A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 90

Chapter 90


Felix’s hands were balled up into fists, and he was staring right at me. His jaw was clenched, I could see the vein in his jaw popping. I licked my lips. My mouth suddenly felt so dry.

I reached out to touch him. I lightly stroked his chest with my fingertips, and it was like he jolted back to life; he was so stoic before, so still, like a statue. He shivered under my touch, and I gulped.

It felt.. I don’t know if it felt good to tell him all this. It didn’t feel good, actually. The images of my mother lying dead in front of me were fresh in my mind. I could still see the pool of blood in front of my eyes. I could feel Ascencio’s hands on me. I could hear the things they were saying to each other. I hadn’t thought about all this so deeply in so long. I had almost buried the memory.

“What then?” Felix finally spoke. His voice was shaky. Like he was really angry, or like he was just about to cry. I couldn’t tell which. It was probably


I took a deep breath, and continued.

“I woke up groggily, my surroundings a blur as I tried to make sense of where I was. The rhythmic hum of the engine beneath me revealed I was in a moving car. Panic surged through me as I turned my head to see my dad at the wheel, his jaw clenched in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

“Dad, what’s happening? 1 mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.

““Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. He took a sharp turn, and my head hit something. I winced. My head hurt so bad. And my vision was blurry.“Shut up,” he snapped, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. The atmosphere in the car felt heavy, filled with an unspoken tension that hung in the air like a storm about to break,

ng to me li

*My mind was foggy, memories elusive, but an overwhelming sense of doom clung to me like a shadow. I squinted, trying to recall the events leading up to this moment. The more I strained, the hazier the memories became.

“But I remembered what I needed to. I just felt so…tired I had no strength in my body. I tried to move my hand, but I couldn’t

**We need to go back for Mom,” I urged, my voice tinged with desperation, “She’s back there; we have to go back!

*My dad’s face twisted in anger, and he shot me a venomous glare. “Never mention her name again.”

The words hung in the al

alr, heavy and final. Dread settled deep in my chest as I dared to ask, “Do you know she’s dead?”

“He was silent in response.

“Dad!” I vell


“I yelled. When I think of it now, I only thought that I was yelling. My voice was so soft from weakness, I could barely hear myself over the noise of the

**Dad, Mom’s dead,” I yelled, “Where is she? Where are we going?

**Just shut

it the fuck up, Flora!” His voice came, thunderous, like a slap. He was so loud it almost made me wince,

“I broke down into tears. “Please,” I sobbed, “Please please please please.”

“His knuckles tightened around the steering wheel, and without warning, his hand swung towards me. Pain exploded in my head as his palm connected with my temple. I gasped, my vision swimming as the world around me blurred into darkness.

When consciousness slipped away from me again, the only sound was the monotonous hum of the engine, a haunting hallaby to accompany the nightmare infolding within the car.

Silence ensued once again between Felix and I. I hated it. I wanted him to respond. It was making me restless.

“We tried to find you.” He said finally. He was staring up at the ceiling, like he was unable to meet my eyes. “My Dad tried for months. I tried for longer. Every day. Flora. I tried to find you.”

“I knew you would.”


Chapter 90

“Why couldn’t we find you? Where were you?”

I shook my head. “I – I don’t know, to be honest. The first few months, he’d keep me drugged, I guess. But I remember we were always on the move. And then we started living somewhere terrible,” I shivered at the memory, “Some slum kind of area. It was crawling with creeps. And violence and drugs and…” I trailed off, looking up at him, “Whenever I’d ask him about Mom, or if I’d mention you, he’d beat me up. So I stopped asking questions.”

He pulled me to him slowly by my wrist. His touch, light as a feather. But I molded into him, like I was liquid and he was solid. Like my body was meant to melt into his.

I lay my head on his chest, and his arms encircled me. Pulling me close, so tight. My heart wasn’t beating fast, after so long. It was so…at peace.

“I would have saved you,” he said, “If I had known, Flora”

I nodded against his chest. “I saw your Instagram a lot. I kept up with your life,” I giggled, “You were so far away from me, and yet still so near. I still felt like…if I could never see you in my life again, at least I could know what was going on with you.” I bit my lip. “I saw your girlfriends, too.”

A laugh rumbled in his chest, and I felt it in my ear, pressed against his ribcage. “Girlfriends?”

I nodded, “We women know things. You didn’t post anyone, but others posted you.”

“I didn’t know you’re such a stalker, flower.”

When I didn’t say anything, he went on, “I can’t believe you’ve been so nearby all these years. And you were on my fucking Instagram! For fuck’s sake, Flora. You could have shot me a text

“I was afraid,” I said. The truth sat heavy on my tongue. I was afraid then. And I was still afraid. For him. I knew him and his family had all the power in the world. All the protection. And I knew my fear was unfounded. But I couldn’t help feel a sense of dread.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. I tried to back away from the hug, I wanted to look at him, but he was holding me so tight. And it felt right after so long

“I’m sorry, too.”

The embrace is a lifeline, tethering me to a reality where safety exists. In the cocoon of his hug, I can almost forget the haunting echoes of my past.

His presence, solid and reassuring, whispers promises of protection and understanding. The weight of his arms is a shield, guarding me against the lingering trauma that threatened to consume my thoughts. The world outside fades away, leaving only the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat, a steady reminder that I am not alone.

Happiness bubbles up within me, effervescent and effusive. It’s a surprising contrast to the recent ordeal, but in Felix’s arms, I find solace. Relief washes over me, cleansing away the residue of uncertainty and pain. For a fleeting moment, I can release the tension coiled in my muscles, surrendering to the simple pleasure of being held.

In this embrace, I rediscover the beauty of connection, the profound relief that comes with sharing burdens, and the undeniable joy of finding sanctuary in the arms of the man I love.

“I never had girlfriends,” he spoke suddenly


He hesitated, “I’m not proud of it, but after I lost hope of ever finding you, I fell into very self destructive habits. Drugs, and drinking. And women. Meaningless flings. It wasn’t good for me. And I was a jerk. I had sex with all these women and the entire time I’d imagine it was you. I was a horrible person. I just think you should know that.”

His grip finally loosened, and I pushed back from the hug, and looked up at him. Felix’s beautiful green eyes


“What about Sierra?=

He smiled, “She’s


just a fri

“I’d love to meet her.”

He nodded.

eyes bore into me. God, I had missed him so

a friend. She was there for me, when I was sick with sadness. For years. When I was having panic attacks. You should meet her

Chapter 90

“Come on, flower.” He said, “We’re sitting on the floor. Come to bed with me.”

I giggled, “I think your hallway is really nice.”

He rolled his eyes. I began to stand up, but he stopped me.

Suddenly, Felix’s eyes lit up mischievously. Without a word, he reached for me, his strong arms encircling me as he effortlessly lifted me from the floor, carrying me princess–style. Surprise registered on my face, and before I could protest, he chuckled, “I’ve got you, baby.”

Carried in his arms, my heart quickened its beat. I wrapped my arms around his neck, laughter bubbling up as he navigated through the dimly lit hallway. The door to his room creaked open when he kicked it lightly.

He gently set me down on the plush carpet, and the room enveloped us in a cozy embrace. Soft light spilled from a bedside lamp, casting a warm glow on the space.

The room held a quiet serenity as Felix, with utmost tenderness, tucked me into bed. The moonlight spilled through the curtains, casting a gentle glow. on the cocoon of blankets. His touch, feather–light against the weariness etched on my face, was soft and careful.

He slowly got me to get in bed. He removed my slippers for me, and lightly kissed me right above where my socks ended. He pushed me in, and then threw the soft blanket over me. It was so soft, and his bed was so comfortable. I sunk into it, almost groaning. I hadn’t been so comfortable in so long My eyes closed on their own accord.

“It’s a water bed!” Felix told me excitedly, “You like it?

“Oh it is…” I trailed off, “Amazing, Felix”

He smiled, “You’ll sleep here every day now, alright?”

I wanted to protest, but why would I say no to this perfection?

“Flora,” he whispered, his voice a soft melody, “would it be alright if I stayed with you tonight?”

I gave him an affirming smile and nodded, gratitude flickering in my eyes. Felix returned the smile, his presence a comforting embrace. His teeth shone brightly as he grinned at me. As he settled on the edge of the bed, his fingers traced soothing patterns on the blanket, which I felt right on my leg, a silent

promise to ward off the lingering shadows of my past that threatened to encroach upon the fragile peace we were feeling.

Then, unexpectedly, he got up from the bed. He crossed over to my side, and he knelt before me. His gaze bore a weight, a burden that transcended the current moment. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice heavy with genuine remorse. I should have protected you. I should have saved you.”

My hand reached out to gently touch his check. His skin was a little rough from the light stubble on it. “Felix, it’s not your fault.” I whispered, “And you saved me, in many ways, you know? I wouldn’t have survived it, if not for the thought of you.”

He bowed his head, his sincerity radiating through every word. “I’ll make things right. I’ll take revenge for you, for everything they did. I won’t let anyone hurt you again.” He sounded pained when he said it, but so determined. His eyes were filled with a violent determination, and I lightly shivered at the look on his face.

Just keep me with you,” I requested.

“Always, flower. I’m never going to let you go again. I’ll protect you. I’ll do anything and everything to keep you safe.”

I smiled. I knew he meant it. He had meant it before, too. He always did.

Chapter Comments

Valen Burnet Lauletta

so he can have girls as friends but she can’t have boys.

Valeri Burnet Lauletta

he’s the maid how does she not know what kind of bed he has


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