A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 16

“Jace, I need something that says “I'm sexy without having to make an effort) without it saying “I know I'm sexy and that m breasts look great” I sighed, looking for something in the pile of clothes in my wardrobe.

He mumbles and turns around, lying on his back and staring at the ceiling. Jace, already in his pajamas, decided to snugg between my blankets, apparently not caring about my dinner with Henris. I, on the other hand, had the impression that I was going to faint at any moment.

“Jace!” I shouted.

“What?” He mumbled, raising his head to look at me. “What would you say, since you are, in fact, damn sexy “without having to try", to wear something? Henris Steve doesn't decide what you wear”

I thought back to the night he made me change before going to the club and I turned back to the wardrobe. “You are righ he does not decide.’

“I know."

“What do you think of that?" I asked him, showing him my favorite jeans and striped shirt. “With the black boots I just bought? And the gold necklace?”

“Perfect. Now get your sexy little ass ready so I can give you a pep talk.”

I laughed, taking off my yogurt-stained outfit, tossing it in the laundry basket before slipping into my perfectly fitted jean I staggered slightly, which caused Jace to laugh amused.

I sat in front of the big mirror and started applying mascara before putting foundation back on. “Jace, did you see my blush?”

“Under your right knee."

I whispered a “thank you” as 1 ran it over my cheekbones, then applied lip gloss. When I got up, I took a walk, as Jace had ordered me to do. He gave an approving nod, but patted his chin as he thought.

“Where is the necklace?”

“Oh, yes," I mumbled, taking it from the dresser and tying it around my neck. “Better?”

“Something is still missing. I found itt” She screamed, jumping out of bed. She ran to my wardrobe, looking for something among the pile of clothes, before turning to me with a triumphant look, a black and gold clutch and a black bowler hat ir her hand. “Ah!”

I laughed, putting on my hat and picking up my bag, bending my hips, striking a pose. “Better?”

“One last thing."

I stood still while he ran dark purple lipstick over my lips. He stepped back and gave me another round, this time giving a high five as final approval. Laughing, we left my room and headed for the kitchen.

“I need a shot.” I had a drink, ignoring Jace’s disapproving look, and sipped the vodka. “It's disgusting." I said, grimacing. } shook his head amusedly and took the bottle from my hands, taking a sip. We sat at the kitchen counter, taking turns passing each other the bottle.

“Noras, I don't want you to be influenced by him,” he said, immediately serious. His blue eyes sought mine as he hugged I shoulders comfortably. “Ok?”

“It won't happen.” I promised.

We rang the doorbell and Jace quickly kissed each of my cheeks, whispered a “good luck” and went to lock himself in his room for the rest of the evening, probably exchanging messages with one of his many boyfriends. I took a breath and opened the door.

“Hello James." I said, going out and locking the door.

“Mrs. Wishe”” He replied.

“Please, call me Noras.’

“I beg your pardon, Noras."

I gave him a smile. “Thank you."

He walked me to the car and I got in the back seat. During the trip, I nervously looked out the window. The lights of New York passed quickly. My heart was beating faster and faster as we approached his building.

“Hey James?” I called.

The man looked in the rearview mirror. “Yes, Noras?”

“Um, how many women spent the night with Henris? You know, I slept with him." 1 whispered shyly.

“I don't have the freedom to discuss Mr. Steve's private life."He simply replied.

“Please, James?”

“I can't. I'm sorry, really.” He replied. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was sincere. I nervously turned the rings my fingers and tried again.

“Won't I tell them?”

He let out a slight sigh. “I can't say how many, but none of them spent the night."

I nodded my head in gratitude and pressed my forehead against the glass, even more confused than I was before getting into the car. My headache from before has returned, more intense. James said that no one ever spends the night at his place, but the first time Henris took me, he didn't even want me to leave his house.

I tried to get rid of my thoughts. I was also probably the first woman he didn't sleep with on the first date, and he clearly didn't know how to handle the situation. I closed my eyes to this idea and when I opened them, we entered the garage ar I could see Henris standing by the elevator.

He started to dress normally again, dark pants, white shirt and black dress shoes. The first button of his shirt open, the only thing that made him look less like a businessman than usual. His eyes fell on me, noticing my jeans and my informa T-shirt.

“I thought we were going to dinner, not that we were going to the park” He said coldly.

I stopped immediately. Okay, then I'm going to leave. That or you can start over. You choose.” I said, annoyed, already ang He can have an effect on me like no one else.

He narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat before speaking again. You're beautiful, Noras. Very informal. Good choice.” “Thank you, Henris." I said sarcastically. He gave me a bad look and held out his hand to me.


I looked down at her fingers and squeezed my bag against me. “I am following you."

He gritted his teeth but managed to restrain himself from saying anything else. I felt his big hand resting on my lower ba heading for the elevator. Remembering what had happened earlier in that same elevator, I moved away from him as soo as the doors closed.

“Are you afraid?” He asked softly.

“Not from you."

With a brief nod, he put his hands behind him and straightened up, keeping his eyes fixed on me during the ascent. What was less than thirty seconds seemed like an hour. The tension was almost palpable.

Finally, I breathed again when we arrived. Henris again put his hand on my back protectively, guiding me to the kitchen. T large apartment looked exactly like the last time I had been there.

“Good smell!" I commented as I sat down.

“Thank you. We will have fried chicken alfredo, a Ceasar salad, green beans and rolls. There's ice cream for dessert He replied. Then he turned around and went into the kitchen, returning with two large plates. He placed one in front of me and I immediately salivated over it.

“Have you cooked, Mrs. Jennifer?” I asked.

“No, me."

“I didn’t know you knew how to cook?”

“You don't know many things, Noras.'She sighed. Slowly, I cut my chicken and took a bite under his intense gaze. Deliciou to say the least.

“Is it okay? I can do something else if it doesn't feel right” He asked sincerely.

“It's okay,” I shrugged. “Jace does it better”

He sighed slowly and nodded. 1 was, in fact, surprised that he didn’t point out my obvious lie. I had to restrain myself fro devouring the dish in one bite as it was so good. The only noise in the apartment was that of pitchforks.


“Yes, thank you."

He poured everyone a drink, which I pleasantly sipped. It was the best wine I had ever tasted. Except for the one he gave me the first time I was invited to his house. We ate in silence. I looked around distractedly, drinking.

“How are you?" He asked.

“Fantastic. Thanks." I answered cheerfully. I could see him squeezing his fork tighter between his fingers when 1 was talkir “Is the wine good?”


“Are you going to have this attitude for the whole evening?”

“What attitude?” I smiled, pretending innocence.

He dropped his fork on the plate, looking at me angrily in his green eyes. “Don’t be immature. You know very well what I' talking about.”

“Please explain. Tell me how you would like this cute little relationship between us to work out” I said, in a threatening tone.

“This is not a relationship, Noras."

“Ym going away." I said it was boring. The chair made a noise when I got up and took my bag from the table. He looked at me with indifference as I walked away from him with heavy steps. I called the elevator and waited.

There was a sound indicating that the elevator had almost arrived, when suddenly I felt his arm wrap around my waist a his head on the side of my neck. “Don’t go away." He whispered.

I tried not to melt at this contact. “l am not here, Henris. You don't care what I want. You're arrogant.”

“I know you want me. I won't be bad if you're mine. I'm trying not to be, but frankly, you're exhausting. Stay, Noras."She le out a sigh that I felt in my neck and that made me shiver. Trembling, I took her arms off my waist.

“It doesn't matter.” I mumbled as I turned to him and ignored the open elevator doors behind me. “I am not yours." “That's not true.”

“He is," 1 insisted.

He sighed, running his hands through his hair in exasperation. I watched him with fascination as he opened the buttons ¢ his shirt sleeves and rolled them up. I widened my eyes when I saw the black ink spread on his wrists.

“You are tattooed.”

The businessman frowned and looked at his wrists, where I could see “I can’t change” written in black. He shifted his gaze to me and quickly unrolled his sleeves, covering his wrists. "Yeah."

“I didn't expect this." I admitted shyly. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a smirk, his eyes amused.

“t am full of surprises, Noras."

“Did you just tease me?”

“Maybe,” he joked. I laughed slightly and he stretched out his arms to touch me. I started to get scared and a hurt look appeared in her eyes. “What's the matter?”

“Please don't touch me." I sighed. Her arms fell to her sides.

“Why not?” He said softly, in a hoarse tone.

“Because I'm confused. You're confusing me. I can’t seem to keep up with your mood swings or you in general. Its too much. I'm leaving” I mumbled, turning around and calling the elevator one more time. “I can't do it. I can not"

His hands took me back when the doors opened. “Noras.” He warned me in a cold tone.

“Let me go!” I said firmly. I could hear my own voice breaking, trying to hold back my tears.

“Ym going away."

“Stay with me!” She screamed suddenly, her face red with frustration as she let go of me.

“Damn, I just need you to be with me, Noras!"

We both froze, me almost in the elevator and him with his hands clenched into fists at the sides. I seemed to be as surprised by his words as he was. There was a long silence after he stopped shouting. I felt my knees weaken as all the emotions I had been trying to hold back all evening hit me in an instant.

Before I could understand what was happening, and from the shocked look on his face, before he could understand too, I walked towards him, tears flowing freely. Without hesitation, I raised my hand and slapped Henris Steve in the face.

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