A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 202

Chapter 202

There was a horse. And Nico. Nico was chasing it, but couldn’t reach it. He kept grabbing the horse’s tail, and the horse would pick up speed and leave Nico behind. My eyes opened for a second and a flash of light hit me. I clenched my eyes shut. I felt someone bring my head closer to them and make me lean on their shoulder. Yeah, that was more comfortable. The horse was gone now. And so was Nico. I was there. Just me. I could see a rainbow, but it was just red and black in color. My head fell to the side. I woke up with a jerk.

“You okay?” Nico asked from beside me. “Go bork to sleep.”

1 sat up straighter, shaking my head. “I was having the strangest dreams,” I told him. I gulped, my throat suddenly very dry. I fished in my bag for a water bottle, and found a small one. It was half full. I quickly drank it down.

I had been in the hospital for a while now. A few hours, Julian was alright, I knew. A shot in the shoulder wouldn’t really hurt, but I was so anxious. I just needed to see him.

I looked at Nico, “Are they done operating on Julian?”

He shook his head, “Some complication. The bullet is too deep. But don’t worry. The doctor assured its going to be fine.”

“I know,” I gulped. I don’t know why I said that, maybe to pacify myself.

Nico put his arm around my shoulder, and I reached up to hold his hand. He squeezed. I let out a huge sigh. “The complications and problems seem never ending.

Nico nodded. “I know, Ginny. I’m sorry. But its all going to be alright. Soon.”

“Where’s Nunt

“I sent her home.” Nico’s voice was low, His tone was clipped

“Don’t be mad at her,” I told him, “She was really scared, too. You should talk to her.”

*I will,” he sighed, “I’m not mad at her. I just don’t know how to deal with all this.”

“Who was that guy?”

“Her brother’s man.”

“Her brother?” I asked, shocked. So why did he keep saying you belong to him and all that?”

Nico made a disgusted face, “He has some weird incestuous obsession with her. I thought I put a full stop to that before we got married. I talked to him, even threatened him. And her father, too. But I guess I’ll have to do more, now.”

Nico’s jaw clenched. His protective instincts were clicking in. I could recognize it because they used to click in for me all these y

“What are you going to do?”


“I’ll speak to Papa about it. Some kind of intervention is necessary. I’m sure e Zio is planning it, too. They can’t attack us at our own place and threaten our women then expect no repercussions.

1 giggled, “Attack our women? Very uncharacteristic of you.”

Nico rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean, Ginny. What if he’d done something to you?”

I smiled. “I don’t think this anger is about me.”

His lips pursed. “Whatever the circumstances, Nua is still my wife. It is my duty to protect her. And I am going to do that non

“Blood on your hands?”

matter what.”

That made me smile a little. This was a new side of Micu. I guess marrying N

Nua meant more than I thought it would. It had changed him so much – he

“god on my

Chapter 202

was talking about dury and vengeance like a proper matosi,

The mafia doctor who had been assigned to Julian appeared, and walked over to where Don and Donna were sitting. He began speaking to them, and I rushed on over to listen. “Your brother is now fine. We have taken out the bullet,” the doctor told them, “You can take him home in a few days. The wound will need to be dressed often, so I would suggest a nurse. Don, I’ll provide you with one.” He looked at me then, “Miss Espocito, don’t worry too much. Dante will be fine in a jiffy. This is not his first injury. I don’t think it will be the last.”

“Can I go see h


He nodded.

I ran to his room. Or at least, I waddled to his room. That was my best run with this big belly.

“Julian!” I rushed into the room. He was sitting up already, and his face lit up with a smile the moment he saw me.

“Ginevra.” He smiled. When he saw me running, he admonished, “Slow down, my love.”

I sat down beside him, and pulled his face to mine. I proceeded to kiss him all over the face. His forehead, his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his chin. He chuckled, “Alright, alright. Stop!”

*1 was so worried.” I let out a sob. I didn’t know I was going to cry. It was stupid. There was no point. “Does it hurt?”

He slowly and softly stroked my hair, “It doesn’t. Please don’t worry. Its not good for you.”

I nodded, sniffling.

“Have you eaten?”

1 shook my head, and he frowned. “Eat, Ginevra.”

“I will in a bit, I promise. Just let me be near you for a while.”

He grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. It felt right, so real. My hand belonged in his


“Your shoulder keeps getting injured,” I said, trying to make a joke, “Its cursed or something.

He rolled his eyes, “You’re correct. It’s been fucked for a while now, Bastard could at least have shot the other soldier.

I smiled sadly.

“Where are Mariano and Emilio? Did they get him? Who was he

“They did. Um,” I hesitated telling him what I knew, “It was Nu’s brother’s man.”

“Why?” He asked incredulously.

“I’m not sure. Nua hasn’t told everything yet.”

Just then, Don and Consigliere entered the room. I sat back.

Don approached the bed first, his hands clasped tightly behind his back. “Hey, kid,” he said gruffly.

Consigliere followed behind, his hands shoved into his pockets. “How ya feeling, fratello?” he asked with a warm smile.

Julian gave them a look. “Hey guys,” he said. “I’m okay, just a little sore. Not my first bullet.”

Don leaned in closer, examining his brother’s injuries. “The doctors say you ll be okay, but you’ll need to stay here for a while,” he said, his tone serious. “Not your first bullet, yes. But let’s hope its your last,”

Occupational hazard, I thought. Or at least, it would be, if he was still Capo Bastone.

Consigliere pulled up a chair and sat down next to the bed. “Yeah, we talked to the nurses. They said you might be able to go home in a few days.”

Chapter 202

Julian nodded, his eyes closing as he tried to find a comfortable position. “I just can’t wait to get out of here,” he muttered. “I hope I recover before the baby comes. Ginevra can’t just take care of her alone.”

Consigliere nodded. “I know. But you need to take it easy for a while. You’ve been through a lot these past few months. Bender, Bella and Bethany are there to help Ginevra. And Nua, as well.

“We need to speak to her.” Julian said, and the two brothers agreed.

“The guy – Tony is in our custody. Nice wants to internogate him.”

Julian laughed at that. When no one else laughed, realization dawned on him. “Nico wants to interrogate him? Nice, the man who doesn’t dirty? What is he planning to do? A prace process? A lateral dialogue?”

Don reached out and patted julian’s arm. Don’t worry. Women bring changes in all of us. He wants to protect his wife, you krenu

“Women do bring changes in us.”


his hands

For a few moments, there was a comfortable silence in the n

rooms as the brothers sat quietly, each lost in their own thoughts. Then, Don spoke up “Dante. We’re gonna make sure he pays for this. Not just for hurting you, but for endangering our women. For entering our territory. The Lehhodis will pay for this.”

Julian grinned. “Yeah, pretty stupid on their part. What did they think? We’d just give Nun away?”

Don gritted his teeth, “Its disgusting. Her own fucking brother.”

I interjected before things could escalate. “Let’s not worry about that right now, okay?” I said gingerly. “We’re here to support Julian and make sure he’s comfortable.”

Don grumbled under his breath, but he relented, knowing that I was right. “Fine,” he said gruffly. “But we’ll talk about this more later.

“Actually.” Don let out, “There is something, Dante. It’s important.”

“Sure, what?”

“Nico is young and inexperienced,” he said, “He won’t be able to interrogate Tony alone. He’ll need help.

You want me to help him?”

“His Capo Bastone should help him.”

Oh my God.

Julian sat up straighter, “You’re reinstating me?”


in nodded. “You’ve more than earned it, fratello. Get better, and we’ll do it officially.”

Julian looked at me, and I gave him a reassuring smile.

Don and Consigliere left soon after, and it was just the two of us again.

“Capo Bastone.” 1 teased, and he smiled slightly.

“Its all going to be okay now. I can feel it.” I told him.

He nodded, Iraning in to kiss me. I kissed him back. Soft and slow. Happy

For the next whole two days, I sat by my boyfriend’s bedside, watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful, but I knew that underneath the surface, he was

in pain.

I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeere. His eyelids luttered, and he groaned softly.

Hey, Ewhipered “Invoka I’m here:

Chapter 202

He opened his eyes slowly, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth when he saw me. “Hey,” he said hoarsely.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Like I got shot in an already injured shoulder,” he said, wincing as he tried to shift his position. The pain had gotten worse. And he couldn’t really shift positions too much.

“You did,” I reminded him gently. “But you’re going to be okay.”

He nodded, but I could see the irritation in his eyes. He hated feeling vulnerable, and being stuck in a hospital bed was the epitome of vulnerability.

“I hate it here,” he admitted.

“I know,” she said softly. “But you don’t have to. I’m here to take care of you.”

“Thank you,” he said..

I spent the next few hours sitting with him, talking softly and holding his hand. Every time he shifted or winced, I was there with a gentle touch or a soothing word. I was determined to make him feel as comfortable as possible.

When the nurse came in to change his bandages, I stood up to give them space. I watched as they worked, my heart breaking at the sight of his injuries. But he was stoic, never once complaining or flinching.

When the nurse was finished, I helped him get settled back into bed. I fluffed his pillows and adjusted his blankets until he was comfortable.

“Do you want me to read to you?” I asked, pulling out a book from my bag.

He nodded, and I started reading aloud. It was a book they had both been wanting to read for months, and I had brought it along in case of just such an occasion. As I read, I felt his breathing start to slow, and I knew he was drifting off to sleep.

I closed the book quietly and leaned in to kiss his forehead. “I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too,” he mumbled before falling back asleep.

1 settled back into her chair and watched him sleep. 1 knew there would be hard days ahead as he recovered while the baby came, but I was ready to be there for him every step of the way. I knew he would be there for me. I would be his nurse, his caregiver, his support system. And he would be mine. I would do whatever it took to make sure he was okay. And so would he

As I sat there, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. I knew that no matter what came our way, we would face it together.

His Little Flowt

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