A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 21

Henris woke me up by running his hands over my abdomen in a steady rhythm, his warm breath meeting the skin of my neck as he bit my shoulder. I pretended to be asleep to enjoy the feeling of her hands tickling me and her cold rings pinching my skin.

“I know you're awake, Noras." He said softly. I tensed under his touch and tried to hold back my laughter.

“I'm still asleep.” I whispered.

“You are the worst liar I have ever met. Now get up, let's take a shower and then I'l take you to work”

He turned in the bed and the mattress lifted slightly when Henris got up, leaving a warm place where his body ha previously been snuggled against mine. I chose to snuggle between the blankets and inhale what was left of the coconut smell of her shampoo instead of listening to her.

“Noras. Shower now.” He said, annoyed.

I sat up, frustrated, and found him at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed over his bare chest and a black Calvin Klein boxer tied to his hips. His eyes are still half closed, because he has just woken up, and his hair is pinned to one side of his head.

He raised an eyebrow. Are you choosing to ignore me or are you really focused on my naked body? Of which, I remind you, I offer you a complete view, for your pleasure, in the shower. Let's go"

“You control even in the morning? I groaned, pulling the covers off me. He nodded in appreciation as I stretched and followed him into the bathroom. Hot water was pouring out of the shower head, misting the glass of the large shower.

Without giving me another look, he took off his underpants and got into the shower. Embarrassed, I took off my T shirt and pants and got into the shower, covering my intimidated chest.

He opened his arms for me, asking me to stand with him under the stream of water. Steam surrounded our entwined bodies as I tried to keep my heartbeats low so he couldn't feel them exploding in my chest.

“Why are you so tense?” She asked softly, letting her arms fall from my shoulders. “And don't cover yourself"

I bit my lip as he turned to me and started massaging my shoulders, his hands moving and stretching the nerves my back. Her massages were also close to perfection. A slight grunt of appreciation escaped my lips as the tensio disappeared, then I remembered that the most handsome man I had ever seen was behind me, completely naked in the shower.

I turned around and quickly observed his body, frustrated. He raised his eyebrows and I bit my lip to stop the wor that were going to come out of my mouth. However, when he made his arm muscles work, I couldn't take it anymore.

“You're naked!” I unpacked everything, My hands were going back and forth between my chest and my red face, n really knowing which part of my body I was most embarrassed about. My indecision ended when his hands captured mine and he pressed me against the cold wall of the shower.

I was surprised when his body pressed against mine. “Yes, I am Noras. And so are you.” She said normally. I heard the sneer in his voice and I opened my eyes, finding his face a few inches from mine. The water slipped and dripp from her nose and her curls.

“Yeah, but like, you're naked. And you, damn it, Henris guy, you're naked. And your body is, without finding the rig words, definitely sexy”

He laughed deeply and rested his dripping head in the curve of my neck. “Stop being so embarrassing”

“This is one of my least attractive qualities.”

He took me under the water again, clutching the shampoo in his hands as he spoke. I watched him adoringly han me the bottle and start soaping his hair, the muscles of his arms contracting as he massaged his curls before running under hot water.

“Are you going to wash yourself?” He said abruptly when he opened his eyes and saw me standing shyly in the corner of the big shower, unsure of what to do. Nervously, I started soaping my hair. His shoulders relaxed slightly as he looked at me.

“No need to speak to me so sharply” I whispered, massaging the shampoo.

“Don't take everything personally. You let your feelings be hurt too easily.”

I blew and went to the shower. “No, it's just that you're an a*****e"

He let out a deep angry sigh and I left my eyes closed, not wanting to meet his gaze. He rinsed himself off and got out of the shower in a minute, without saying a word to me. I finished washing and went out, taking the pink towe found on the sink.

I didn't find Henris in the room when I went to get dressed, putting on my black blazer and my printed t-shirt witt shorts. My palms started sweating as I was putting on my makeup, because I knew he would be angry when I saw him.

The morning that started so well but quickly turned into a disaster continued its descent when I realized that I ha forgotten my contact lenses. Reluctantly, I put on my prescription glasses and, after a last look in the mirror, I left the room.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, I peeked from the corner towards the kitchen. Henris was turning his back on me he was sitting at the kitchen counter, presumably drinking his usual tea while Mrs. Jennifer was cooking. He was wearing a black suit that fit him like a glove.

“Oh, Noras!"Miss Jennifer said cheerfully. I turned my gaze away from Henris to the woman who was standing in front of the stove with a smile. She waved her spatula happily as I came out of my hiding place, taking a seat on t stool next to Henris.

“Hi, Mrs. Jennifer I smiled. “What are you cooking?"

“Just eggs, bacon and toast. Would you like some coffee?”

“Yes, he does.” Henris interposed. “He will want a coffee every morning, so make sure he is ready next time."

The woman rolled her eyes and turned on the coffee machine, poured a steaming cup and placed it in front of me My hands immediately took it, welcoming the warmth of the drink.

“Do you prefer your bacon soft or crispy?” He asked from the other side of the kitchen.

“Crispy, please.”

There was a long silence between Henris and me while he was busy typing something on his phone without even glancing at me. I turned my attention back to the cup containing the drink that was still too hot to drink, trying nc to look in his direction.

A few minutes later, two steaming plates were laid in front of us with freshly prepared eggs, bacon and toast browned with jam. I immediately started eating, devouring the eggs with bacon as fast as I could, and then I was free to leave the apartment.

His fork suddenly fell on his plate and took me by surprise, shifting my gaze to his. Henris clenched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh before speaking through his clenched teeth. “Are you ignoring me now?”

“No. You haven't spoken to me?”

“I had no reason to do it”

“Good, then I'm leaving? I said sharply. He groaned and grabbed my arm before I could get up.

“Be an adult, Noras. Don't run away from your problems.”

“I'm not running away, I just don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Well, you can't leave anyway since I have to accompany you. So sit down and stop being so picky”

I huffed and stood up, taking care to rub my chair on the floor. Henris looked at me when I went to sit at the emp kitchen table. Once I was seated, I pulled out my phone and tried to ignore his piercing gaze.

“Mrs. Jennifer, can you give us a minute?” He said, annoyed. I heard the woman's footsteps leaving the room. Ther was a moment of silence after the hallway door closed, then Henris walked over and stood right behind me, putti his hands on my shoulders.

He stooped down until his nose brushed my ear. “You are the most irritating person I have ever met” He said deeply. I desperately tried to breathe normally. “And I love your glasses. They make you look smart. And sexy." “You are bad” I said with difficulty, trying to ignore the electricity that his words caused to circulate in my veins. k hands squeezed my shoulders before releasing his grip and falling to his sides. Despite her anger, the contact between her big hands and my shoulders made me feel protected. He sat down on the chair next to mine and crossed his legs, before turning to me with a calm look.

“We have already talked about it. I'm not trying to be bad. I just want everything to be in order”

“You make it seem like it's entirely my fault.”

“You called me an asshole. And it made me angry. It was your fault”

“You yelled at me because I wasn't washing my hair fast enough!” I groaned. I dropped my face into my hands, shaking it in disbelief. “Maybe Claire was right”

“Claire?” He said, annoyed. My stomach made strange pirouettes at the tone of his voice. I looked through my fingers and saw him run his hand through his hair, gritting his teeth. “What are you talking about, Noras?"

“Uh, she came to my office yesterday." I whispered.

“And you didn't tell me anything?”

“Well, it's just that..”

He tapped his hand on the table, interrupting me. “What did he tell you?”

I shrugged my shoulders thinking back to the day before, when this woman came into my office with a haughty ai a devilish smile and a perfect manicure. “She just said I shouldn't be with you, stuff like that.”

“Is that all?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

“I mean, that was the basic concept.”

Henris got up and started pacing in front of me, arms behind his back. His legs only allow him to take a few steps before forcing him to turn around and walk the same distance several times. I watched him anxiously, trying not t think about his beauty and instead looking for the flaws in his outfit.

After a few minutes, I came to the conclusion that he was physically perfect. It was the personality part that contained all the flaws. But this personality also had incredible characteristics.

“Are you done with the back and forth?” I asked gently. He let out a laugh and held out his hand to me.

“Come. We don't want to be late for work."

I took his outstretched hand with a confused look and followed him out of the apartment and into the elevator. found James at the car, wearing his usual black suit and hat, with a red tie, turning the keys with his index finger. He stopped immediately when he saw Henris coming towards him, his hand entwined with mine. James opened tt door for us, grabbing me by the waist when I tripped slightly. I laughed embarrassedly as he helped me into the c for the second time.


“Ill take care of it, JamesHenris interrupted him, not hiding his anger. The driver gave her a fake smile and a slig nod before closing the door.

“What the hell is this?” I said it was irritated.

“I can take care of you, not him.” Henris shrugged his shoulders. “He has no reason to touch you like that.”

“You're crazy” I whispered. The front door opened and James came in, starting the car. “Thanks for the help, Jame: really appreciate it”

Her eyes looked at Henris through the mirror for a second. “Uh, you're welcome, Mrs. Wishe.”

Henris tightened his grip on my hand while we were traveling, and I continued to ignore him the whole time. It wasn’t until I got out of the car and he followed me that I turned around and spoke to him.

“What are you doing?” I asked when we entered the building. My cheeks were already red when I saw the interns and other people looking in our direction, the powerful Henris and the clumsy Noras holding hands. Probably a comic sketch.

“Ill accompany you to the office. What do I look like I'm doing?"

“You don't have to do it."

“I want it, Noras."

We entered the elevator with other people, all of whom gave me a confused look, melted at the sight of Henris or trembled with fear. The doors opened and I was finally able to get out, breathing normally again.

When we reached my office, he closed the door behind me and took my hand, pulling me to his chest. Her arms surrounded me and I snuggled my face against her neck, breathing in her delicious perfume one last time.

“Are these your excuses?” I whispered. He laughed deeply and I felt pressed kisses in my hair.

“No. I won't apologize. James must know that you are mine, and mine alone, and that I will take care of you

I broke away from him and leaned against my desk. “Do you really think James would upset you like that on purpose?”

“No, none of my employees would do that” He said sharply and sullenly.

“You need a damn vacation, a massage and get drunk or something. You're incredibly tense”

“Don't tell me what I need. Let's go to dinner tonight at seven o'clock”

“I told Jace that I would be with him. And don't change the subject”

Henris grunted, taking the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb. “One day I will f**k you in this office, I swear” He said, taking me by surprise. He looked up at the sky with an amused expression and a smirk. “E today will not be that day. Jace is coming to dinner with us”

“I will ask him if he agrees.” I sigh, rolling my eyes before walking behind my desk and collapsing in my chair, sittir on my hips and opening my laptop. He looked at me with an amused expression before moving closer.

I froze when he stooped down, his intentions clear in his green eyes, covered with malice. His hand took me by th hair, pulling slightly and bringing my mouth to his. Our lips met too soon before he bit my lower lip and pulled away, leaving me breathless.

He left my office without another look. Hands in pockets, shoulders straight and confident. I watched him leave, with the desire to see him again as soon as the door closed. Before I could get lost in my thoughts, the door opened and his curly head popped out.

“I forgot because of how infuriating you are. You made me angry about other things I forgot to be angry about, Claire. Don't talk to him without me, Noras. Thinking about it, don't talk to him at all. And if you ever “forget” to te me that she passed, I'll be even angrier than now.”

There was a pause during which he took a deep breath. I opened my mouth to answer him, but was stopped by a nod of the head. I thought he was going to start screaming again, but instead his eyes brightened and his lips formed a sweet smile.

“Have a nice day, baby." He said amused. “And I told you when these glasses fit you well, didn’t 12”

So he closed the door behind him, and I was too captivated by the word “baby” coming out of his beautiful lips tc be angry that he gave me another explicit order or that he called me annoying. I would yell at him later, after kissing him and his damn lips, until I was exhausted.

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