A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 2

He turned to look at his friends. “Thanks, guys.” He said gruffly. “I’m sure

Flora forced you.”

“I might have bribed them with cake.”

And it was true. Cheesy, surprise parties were not really the style of these

huge men who were being trained to continue their fathers’ mafia legacies.

But it was my style. And I knew Felix secretly loved this.

His friend Nick was the first to speak. “It’s not like we can ignore the wishes of

the future Boss lady.”

I blushed deeply. Everyone thought we would get married and then I would be

the ‘boss lady,’ and Felix the leader. He was going to be that, but not me.

“Damn right.” Felix said, but I knew he was only joking. I rolled my eyes.

“Should we cut the cake now?” I asked, and everyone agreed, so I went

inside and brought out the cake. It looked pretty but also messy enough that

you could tell it was homemade.

Placing it on a table in the garden, I lit the candles, and everyone gathered

around. Felix cut the cake and we cheered. A sadness was washing over me.

His friends sat down with drinks and music and ate the food had made. I

didn’t drink, so I got a soda and cut myself a piece of cake and sat down

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beside Felix. He had a beer in his hand. Still drinking, he put his other arm

around me. I snuggled into him.

I fed him the first bite. “Did you make that?”

I nodded, looking up at him hopefully. “Is it okay?”

“Its amazing, baby. Its my favorite.”

“I know.”

Felix smiled, and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “I’m gonna miss you,


I’ll miss you so much. So, so much. But I couldn’t say it. If I said it, I knew I

would cry.

“Max is a cunt, bro.” Vincent, one of Felix’s friends spoke very loudly. I had

zoned out from whatever conversation they were having, but this yelled

sentence got my attention.

Brittany, who was Nick’s twin and also part of their gang, rolled her eyes.

“He’s not a cunt for not sucking your dick, Vinnie.”

“Hey!” Felix admonished. “Don’t swear in front of Flora.”

I glared at him. “I’m not a kid.”

He shrugged, and Brittany agreed with me, but it didn’t matter cause Felix’s

word was final.

I stood up, out of Felix’s embrace, and started walking to the other side of the

garden. I hated when he did this. Treated me like a child. Always

overprotective. Never letting me do anything.

“Flora!” Felix called from behind me, and I knew he was getting up to come

after me.

I walked all the way to the porch so everyone was out of sight. I felt Felix’s

hand grab my arm and pull me to him. “Come on, flower. Don’t be like this.”

I looked at him with the sourest expression I could manage. “Why don’t you

go back to your grownup friends to do grownup things?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

“From people swearing?”

“It starts with swearing,” He agreed.

“You swear.” I pointed out.

“That’s different.”

I stayed silent. “Flora,” he said softly, “I’m leaving tomorrow. Don’t fight with

me.” He pulled me to him, enveloping me in a hug. I felt like I could merge

into him. If I could, I


“You won’t be here to protect me, anymore.” I mumbled. I realized my voice

was breaking.

“Hey,” he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. “I’ll visit a lot. And

I’ve told Nick to look after you.”

I took a few steps back and sat on the porch steps. Felix sat down beside me.

He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

“I’m afraid.” I whispered.

“Of what, baby?”

“That you’ll meet other girls and forget about me.”

He laughed at that. Full blown laughter, throwing his head back. I frowned at

him. Why was this so funny?

“Flora,” he said finally. “No other girl compares to you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Two years is a long time. And Princeton will have so many

smart and pretty girls.”

I looked away from him, my eyes beginning to water. I could see it. He’d bring

a girl home. She’d be tall and blonde and have long hair and a fancy degree.

His parents would love her. They’d get married. And I’d be watching from the


Felix reached out and stroked my hair. “Look at me.” He demanded. I turned

my head to look at him. The unshed tears in my eyes made him look blurry. I

blinked, and one tear slipped out. Felix held my face with one hand, wiping

the tear with his thumb.

“Come here.” He whispered, and lowered his head, brushing his lips against

mine. My breath caught in my throat. Finally, it was finally happening. I closed

my eyes, and Felix’s lips closed over my bottom lip. He grabbed the back of

my neck, deepening the kiss. It was soft and slow, like he was savoring it. And

I was too. Imprinting it in my mind. I would remember this forever. My first

kiss. With Felix. As I had always imagined. As I had always known.

He pulled back a little, but our faces were still close together. “I don’t want to

go away, Flora.” He said earnestly. “But I have to. And I’m gonna need you to

wait for me, alright?

Can you do that?”

I nodded. Anything. I would do anything you say.

“Two years. Finish school, then we’ll be together. Always.” He said, “You’re

mine, Flora.”

I gulped. “Will you wait for me, too?”

“I would wait for you forever.”

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