A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 186

Chapter 186

“I can’t believe he did that. Beat those guys up, and like that,” Nico said over the phone. He paused. “Actually, I can. It’s so characteristic of him. But it’s not like they didn’t deserve it.”

1 sighed. “Well, yeah, but he needs to understand things aren’t the same anymore. He’s not Capo Bastone and doesn’t have the same impunity.”

Nico scoffed, “Yeah, right. He’s a Rivera. And he’s Dante. He has all the impunity he wants. Plus, do you really think he won’t be Capo Bastone for long? Zio will reinstate him, don’t worry!”

“I don’t think so, Nico. Don’t you remember our…conversation?”

I could imagine Nico cringing on the other line. “Well, yeah. But he was mad at the time. Trust me, I know him,”


He hummed on the other side. “What are you up to today?”

“Going shopping. For baby stuff”

“Oh hey, that’s nice. Did you find the sex?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t tell you because I knew you want to be surprised.”

“That’s right,” he chuckled, “Bet it’s a girl, though.”

“No comments. What are you up to today?”

His voice fell a decibel or two. “Ah, nothing, really, Wedding stuff with Nua.

“Oh, alright”

We were silent for a quick second, before he spoke, “Next week, Ginny. It’s happening next week.”

“It’s so early.” I said.

“Well, doesn’t make a difference. Now, or six months later. It will be the same.”

“I feel terrible,” I said honestly, I did feel terrible. “Because of me, you’re going to be in a marriage like this. I never imagined it this way,” I chuckled a bit, “Always thought I’d be your best man, Nico.”

“I know,” It was a whisper, “Me either. And I thought I’d invite you, but it would be really weird. Its already weird that Dante is coming, you know?”

“I know. I’m not mad about that at all, Nico.”

“And stop blaming yourse His voice was soft as he rebuked me, “I chose this, okay? And it’s not so bad. Nus is great.”

She really was. After Nico’s reassurance, I felt marginally better. We talked for a little more before I hung up.

It felt nice to have had this normal conversation with Nico. It was like old times. Talking to just my friend.

Today, Julian and I were going to go shopping for baby stuff. He wanted to build a nursery at his place – so we were going to look at cribs and stuff. A baby monitor. I would probably have to put a crib for her in my own room. I needed to figure out a more permanent solution. I had been saving up, and I could rent a small place somewhere. Needed to get to that, too.

He was picking me up in a while. I was already dressed, so I got some work done around the house – dishes and some laundry. Since I had gotten pregnant, I had been feeling more and more guilty about living at home. Dad hadn’t said anything, but I knew that it was high time that I moved out and got my own place. Besides, after I delivered, the baby would create a mess and so much noise and I didn’t want to subject them to that.

And Julian would want to co–parent and come over all the time. It would be an inconvenience like this.

We even needed to work out a solid co–parenting arrangement,

We would get to SUC.

Julian shot me a best when he arrived, and I met him outside at the gate, quickly getting in his car. He had bought me a bohates. Lately, met, he would bring me something to eat or drink. It was sweet

He had told me a few dosage that he wanted to be as hands–on with me as he could be while we were living apart. The wane went for parenting. Inew it wasn’t an ideal station. I would have also liked it if we were living together during the pregnancy and after, but it just want a pragmatic

“Hey.” I reached forward and gave Juliana kiss on the cheek. We had been growing closer and getting more physically affectionate. There was obviously no denying the fact than we had physical chemistry – insane physical chemistry, at that. And we were both practicing too much self–restraint, not acting

on iL

He smiled in response to try diete kies. To weirdo excited” be confessed.


“Manano said this would happen. Fatherhood does in 1 you. But I’m getting so soft. Ginevra.” He was driving slower than usual, but I didn’t coMMITT

on it.

“Why is t

that a bad thing!”

He shook his head, looking sideways in amile m de Tiri ox. I think it’s finally settling in. I’m gonna be a dad.”

1 beamed right back at him. “What would you want her to call you? Parat

He shrugged.” mean, that’s what I call my father. But she can come You?”

“Mommy is nice. Eventually, she’ll resort to serving mom.

He rolled his eyes, “And probably start calling me Dul, But don’t mind that either.”

“You’ll be a good father, Julian.”

“God, I hope so.”

He thought for a bit. “Did you think of any names?”

I had. I had made a list of names a few weeks after I had found out I was prepant. One for if it was a boy and one for girls. The one with girl names had been longer.

I shook my head, though. I wanted to hear his leas first. In fact, I was going to let him completely choose the first name. Because for the middle name, I had a request I knew he wouldn’t be happy about

I wanted to name her after Nico. He had almost, almost been her father and low

new he would have been so good to her. Even now, I knew, Nico would

love her like his own. I

was grateful to him and loved him, and wanted my daughter to have some part of him.

I knew I wanted Nico to be her godfather. I would, of course, discuss it with laten. But there was ally no other choice there. It was Nice. It had to be


“Did you think of something?” I asked.

“Olivia Sofia, Rosa?” He shook his head, “Not Rosa, Guilia?”

I laughed, “Guilia, daughter of Julian?”

“Ah, right.” He chuckled, “I just think of myself as Dante. It skipped my mind. I guess I’m only Julian when I’m with you. Only you call me that. Not even my own mother calls me by my first name.

It made me feel special. That I was the only one who said it. It made me feel some kind of wind power range connection like I was bonded to him in some way that others weren’t. It felt tender and intimate. Like I could say his name and in would only male toe to the two of us

Chapter 186

“Olivia is nice

He agreed. “Olivia something Lionelli Montefiore Rivera.

1 had forgotten about that. The very long names people in their family had. My daughter would also have on

“I have some thoughts about the middle nan




“I want her middle name to be Nicola.”

His lips pressed into a straight line. “For Nico?”

I nodded slowly.

“We can talk about it, Ginevra. It’s not a complete no. We’ll see. Is that okay?

“Yeah.” It was enough for now. Just that he was open to the possibility. I hadn’t expected him to be ready for this at all. I knew I would have to coax

him into it. And I was

hundred percent ready to do that.

We pulled into the parking lot of an IKEA. Julian got off first, then he opened my door for me.

“We’re just here to look at things, okay? I’m not going to buy furniture at IKEA,” he told me,

“What’s wrong with I


He shrugged, “I don’t trust chain stores: We’ll get a good interior designer to help.”

“Then why are we here?”

“I want to go to a few stores to check out their designs. Besides, I wanted to have an authentic parenting experience with you.”

My heart melted at that. All this, just for this, to have this normative experience. With me.

Sometimes when I doubted what Julian wanted from me or if he even had feelings for me, he would say or do things like this and wash all my doubts


“Let’s go then,” I reached out slowly to take his hand, and he reached out, too. Our fingers intertwined, and I squeezed, smiling up at him. He was looking at me with such intensity, it made me feel all shy and self–conscious.

We walked through the store, looking at all kinds of things. Even beds and couches, even though we absolutely didn’t need to buy one. I think both of us were enjoying this tame roleplay of shopping for a house we were going to set up. One day I hoped we could do it for real,

In the section for the beds, Julian stood with his hands crossed in front of a large king sized bed. “What do you think?” He asked me. His brows were furrowed like he was in deep thought about it,

I sat down on it and bounced a little, giggling. His eyes darkened. “God, Ginevra,” He said lowly, “Don’t put thoughts into my head.”

When I realized what he meant, my cheeks heated up. I didn’t mean to do that

“I didn’t mean to,” I answered, hurriedly standing up.

“I know,” He said darkly. “You don’t have to try, Ginevra.”

My cheeks flushed when he said that. He grabbed my wrist lightly as we started walking ahead. “Believe me, Ginevra, I’m barely hanging on by a thread. Seeing you pregnant makes me want to fuck the shit out of you.”

I gasped. “Someone will hear us.

“No, they won’t,” He assured, “Besides, its not their business.”

Chapter 186

“Still. We’re in public.

He didn’t say anything to that. He didn’t need

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