A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 49

Chapter 49


“Felix’s mom told me what happened.” My mother said out of nowhere.

The two of us were having huncha simple meal of a grilled chicken salad. It had been a while since we had done anything together, let alone have a meal.

“Oh. He didn’t really tell me what went on at the principal’s office.”

My mother shook her head, “He’s a hothead, that boy. Its not nice, you know. To beat people up for these silly things. And its not safe, either.”

“I know.” I played with my salad. Felix hadn’t spoken to me since yesterday. He hadn’t replied to any of my texts, and wasn’t picking up my calls. I was

little mad at him, too.

So, I hadn’t tried hard enough to talk to him, either.

“Both boys got suspended for three days,” my mom informed me. “It really wasn’t Jason’s fault.”

She was

right. It really wasn’t. He was just defending himself.

“Felix is…”

My mom looked at me, her lips pursed. “Don’t try to justify this, Flora

I sighed, “I know, Mom. He’s just.. Felix”

Mom clenched her eyes shut, as if in pain. Lately she had been having these blinding migraines, quite frequently.

“Listen, Flora,” she smiled softly at me. Her hand enveloped mine, and she squeezed it lightly. “I know Felix cares for you. A lot. We all see it. I know you care about him, too

But remember this, Flora. You shouldn’t be with a violent man. It never ends well.”

Igaped at her, “He’d never be violent toward me, Mom.”

What did she think of him? Sure, he was angry and short–tempered. And he thought violence was the answer to everything. But I knew so well, so for sure, that he’d never do anything to me..

Besides, who was my Mom to say this? She was married to a violent man, too.

We’re part of the mafia, Mom. Violent men are all we have,”

“Sometimes I wish we weren’t.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I couldn’t even imagine what a normal life would be like. All my life, I had dreamed of a future with Felix, and I knew

it would look like this.

After we ate, I retired to my room. I still had homework which I tried to do, but couldn’t. From my room window, I could see the lights were on in Felix’s room. I could call out his name. Maybe he’d hear it. But I didn’t.

I decided to go for a walk. Outside my room, I could hear my parents fighting again. But this time, it was about me.

The muffled voices in the living room grew audible as I approached, my heart pounding with each step. Leaning in, I pressed my ear against the door, desperate to decipher the heated exchange within,

“Why can’t you control ber? God, you’re such a stupid fucking bitch. This is getting out of hand,” my father’s voice, thick with frustration, pierced

through the air.

“Flora is a teenager, Sam. She’s at an age where she needs to make her own choices and learn from them. We can’t shelter her forever, my mother’s



Chapter 49

response was steady but edged with a weariness that betrayed her composure.

“I’m her father!” My Dad growled. “I can decide her fucking choices. And I won’t fucking let her hang out with Corsing’s boy any longer.”

“Of course, it’s about his dad. That’s hone it always is with you. As if he hasn’t done enough for you.”

“What has he done? Keep me under his foot, my whole life? Cucked me? Make me marry his lover?” my father’s tone grew harsh, his words laced with


“Make you marry me


mom sounded like she was crying. “We were in love, Sam.” There was a pause. “Its fine,” the breathed, “You’re saying all this cause you’re angry, I get it. Sam, Felix is a good kid. And he cares for Flora. And her, she needs to choose her own path. She can choose her friends. And her boyfriends –

1 sank to the floor, my back against the door, feeling like an intruder in my own home. The argument continued, each accusation and defense sending a – sharp pang through my chest.

“I swear, sometimes I wonder if you even care about our family. About me. Or if you just care about the Corsinos. All this talk about letting her choose her own path is just an excuse for your laziness as a parent. Its because you don’t want to lose your precious little ex.” my fathers words cut through the air like a knife, and I felt a lump form in my throat

My mother voice trembled with emotion. “Sam, you know that’s not true. I care about Flora deeply, but I won’t stifle her like this. We need to trust her And you need to trust me. Please trust me.”

“Trust you? Look at what trusting people got me last time, my father shot back.


saying? Had he a

gone mad?

Mr. Corsino had given my father a job. A prestigious one. Almost his right–hand man. We lived in the Corsinos house. All we had was because of them.

1 couldn’t believe my father thought all this about them. Had it been like this always? Had he always thought this of the Corsinos? The family I loved so

who loved me back? And took care of not just me, but all of us?

I rushed out of the house. After

this, I had to see Felix. We could be angry at each other, later. I needed him and needed to be with him to feel

I rushed to his house and ring the doorbell His mother opened the door. “Flora!” She exclaimed, “Nice to see you. Felix is in his room.

I nodded. “Thanks, Mrs. Corsin

Chapter Comments

I think Flores dad has mental problems


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