A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 204

Chapter 204

I never thought that giving birth would be a laughing matter, but boy was I wrong. As I lay in the hospital bed, my contractions coming fast and furious, Julian was trying his best to keep a straight face.

“You’re doing great, honey,” he said, biting his lip to hold back a laugh. Julian had been having a mix of emotions. Since we had made our way into the hospital, he had first been angry and anxious, yelling at the doctors and nurses, and then he had cried a bit, and for some reason, now, he was laughing?

“Easy for you to say,” I shot back, gritting my teeth against the pain.

Julian was inside the room with me, while my dad and brother and Nico and Nua were outside.

Suddenly, a nurse burst into the room, her eyes wide with excitement. “It’s time!” she exclaimed, grabbing my chart and hurrying over to the delivery table.

Julian looked like he was about to pass out, but I was determined to see this through. I pushed and pushed, sweat pouring down my face as I tried to get this baby out of me.

“Come on, stubborn child,” I grunted, feeling the pressure build. Julian laughed at that, and I glared at him.

I was lying in the hospital bed, my body tense with anticipation and nerves. The contractions were coming closer and closer together, and I could feel my baby moving down with each one. Julian was sitting beside me, his hand clasping mine tightly.

I could see the worry etched on his face, but I tried to reassure him. “It’s going to be okay,” I said, gritting my teeth against another contraction. “The baby is almost here.”

He nodded, but his grip on my hand tightened even more. I know he was scared, but I was strangely calm. I had been waiting for this moment for so long, and now that it was finally here, I was so ready.

The doctor came in, checking my progress and preparing the room for the delivery. Julian stood up, looking pale, but he stayed close by my side. I watched as he took several large, deep breaths,

The nurse gave me a side e

eyed look, smiling. “Not the first man to get a panic attack in here.

As the contractions intensified, I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. I could feel the baby’s head crowning, and I pushed with all my strength. And then, suddenly, there was a cry, and the sound of my baby’s first breath.

It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. Julian looked at me, and we both shed a tear or two, together

I turned to see the doctor holding a tiny, wrinkled bundle, and tears streamed down my face. “Here’s your baby girl,” she said, placing her on my chest.

Julian leaned over, tears in his eyes as well, and we both marveled at the tiny life we have created. As the doctor finished, Julian took our daughter from me, holding her carefully in his arms.

I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me as I watched them together. This is what I had been waiting for, and now it was here, and it was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

“Isla.” Julian looked at me. He looked down at our daughter.

My mother’s name.

*Isla Nicola Lionelli Wolfe Rivera,” I spoke softly. It was perfect

“Can you believe it? We’re parents.” I gasped, tears of laughter streaming down my face. “She came out like a cannonball!”

Julian was now grinning from ear to ear, clearly relieved that the worst was over. The nurse held up our baby, and we both peered down at her, marveling at her tiny hands and feet.

“She’s perfect,” I whispered, feeling my heart swell with love.

But then, just as we were all settling down, there was a loud farting noise, and the room filled with a noxious smell.

Chapter 204

The nurse’s face turned red, and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing again. “Oops, sorry about that,” I said, still giggling. Normally I would be embarrassed, but the pregnancy had really normalized everything between Julian and 1.

He wrinkled his nose, but then he started laughing too. “Well, at least we know he’s healthy,” he joked.

And so, with a baby who was clearly not afraid to make his presence known, we started our journey as new parents. It would be messy, it would be chaotic, but it would also be full of love and laughter. And really, what more could we ask for?

Julian looked down at me, our daughter now on my lap.

“Feels surreal, no?”

“It’s finally over. We have a baby,”

“I know, I can’t believe it. She’s beautiful”

He nodded in agreement. “She really is. I never knew I could feel this much love. I can’t believe how small she is. She is so tiny. But she’s already got such a strong grip.”

isn’t it?

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