A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 98

Chapter 98


The sun shone brightly across the front of the car, making me squint as Felix and I drove towards Tommy’s neighborhood. Or I guess, my old neighborhood. I stole a glance at Felix, who was focused on the road

Tommy’s been asking about you a lot since I told him,” I said, breaking the comfortable silence between us. “Everything about you. I told him you

you have a real estate business, because obviously we can’t tell people what you really do… Felix nodded in response, I’m excited for you to meet his mom. She’s really so nice.”

Felix chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. “In looking forward to it, too, I wanna see the people who supported you when…I wasn’t there.”

As we neared our destination, memories of my conversations with Tommy flooded back. “You know, Tommy always told me that it’s not realistic to end up with your childhood crush. He used to say that life doesn’t work that way. Like one time, he asked me why I’m not dating anyone, and I told him I have a childhood crash I’m still stuck up on, and he told me that it was futile to be stuck up on that.”

Felix glanced at me, a hint of pride in his

gaze. “And yet here we are.”

I nodded, a soft smile playing on my lips. “Exactly. Tommy used to tell me to find more people to date, to explore different connections. But I guess life had other plans,” I paused, “I’m glad life had other plans.”

Felix reached over and squeezed my hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “Sometimes, things just fall into place when you least expect them to

I leaned back into the plush leather seat, my gaze drifting towards the city lights in the distance. “It’s funny how life works out. Tommy was always the realist, the one with practical advice.”

Felix chuckled again, a fondness in his eyes. “It wasn’t bad advice,” he said, But I’m happy you didn’t take it.” He gritted his teeth. “I hate thinking about you with other men.”

1 giggled, “I mean…I’m young. I have time to explore. There are plenty of hot guys to go around. Really, I was reading an article, and it said its good to date at least five people before settling down.”

Felix looked at me briefly, “You’re getting punished for that, once we get home.”

The thought sent waves of heat through me. I licked my lips, sinking down into my seat.

Felix’s hand came to slightly pinch my right nipple. “I guess you like the idea.”

“No,” I lied, mumbling. But we both knew it was true.

Felix smirked. Right as we pulled in to my old neighborhood, my breath caught in my throat. Memories and memories came rushing back. My Dad. Living in fear. Getting beat up.

When I lived here, I wasn’t so traumatized by it. I guess leaving a bad situation behind makes you realize the trauma better.

Felix noticed, and he lightly squeezed my hand, “You alright, baby?”

I gave him a brave smile, “I just hope my father isn’t there.”

“If he is, I’ll see to him.”

His words of reassurance helped, and I breathed deeply a few times to steady myself.

We parked the car in front of Tommy’s house. The soft glow of the porch light welcomed us as we approached, and before we could even doorbell, it swung open, revealing Tommy’s mom. Mary’s eager face was a welcome sight.


“Flora!” the exclaimed, rushing forward to envelop me in a tight hug. “I’ve missed you! And this must be Felix Her eyes sparkled with excitement turned his attention to Felix.


Before I could say anything. T to finally meet you.

Tommy appeared. He looked Felix up and down. Felix extended his hand, a warm smile on his face. “Tommy, it’s a pleasure

stepped inside, the many wa

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“Flora daring” Mary exclaimed ashing over to tag me aga

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Felix extended his hand and she took it with a

She laughed, a melodious sound that led the room lease, call me Mary. And you

I could the

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you, Mrs. Andersen

handsome than Tommy described

and delight. “Thank you, Mary. You’re right.”

adventures and cracking jokes that had

As we settled into the cody living run, Tanım

Mary beamed at the scene, her eyes norting

I exchanged a glance with Feliu a slemt unders

His mother had prepared a fecit, and an we

teral pride. Then, der ve found someone special. Its clear he cares about you a lot

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“Tsee your less Dad a few times a week,” ”

I smiled sadly. I didn’t know so

“The bell if I knowe“:

Tommy shook his head. “Well, he hasn’t been hom

I nodded. That wasn’t surprising. He keines dapperst

As the night drew to a close. Tommy mother offered

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Felix nodded with genuine gratitude. Thank you. Mary” He looked at them both. Think for an

As we stepped out into the cool night, hand in hand, I couldbelp but feel a deep sem

“She spoke about you, you know?” he said to Felix, his voice him. “You better treat her like

I know be didn’t appreciate being spoken to the lost time. Don’t worry about it.”

geness. Mary was inside, but Tommy was walking to

“some eldhood lice. She waited for you.” Feuer’s face was grim as he listened to

that tone. But Felix, met Felix, a sad one thing” will spend my whole life making up to her for

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