A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 18

Chapter 18

“Felix!” I shouted, “What are you doing?

“I think you need to stay quiet, boss lady.” Nick whispered in my ear. “He’s really mad.”

Felix didn’t spare me a glance.

“We were just chilling, bro.” Jason said. “I didn’t touch her.”

I saw Felix’s fists clench. Please don’t fight, please don’t fight, I thought. He didn’t hit him. He just shoved him a little, then turned to me and grabbed

“Felix – 1 started, but a resounding “No” from him shut me up. He dragged me all the way to his car, opening up the passenger seat door. I got in quietly, not wanting to anger

him further. I sat down and began to text Tilly that I was leaving with Felix, but he snatched my phone from me. I looked up in confusion. “Stop texting your boyfriends.”

“I’m texting Tilly. Stop being a dick, Felix.” I slapped my hand to my mouth, gasping. We both looked at each other for a whole minute. This was the Erst time I had sworn at him. This was the first time I had sworn at anyone.

He gave me my phone back, and I quickly texted Tilly, then put it in the backseat. Felix began to drive. His knuckles were white from gripping the wheel too hard, and his jaw was set.

“I’m sorry, Felix.” I hadn’t meant to sing it, but it came out that way.

He spared me a sideways glance. I gulped.

“How much did you have to drink?” He asked.

“I didn’t drink.” I shook my head too much for a suber person.

“Stop fucking lying to me, Flora.” The rebuke stung. My eyes began to water, and I felt a tear slip out. I heard Felix mutter under his breath, before he swerved the car and

parked on the side of the road.

Baby.” He breathed. He reached out to cup my face as I sobbed. “I’m sorry. I’m so surry. Please don’t cry, flower.”

“Why are you yelling at me?” I sobbed; my vision blurred by tears. “And why are you swearing at me? You never do.”

He lightly stroked my hair. “I’m sorry, flower, I got so mad. I shouldn’t have yelled. Please forgive me.”

I took a deep breath, and nodded. He sighed. His hands left my face, and then he held both my hands in his. He squeezed.

“I’m still mad, Flora, Who was that guy?”

“Jason.” I answered. “He’s my friend. I promise.”

“When did you meet him?”

I felt stupid saying this, “Today. And he asked me if you were my boyfriend and I said no. Then he asked if he could

could ask me out and 1 said no again. And then he said okay and I said lets be friends and he said okay and we’re friends now, Felix!”

The next

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someone asks you if I’m your boyfriend, you say yes, alright?”

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. “But you’re not my boyfriend. You’re my friend.”

He smiled a little at that. I liked that. That was good. That meant he wasn’t as mad anymore. He cocked his head to the side as his hands travelled up my arm to my neck. He lightly stroked the side of it, his other hand snaking up under my top to touch my stomach. I sucked in a breath. It felt like my body was on fire. I could feel every hair on my body stand on end, “You react like that when your friends touch you, Flora?

shook my head, gulping. “I’m not your boyfriend.” He stated. “But we belong to each other.”



Chapter 18

We did. We did. We always will.

“I know.” I whispered. “I love you, Felix.”

“I love you.” He said back. “I don’t love your top. I didn’t know you had this.

“Its Tilly’s.” I giggled. “I love it, actually.”

“You can wear it when I’m around.”

“If you could, Felix, you’d keep me in full scuba gear.”

He shook his head. “Too tight. Shows everything.

I burst into giggles at that. He was so stupid.

“And you can’t talk to Jason again, okay?”

“We’ll see.”

He muttered something under his breath, and then began driving again. He asked me when I’d last eaten, and then scolded me for drinking irresponsibly. We drove right past my house. Guess we were staying at his.

He took me to his bedroom and threw a shirt of his at me. I took my top off and changed into it when he went downstairs. He came back with a huge bottle of water and a sandwich.

“Eat.” It wasn’t a suggestion. I drank the water first. He had clearly thrown whatever he could find in the sandwich. It was a little dry, but I appreciated the effort he had put in. I ate it all up slowly as he watched. It was discomfiting, eating under his gaze.

“You shouldn’t be so reckless, Flora.” He said, “I was so worried.”

1 shifted closer to him, and he opened up his arms. I melted into him. “Did you know Tilly is losing her virginity tonight?” I whispered.

“Yeah? Good for her.”

“I wonder how it will be. Painful, I think. I’m scared of my first time.”

*Your first time will be amazing, Flora.” Felix said. I looked up at him, expecting a playful smile, but he was dead serious. “I promise.”

I giggled. I hoped so, too.

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