A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 192

Chapter 192

I had my feet propped up on Julian’s lap while he rubbed my feet. I had a small notepad in my hand. I was attempting to sketch him. While Julian was engrossed in a football game, I had decided to draw him. I had nothing better to dn. It was late in my pregnancy and I didn’t like to move around much. Lately, since I had a lot more free time than I ever used to have, I had picked up a very old, lost hobby. Art.

When I had been in school, I used to love everything art related, I took art in school for two years and then kept volunteering to participate in class in any capacity. I used to be really good, too. I wanted to go to art school. But we never had the means. I’d just joined Papa’s tattoo shop. Making tattoos was close enough. Because of my job, I hadn’t lost touch with art, and I was grateful for that.

Since 1 had picked it up again, I had painted a few landscapes, tried my hand at some abstract stuff, and drawn a very detailed picture of Julian’s hands. It had turned out to be beautiful. He had loved it and been so flattered. I remembered the look he had given me one filled with awe and adoration. It had been great

Las someone missed a goal.

Julian cursed at the screen, his brows furrowed as s

“Hey!” I admonished. “Decide on an expression and stick to it.”


looked at me sideways, a confused looked on his face. He looked so cute like this, like a small child, “What?”

I pointed to the drawing pad in my lap. “I’m drawing you.”

He raised his eyebrows, reaching for the pad. He took it and then studied the sketch for a full minute. I had only drawn a basic outline till now, so it wasn’t much

“Why didn’t you go to art school?” Julian asked, handing my drawing pad back. Sometimes he would ask these insane questions that were so tone deaf. He had known such a different life, I think sometimes he forgot that most people couldn’t afford to go to school. Maybe it wasn’t his fault, but it was a little annoying.

ford it.”

“I couldn’t afford it.” I answered simply. It was the honest truth.

He winced, realizing now the way his question had sounded. “You can go now.”

I looked down at my stomach, then back up at him.

He raised his arms in surrender. “I’m just saying. I’ll pay for it. Maybe once she’s a little grown up, you can go. You really should, Ginevra. You’re so talented.”

“Thanks,” I told him, smiling. It wasn’t realistic, but the sentiment was nice. “We’ll see.”

Julian didn’t say anything, he just went back to watching the game, and I went back to drawing. After a while, my wrist started to ache, so I kept the pad away and did some wrist rotation. Tired, I fell back against the sofa and picked up my phone. Nico had sent a few funny reels on Instagram, which I replied to.

I hadn’t spoken to or met Nico in a while. I wondered hour him and Nus were doing, We did text sometimes and he had told me about how nice Nua was to him, but he was struggling to build a space of comfort for her. Given the kind of family Nua came from, I was sure she had some trauma that was affecting their relationship. But knowing Nico, I knew he would figure it out.

I wasn’t sure yet how Nua felt about Nico and me being friends again. She was his wife, no matter what the circumstance, and if she felt jealous or did not approve of us, I would completely understand. I wanted to be friends with her. We needed to have a good, civil relationship. We were going to be part of the same family, and I didn’t want to be the reason for any more rift between the Rivers

Julian muted the TV and turned to me.


He nodded, grinning. “You want some lunch?”

I shook my head, “Not very hungry. Should I make you something?

His eyes narrowed. “I’m making you a sandwich. Don’t be callous with your health, Ginevra.”

I should have known. Saying no would have no effect on him. I had had a smoothie for breakfast and I was kind of full from it. But I guess I did need to


Chapter 192

While Julian went inside the kitchen. I texted Nico back, and then asked Gabe if he wanted to hang out soon. I missed my brother and my father. 1 had lived with them for so long, it was kind of strange to live alone.

I stood up from the couch. I was feeling a sudden urge to pee. Feeling an intense amount of pressure on my bladder, I ran to the washroom.

When I sat down to pee, my heart sank

No no no no no.

The crotch of my panties was soaked through with blood. There was a sudden, sharp, stinging pain in my lower belly. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My head was spinning and I felt drowsy at the sight of blood, like I would collapse on the floor right there and then.

“Julian!” I yelled. I heard him start running toward him. My scream had been so loud and so shrill, my voice scared and trembling. Julian burst in through the door, I looked at him, lifting a single finger at him.

“I’m bleeding.” I whispered, and then I felt my head spin. Suddenly everything went drank. The last thing I heard was Julian yelling my name.

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