A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 15

Chapter 15


“It’s the third floor on the West Side.” I stressed. “Felix, please I almost stomped my feet, but that would only reinforce Felix’s point. I crossed my aims across my chest, which made Felix laugh. “You’re so cute when you’re mad, Flora.” He booped my nose with a grin.

“Piss off, Felix.” Tilly rolled her eyes. She took a bite out of her banana, and it was the angriest, most vicious biting I’d ever seen.

“You’re both top immature.” Nick interjected. I had no idea why

by he was giving his opinion here. This was between Felix and I.

No one asked you, Nick.” I mumbled, but I regretted it as soon as I said it. I looked up at him. “Sorry. That was rude,”

He chuckled. He was sprawled on the bench in the school grounds, munching away on a bag of chips. Tilly was sat beside him, having squeezed herself in the little space he had left for her. Felix and I were standing in front of them, arguing. He was visibly irritated with me, but I wasn’t going to be put down this time. Tilly and I had been invited to a party that was being thrown by someone in our year and we really wanted to go. I had just told Felix, I hadn’t even asked him, but he had decided that I wouldn’t go. Now I was begging him to let me,

“You can just come along!” I argued, trying to find a gray area we could both compromise on.

“I’m not going to a sophomore’s party.” He snorted.

I gave him the best puppy eyes I could, but I knew it was a long shot. He had grown accustomed to them now,

I stared up at him in the eye, challenging, and he looked down at me. Our staring contest was broken by the lunch period bell, signaling it was time to pet back to class. I decided to put my foot down.

“I’m going to that party, Felix, whether you like it or not.” I declared. Mick coughed loudly, so I turned and gave him a glare, too, Tilly smiled at me, proud. “You can’t stop me”

I grabbed Tilly’s hand and began to march to our class determinedly. I looked back to see Felix watching us walk away. I made it a point to turn away haughtily, flipping my hair. I didn’t have to look back to see he was following us. He followed us till we got to class, casually walking with his hands in his pocket. When I sat down, he waved bye from the door, but I just rolled my eyes at him. He smirked, knowing he would eventually win, but this time I was determined not to let him control me

After class, Tilly and I walked to the parking lot. Given that Felix and I were fighting, Tilly was going to be driving me home

“Felix is probably really pissed.” She said as we walked.

I shrugged. “He’s being weird and unreasonable. Its just a party. He goes to them all the time.”

She nodded. “I support you, man.” She

said. “We’ll have so much fun. I’ll come over to yours to get dressed and then we’ll go together?”

I nodded. “Can you bring your pink top? I want to wear it.”

She let out a whistle, and I laughed. “You’ll look so hot.” Before I could answer, we heard a resounding “Flora” echo through the lot. We both whipped round at the loud sound. Felix was a few feet away at his car, his arms crossed against his chest. Sometimes I could see what other girls saw in him- he was pretty attractive. Like right now, his biceps bulged from his school shirt, and his long, dark hair were blowing into his eyes from the wind. But I didn’t care what he looked like. I would love him the same if he was bent and crooked and his skin was blue.

I turned back round and continued walking to Tilly’s car, but her long “Umm…” made me turn around. Felix was walking toward us, his pace quick and his strides long. I waited for him to reach me. “Where are you going?”


illy is driving me home.” I told him.

“Yeah? I don’t think so, flower.” He grabbed my hand and began dragging me along with him, but I twisted my hand free of his grip. His head whipped round, and he stared at me with such an intensity it sent a shiver down my spine. Just come with me, Flora. I’m not messing around.”

“God, Felix.” I was exasperated. “Stop acting like my father. I can get home safely without you.”

His nose was scrunched up like it did when he got really annoyed. I didn’t like that he was mad at me. It made my heart hurt.

“Flora” He sighed. “just get in the car

+109 Bonus

We stared at each other for about a whole minute, until I finally gave in. I stomped to his car, and he followed me smugly. I got in the passenger


Chapter 15

and closed the door very loudly.

Good girl.” He said when he sat down, and patted my head. That made me angrier, but it also made me feel all giddy in my chest.

He began to say something, but I turned on the music. Pearl Jam burst through the speakers at an extremely high volume.

“I hate this song.” I yelled at no one in particular, changing the music to something I liked more. It was Marina. Felix didn’t like her – he said her voice pinched his ears. Well, it’s not like I cared.

“You’re being a brat.” He commented.

I didn’t answer, so Felix reached out and turned down the music. He put his hand on my knee, squeezing. I contemplated. – should I pick it up and put it on his lap?

That would make him so, so mad. I decided against it.


ou want to go to a

a party, I’ll take you

you. You don’t need to go alone with God knows whom to God knows where.”

“I’m going with Tilly. I gave you the address. Stop telling me what to do, Felix.”

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