A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 183

Chapter 183

Nico and I spoke for a bit more. Slowly but surely, things were getting less and less awkward between us. They were bound to. I should have known. I shouldn’t have been so nervous about this. Bethany was right. Nico and I were best friends. We would always be

In a few years, things would be better for the both of us, and we’d be back to normal like always

We played a video game for a while like we always used to. It made me feel the most normal I had felt in all these days. FIFA. He played Juventus, and I played Barcelona, like always. He let me win, like always.

“Nico?” I asked when it was time for me to leave.


“I really, really want to be friends again.”

He nodded. “We’ll always be friends, Ginny

I smiled. That made my heart warm up. It was the reassurance I had been looking for.

“Let me drive you home,” he said. “It’s late.”

Julian had texted me the same thing ten minutes ago. I had told him, no, but he had insisted, so now he was coming here to pick me up. I could say no to Nico, but I didn’t know how to deny Julian anything

“That’s okay.” I hesitated, “I’m not driving myself” When realization dawned on him, his expression changed. “I’ll walk you downstairs, then.”

“Okay, thank you.” I smiled at him. He nodded stiffly. We took the elevator down to the ground floor, and he walked me down to the parking lot where Julian stood leaning against my car, doing something on his phone. He looked up and smiled at me. I waved awkwardly.

Julian nodded at Nico in greeting, who nodded back the same way, but neither of them spoke.

I turned to Nico. Reaching up with my arms, I engulfed him in a hug. A second later, I felt his arms around me. They tightened, and I was pressed into his chest. I felt a familiar sweet safety in the embrace. “See you soon?” I asked. It was a question, deliberate.

“See you, Ginny. Take care, okay?” I nodded against his chest, pulling away. Nico didn’t wait for us to leave. He turned around and walked away, and I walked to Julian

He didn’t say anything, and we just got into my car. He had taken a cab here and now we were going to take my car. just so I wouldn’t have to come back the next day to get my car.

Hey,” I said to him cheerfully, the happiness and joy from my make–up with Nico flowing easily into my words.

“Hey,” his voice was soft, “I’m assuming it went well

1 nodded, grinning. “We’re going to be just fine!”

Julian smiled; it was only half forced. “I’m glad, darlin‘”

I stayed silent for a few seconds, before he asked, “Did you have guys dinner?”

“I thought I’d eat with you.”

He looked at me for a small moment, his expression softening, and his eyes filled with a certain kind of light. “I’m glad. I read about this place I thought you’d like. Do you fancy some Indian food?”

The thought of some biryani and butter chicken and garlic naan made my mouth water. “Yes, please.”

We drove to the restaurant. Julian spoke about his day and this new show he had started to watch. It was an Italian drama his mother had told him to watch. It made me laugh on the inside, thinking of him watching a soapy drama and then discussing it with his mother.

“Did you know my Nonna was named Ginevra?” He said suddenly after we had sat down and ordered our food. I’d gotten a mango lassi. Julian decided to skip on alcohol since I couldn’t drink any.


Chapter 183

I laughed so hard and so loudly the couple beside us were startled. I looked at Julian, and he only seemed amused by it

“I know.” I nodded. I grinned slowly. “My grandpa named me after her. He really admired her, you know? Said she was an exemplary woman. Exemplary mafla wife.”

“She was.” He agreed. “I didn’t really know her. She died when I was very young. But from what I’ve heard of her, yeah.” He paused and stared at me. It was so intense: it was like he was looking right inside me. I giggled uncomfortably. “Did he think you’d be an exemplary mafia wife, too?”

I shrugged. “I don’t think anyone ever thought one of us would be fratemizing with a Rivera. So no, not really.”

He cocked his head to the side. “Well you could marry a Rivera and still not be a mafia wife.”

I nodded, thinking. “Yeah. If I’d married Nice, that logic would apply.”

He reached out and took a drink of his water. “I was talking about me, Ginevra.”

“Oh.” My cheeks heated up. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head. Just then, our food arrived, and I was glad for the interruption. We both dug in as soon as hungry, too.

the waiter left. I guess he was really

The food was amazing. The butter chicken was creamy and the nach was so soft, the biryani so flavorful. Indian food was definitely at the top of my pregnancy cravings list

Over the last few weeks, I just hadn’t had any time to act on it. So, I had been pleasantly surprised when Julian had suggested it.

He was really quiet as he ate

“Are you mad?” I asked.

He shook his head. A moment later he sighed. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. Tim jealous man, Ginevra. I’m jealous and possessive and controlling. trying to reel it in. It’s just hard to. But that is my problem. Not yours.”

“Were you jealous of Nico, today!TM

He nodded. “Of course, I was, seeing his hands all over you, you so close to him. I’ve always been jealous of him. And it’s only amplified now that you almost married him.” I

began to say something, but he cut me off, continuing, “But I know he’s important to you. And I know, you love us in different ways. I mean, loved me differently than you love


I still love you, I thought. But I didn’t say it to him.

“50, it’s okay. Just give me some time. I’m trying to be a better man for you, Ginevra. The man you deserve.”

“Thank you,” I told him. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

We ate, and the conversation flowed normally after that. He drove me home. All the way, he bald my hand. I got off and walked a few steps to my front door, when he called,


I turned around.

“Come here.”

I did. I took a

took a few steps back to him.

“I want a hug, too.”

I smiled. He opened his arms, and I wrapped my own around him. It felt like I could melt into his chest, melt into him. He was me and I

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