair before the bridesmaids arrive.” Four hours later, we were all ready and loaded to perfection. We spent the time eating snacks and talking endlessly abou every little detail of our lives. The more I talked to his family, the more I learned about Henris Steve. I learned that he slept with a nightlight until he was thirteen, and that when he got his first girlfriend, he was so afraid to kiss her that she broke up with him. I learned that he cried for a week after the breakup, that he decided that he was gay, and that he then proceeded to announce it at the church. I learned that he decided he wasn't gay three days later when his girlfriend told him she wanted to get back together witt him and he kissed her immediately. I learned that Henris was infinitely happy and funny as a child and that he came bac} from university as a changed man. I learned that he can sing. I also learned that he has stage fright. My vision of Henris was gradually changing with every minute I spent with his family. I always imagined him as a child wh came to class and only had A's, when in reality he was too afraid to speak in front of a large group of people. Something changed Henris Steve at some point. “Oh my God, you're going to die when you see the picture of him in makeup!” Gemma laughed, taking me out of my thoughts. The hairdresser frowns, trying to keep her head still. “He was, what, 14,15 years old, mom?” Anne watched her from the chair on which she was having her nails done. “16” “So much the better. I'll show it to you as soon as I get home” Gemma promised. Soon, my burgundy dress found its place on my body. I wished Anne well by kissing her on the cheek, I hugged Gemma, then I went out to join the rest of the guests. My eyes searched through the crowd of unknown faces to find Henris, ending up being disappointed not to see him scare poor soul. Instead, I found James standing in the corner, his arms folded across his chest, silent. He was the only person I recognized, so I walked towards him. “James.” I greeted him, offering him my hand before extending it, deciding that a hug would be preferable. He gave me a strange look and I lowered my arms, offering my hand again with a shy smile. There was an awkward handshake before w spoke. “What are you doing here?" “Mr. Steve invited me. I'm friends with his mother.” “Oh, nice.” I smiled. “Would you like to sit next to me during the ceremony?” With his usual stone face of driver/ bodyguard whatever role he plays for Henris, he smiled at me and nodded. “Of course Noras." We talked about the time to pass the time and soon after, the doors opened and the guests hurried to take their seats in the church. We found seats a few rows away and James and I sat down, crossed our legs and waited for the ceremony to begin. Finally, soft music started playing and people started walking down the aisle. An adorable little girl was strutting her stuf throwing pale pink petals and humming under her breath, followed by the bridesmaids, Gemma and then Anne. Henris accompanied her down the aisle. My eyes were going back and forth between the beautiful couple, trying to decide who to look at. Both were perfect. Her mother was wearing a long-sleeved white dress and her hair was braided back. A big smile on her lips and I could tell tha she was the happiest woman in the world at that moment. Then there was Henris, his handsome son, CEO of a company, with his usual curly hair and a black suit with a thin tie. He looked at his mother with adoring eyes as they walked, before leaving her at the altar with a kiss on the cheek and taking his seat in turn. The ceremony was absolutely wonderful and ended with small tears running down Anne's cheeks during a sweet kiss. The she and Robin walked down the aisle, hand in hand and undeniably in love, and it was time for the reception. I followed the crowd to a large banquet, elegantly decorated. White tables with floral centerpieces surrounded a large dance floor. There was an open bar at one end of the room and a long snack table at the other end. “Noras!” A deep voice called. My palms started to sweat as I turned to Henris who was approaching with a smirk, looking like a fucking mannequin. “Noras.” He repeated. “Henris I smiled. He took my hand and began to lead me to the table in the middle of the room. “Come on, you're at the table with us." “Are you sure?” “Yes, of course I am, Noras.” She replied, frowning for a second. They got back to normal when her sister motioned for us hurry up. “Did you like the ceremony?” “It was beautiful’ I said smugly. “Really beautiful. I could have cried a little” He pulled the chair for me and I sat down without much elegance, he followed by taking a seat to my right, putting his ar on the back of my chair and turing to me. “I think you really cried. You seem like the kind of person who cries at weddings." He smiled. “I am” I admitted. “It's quite embarrassing” “Would you believe me if I told you that I am also a crier at weddings?” I looked at him, not believing him, and all around him there was an air of arrogance accompanied by a smirk. I didn't believe in the idea that this company CEO could cry at weddings, or for any other reason. “Damn no." He smiled and moved closer, his hand on my file now lightly grasping the base of my neck and brushing his lips over min My heart exploded at this simple, unnecessary but appreciated gesture. “Well, 1 am.” I took a slow breath, to recover. “Really?” “Yes.” “Well, you also told everyone that you were gay because you couldn't kiss your girlfriend, so I mean, I can believe that to His face turned pale and he turned to Gemma, who was innocently sipping her champagne. At the sight of her brother's expression, she bursts out laughing; half of her drink is thrown back into the glass. I tried to stop the laughter as he stared at her, breathing heavily and glaring at her. He pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking. “Did you tell him? What else did you tell him?” “Sorry.” He complained, trying not to smile. “It came up in the conversation. And I don’t know, about the night light. And other embarrassing things." “Gemma.” She shrugged her shoulders and turned to her mother, who practically gave a black look when she joined us at the table. “Henris is angry because his girlfriend has been told embarrassing stories.” I choked on my drink when I heard “his girlfriend”, while Henris stared at his sister without any emotion on his face. After second, he picked himself up and began to lightly pat his hand on my back, offering me a glass of water to prevent me fr coughing to death. Once I stopped and turned my attention back to the conversation, I realized that all the people at our table were staring us with strange looks while Henris was giving them all bad looks. My cheeks flushed tremendously and 1 began to stamm incoherent things. Then, Henris took my hand, instantly calming me down, and laughed lightly. “It's embarrassing." “Sorry, Haz." Gemma laughed. “she really ought to know that sort of thing” He gave me a light squeeze on the hand, the reason for which I did not understand, and nodded slightly. “Yes, he should! “she also said that she would show me the photo of you in makeup.” I dropped a word, trying to pull myself together and divert my mind from the fact that he had not denied his sister's statement. Henris uttered a grunt and dropped his forehead on the table. “Gemma, I'm taking the snowball back” “But I can keep the bag, right?” “I clarify. I'm withdrawing all the gifts I've given you." She moaned slightly, resting her head on her brother's shoulder. “You would never do that, you love me too much. Now let's focus on this delicious food that they are going to serve us” The conversation ended when pre-served plates were placed in front of each of us and we started eating. Anne and Robir talked about how they felt when they said their vows to each other and other things like that, while I stuffed bite after bi of rosemary chicken in my mouth and thought how pathetic I was. At some point, Henris's knee pressed against mine and didn't come off until the music started for the first dance. He got up, reached out to his beautiful mother and dragged her to the dance floor. Robin watched with bright eyes as mother an son danced gracefully on the dance floor. Soon the new husband politely asks to take the place of Henris, who, shaking hands with him, agrees. He turned around with a smile and searched the crowd. I froze when his eyes landed on me, and I backed away when he approached with a smirk. “No, no, no, no” I protested, waving my hands. “We will not dance in front of all these people” “Noras, you have no choice.” She remonstrated as her hand fell around my waist. “Now, come. You can stand on my feet” With a reluctant sigh, I followed Henris to the dance floor where Anne and Robin finished their dance. Gemma was accompanied by a young man whom I didn't recognize and other music started playing, and I realized that I had no idea how to dance properly. “Get on my feet.” Henris whispered, as if he could read my mind, taking one of my hands in his and resting the other on hip. “It will be easier” “I'm going to ruin your shoes.” “I can buy another pair” I looked down, focused, and put the tips of my toes on her huge shoes. Elegant shoes whose value was probably higher than that of my apartment. I stumbled slightly but his hands quickly grabbed me and we began to move gracefully on the track. I put my head on his shoulder. “Where did you learn to dance?” I asked gently. “It's a secret.” “Tell me." I groaned, lifting my head to look into his eyes. He ran his tongue over his lower lip and rested his forehead against mine. “Was that an order?” He said softly. The tone of his voice made me lose my concentration and my feet slipped off his. He frowned and lifted me up, pulling me back against his chest and continued to move forward. “You are very clumsy, Noras: “I know!” I whispered, resting my head in the curve of his neck. Both of her hands are now on my waist and mine are arou her neck. “And you are very tense, Steve.” “I know." I raised my head in surprise and found him looking at me with an affectionate smile on his face. “No wrong answer?” “I can't be naughty today, Noras. It's my mother's wedding. Now, let's go have a drink” That said, he led me off the track, hand in hand, I was walking stupidly behind him, certainly with a satisfied smile on my lips. At the open bar, with surprise, he ordered two shots and two glasses of champagne. He turned around to discover that I was staring at him suspiciously, one eyebrow raised and my arms folded on my chest. “What?” “How much do you think you want to get drunk?” He burst out laughing and handed me a drink with a big smile. “Very well, Noras. All right. I take your advice to relax” “Are you still angry with me?” Her smile disappeared. “Really? Do you want to talk about it? Or, we could call it a day, drink these shots together and go dancing. OF rather, I'm dancing and you're standing on my feet. I think I've forgiven you anyway, for taking your hair like I said” I took the glass in his hands and drank it. He shook his head and drank his drink, then we went back to the dance floor, champagne glasses in hand. Every time we finished our drinks, Henris went to the bar to get two more. On my third drink, I started stumbling towards Henris during the dance. “I think that either I will stop or I will be too drunk” “Light weight.” He teased her as he finished his drink. “'m just kidding. I'm pretty drunk too. Now, come on." Without hesitation, I took her offered hand. He led us past the groups of people on the dance floor to the table we had dinner at, where we found Gemma sitting talking to a brown-haired man and another girl. When he sat down next to his sister, he easily put me on his lap and hugged my waist. I sighed contentedly and her chin rested on my shoulder, the smell of her coconut shampoo reached my nose. Everyone's eyes were watching us, waiting fo us to participate in the conversation that we had interrupted shortly before. “Noras and I are drunk” announced Henris. I turned around and played with his arm, which made him wince and bite my shoulder slightly. His cheeks are blushing because of the alcohol and he looks at me smiling mischievously and showing his dimples. I turned my gaze away from the mischievous company CEO to look at Gemma. “Your brother can speak for himself. 'm no that drunk.’ “Liar Henris whispered in my ear. “I already told you that you are a terrible liar" I tried to ignore the shivers that ran down my spine at the sensation of his breath on the skin of my neck. “I am not” He got up without warning and the only thing that kept me from falling was his hands on my waist. “Excuse us.” Henris's arm wrapped around me, keeping me by his side as we passed through the crowd of well-dressed and horribly drunk people, busy dancing on the runway, drinking and laughing. The women's eyes looked at Henris's body from head t toe. Annoyed, I got even closer to him. I looked confusedly around me as we walked out a side door, my questions were answered when her lips pressed firmly and aggressively on mine and her hands touched every place they could reach on my body. We walked slowly backwards until my back met the wall. Slowly, he parted his lips from mine and his hands slid from my shoulders to my fingers, where he intertwined his with mine. “You have no idea, do you?" He whispered softly, resting his head in the curve of my neck. I moaned in agreement when he started sucking on the skin right under my ear, the place where he had already left many marks in the past. “No.” I sighed. “All the men present were looking at you"He whispered. As if to prove his point, he slightly bit the already marked skin, which made me slightly withdraw from his grip. “Let me finish what I'm saying, Noras." Without waiting for an answer, he slowly raised his hands, holding them above my head. Our hands found each other pal to palm, then hers held mine against the wall, leaving me completely under her control. “As I was saying” He whispered, resting his forehead on mine. I was breathing with difficulty in the darkness of the evenir in the alley, with the smell of Henris all around me. “They were looking at you, and you are mine. You're mine, Noras. I car even understand it because I didn't do anything to deserve you, and yet you're here. Even though I warned you." “I didn't listen to you." She laughed slightly, touching my nose with hers. “You never do that, Noras.” And then he kissed me again, and the kiss was full of intoxication, of need, of passionate desire that I did everything I could to prevent my knees from melting. My hands entwined in his curls by way of support and, once again, he was the or who finished the act, pulling his head back sharply and frowning as he looked at me. “What's the matter?” He said sharply. I looked at him with confusion. “Hm? Nobody.” “Something is wrong. Say it." “You will be angry” “Say it” He said irritably. I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back against the wall. His hands on my hips and with his fingers he started drawing little circles as I caught my breath. “Noras.” “It's just that... you're mine, too. I think you're mine too, and I think you're too scared to admit it.” I whispered, closing my eyes expectantly. When there was a moment of silence after I stopped talking, I slowly opened one eye to take note of his angry face. Henris Steve was staring at me with a stone expression, his lips pressed together and his green eyes wide. He took a step back and ran his fingers through his thick curls before pinching his lower lip. Then he spoke, in a hoarse voice, a tone of shock permeating his voice with fantastic accents. “I think you are right." He said softly, as if he himself could not believe it.

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