A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 190

Chapter 190

We woke up entangled in each other. His leg across mine, my head on his chest, one arm around him and the other on his leg. For a small second when I woke up, I could not figure out where he ended and 1 began. I didn’t need to. It didn’t matter.

“Julian?” I whispered, trying to gauge if he was awake. His face was so close to mine. His breath lightly fanned my face. I could count the number of eyelashes on his right eye.

He cracked one eye open, then clenched it shut again when the light hit him. “Good morning,” He mumbled. He used his leg to pull me closer to him, and buried his head in his pillow. “Why is it so fucking bright?”

I giggled. “Cause its nine am. We slept in,”

He turned around, groaning. Then his head tilted, and his gaze scanned Ime over. At some point in the night, I had woken up and put on my panties, but I was naked for the rest. The covers barely covered me till my knees. When Julian’s gaze slowly made its way up to my eyes, he gave me a little smirk. “Worth iL”

I crossed my arms across my chest, suddenly self–conscious. I shivered, and Julian pulled the covers over me.

We both lay in bed for a few minutes, our bodies still intertwined. His hand slowly caressed my hair. I was staring at the ceiling, but he was staring at


“Do you remember our first time?” He asked softly. I looked at him. His eyes were filled with mirth and his smile was tight lipped. He was trying not to laugh.

I rolled my eyes.

I barely remembered it. But I remember it had happened, and I knew it had been good. I had felt it. For days, actually. But I did regret being so drunk that night that I didn’t even remember having sex with Julian for the first time.

“A little,” I answered. It was an honest answer. I remember a little. Some parts. Like waking up in his bed and feeling a flurry of emotions. And everything that happened afterwards. Come to think of it, one stupid, drunk hook up had led to all of this.

But I guess that’s how love worked. In unexpected and unpredictable ways.

“Do you want me to tell you?” His eyes gleamed. What was up with him? Why was he having so much fun with this?

“Okay?” I said suspiciously.

“We were dancing at your party. And you looked so beautiful. Absolutely stunning,” he started, “I asked you if you wanted to come home with me. And remember what you said?

I shook my head.

I’ve been waiting all my life, Capo Bastone,” He chuckled.

My eyes widened. I sank into my bed. I wished it would swallow me whole. I wanted to disappear. Oh, I had been so down bad. Just absolutely disgraceful.

“We snuck you out and then I took y you home and fucked you for hours, Ginevra. And it was so great. It was amazing. You were perfect,” His eyes softened, “Of course, last night was better,”

He was silent for a minute. I thought he was done speaking

“You told me you loved me.”


“The first time we had sex,” he clarified, “You said I love you.”

“What?” All the color drained from my face, I said whit?

Chapter 190

Oh my God.

“It was a drunk thing.” he smiled, “but it was kind of cute.”

“That’s so embarrassing.”

Julian lightly kissed my forehead. “Well, I love you, now,”

“I love you,” I answered, smiling. I did. I loved saying it.

He bent down and kissed me, and I let him envelope his lips over mine. I didn’t even care that neither of us had brushed our teeth. I let him kiss me softly, savoring it.

“Last night was wonderful,” I told him, “Thank you for that. I know we weren’t supposed to…”

“Come on, darling. I loved it.”

1 nodded.

“But I want to wait, again.” Julian said.


He nodded. “Till the baby is born. And then after, when you recover. But I’m not going to for us not to sleep together, yet.”

stop kissing you and stuff. But I think it was a good decision

He was right. Without the sex, we had been able to build on our emotional relationship. We had become closer than we had ever been before- irrevocably so. We talked so much. We hung out. There was healthy communication. When we argued we talked things out it wasn’t like before when he would just fuck the anger out of me.

1 also couldn’t believe that Julian was saying this – making this huge, very mature decision. It really showed how much he had grown. And it made me

love him even more.

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