A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 180

Chapter 180

When I finally made it to Julian’s place, it was late in the evening. After my conversation with Don, and then with Donna, I had gone back to my place and taken a shower. I’d been feeling anxious and dirty, for some reason. The warm shower did me well and helped with that. Then, I remembered I’d told Julian I’d see him, so I made my way to his house.

I had put on very simple clothes – loose jeans and a t–shirt. I liked this new look on me, it made me feel fashionable and trendy, like a Pinterest girlie.

When I knocked on Julian’s door, it was already unlocked. I pushed it open and walked inside. “Julian?” I yelled, trying to locate him.

“I’m in the kitchen!” I heard hack. I put my bag on a table and made my way to the kitchen. He was at the stove, stirring a pot of water. There was an assortment of chopped vegetables on the counter, and cooked steak resting

“Your door was open.”

“Yeah, the doonian told me you were coming up so I unlocked it.”

“What are you doing?” I walked in to look at the mess in the kitchen. There was…a lot. He turned to look at me, giving me the slightest glance before be turned back to the water.

“I’m making ramen.” He went over to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of fresh noodles, proceeding to drop them in the boiling water.

“From scratch? My words were loud and ringy. I sounded incredulous and surprised.

He chuckled. “Yeah, thought I’d make us some dinner. Sound good?”

“Sounds lovely. Can I help?”

This was new. Julian knew how to cook, sure. The basics. Coffee, instant noodles, and a few pasta dishes. One time he had made me waffles. But he hated cooking. He had a housekeeper for this kind of stuff. I didn’t know what had gotten into him. I wanted to ask, but I refrained.

I tried to bite my tongue, but couldn’t. “I’m not acquainted with this side of you,” I said lightly, “Chef Julian?”

He gave me a roguish grin. The noodles were done, and he drained them quickly, then put equal portions in two bowls. I watched as he topped them with veggies and poured in a broth, and then placed the sliced steak on top. To be honest, the ramen looked really good.

“Come on,” He beckoned and walked over to the dining table, placing both bowls there. I sat down on a chair, and he looked at me expectantly. Ch. I quickly grabbed a fork and took a bite. My eyes widened. It tasted good, I hadn’t expected that.

“That’s really good,” I told him truthfully. I had a bite of the steak next. It was tender and juicy. I looked up at Julian, who was smiling lightly. “Amazing!” I exclaimed,

He sat down beside me, pulling his own bowl toward him.

“I haven’t had much to do, so I’ve been doing lots of different things.” He said, “Cooking. And reading. And I binge watched Sherlock”

I giggled a little. He never did these normal things; he never had the time. Maybe this break was good for him.

“Did you like it?” I asked.



He nodded as he chewed. “It’s not so bad.“”

“Do you hate it?”

His brows farrowed. “I just said I liked it

I shook my head. “No. This. Not being in the mafia anymore.

His expression soured, but he made it up quickly. “It’s all I’ve ever known. So, it’s certainly different. But I think it will take some time to settle in. I’ll


Chapter 180

get used to it.”

“I wanted to tell you something”

“Sure, M


Just as I was beginning to speak, his doorbell chimed. We both looked at the door simultaneously

“Will your check?” He asked me. “I’ll be hack from the washroom,”

I nodded, Julian went to his room to use the washroom, and I went to the door. It was probably just a neighbor, When I opened the door, I was surprised to conse to see a

familiar face.

Even the situation was all too familiar.

I looked down at Na–her heavy curls and small stature as she looked right back at me, her eyes wide like she wasn’t expecting me here. I wasn’t expecting her either.

“Nua!” [exclaimed, “Hi,”

“Hi. She said. Is Dante in?”

This situation reminded me of the day I had left Julian. All that had transpired then. It hurt a little. Remembering all that. The things Julian had said to her. The anger and rejection I had felt.

“Yeah, come in.” I stepped to the side, and she stepped in gingerly. Im sorry to come in unannounced.” She apologized. “I just need to give something


“No,” I tried to respond warmly. I’d been meaning to speak to her anyway, but I didn’t know how to reach out. “Hey, let’s have some tea.I offered. “Julian will be right here.”

She nodded, and I led her to the kitchen, pouring us both a cup of hot water with a jasmine tea bag inside. It was old. I’d gotten it for myself when I used to hang out here a lot.

“Nua, I never got the chance to see you and apologize,” I said, messing around the kitchen randomly. I looked in the cabinets for something to eat to offer her. I finally found a pack of chocolate chip cookies. I plated them up and offered them to her. “Sorry,” I said sheepishly, Julian doesn’t really have much here.”

“It’s not your fault.” She took a cookie, but she didn’t make any move to eat it. After a moment of silence, she said, “I’m happy for you both.”

“It is my fault.” The words slipped out of my mouth. They weren’t about the lack of food in the house Nua sipped her tea. “We were both so stupid and immature. You got

dragged in our mess.”

She shrugged, Tm glad you both are together now. She said, “And congrats on the baby. You both will have a beautiful child”

“Thank you. Uh, we’re not together, yet.” I exclaimed. “For now”

We both knew we would be. But I didn’t want to rub it in her face.

“I met Nico, yesterday.” She said, “Fat lunch.”

That was surprising. Why was she meeting Nico?

Realization dawned on her face. “You don’t know.” She whispered. I was about to ask her what she meant, but then, “Ginevra!” We both heard Julia call, and I turned around, to see him standing there. N” He exclaimed.

“Hey.” He spoke softly. She looked up at him. I watched them silently. Their body languages were awkward, like both of them would be anywhere but here.

Julian stepped in to give her a side hug, which she arrepted.

“HL” She spoke. “I just came to give back your ring.” She hurriedly reached into her purse and pulled it out, giving it to him. Thank you for giving the honor.” I looked down like she was embarrassed,

She began to get up and walk toward the door, but fulian stopped her, “Nua, wait.” She turned to face him.

Im just gonna be in your room,” I spoke softly, looking at Julian. He needed to talk to her. She deserved an apology. Multiple apologies. And it felt like he should be the one making them alone.

I could hear them from Julian’s room

“Nua,” Julian began, “I’m so sorry.” He said. “I have treated you terribly. I string you along when I knew I loved someone else. I lied to you. I betrayed your trust and kept seeing Ginevra. All while when I knew I could not give you the love and happiness you so truly deserve. There was a pause. “If I could go back and fix things, I would. Im sorry to have put you in a position like that. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me.

“Thank you for your apology.” She whispered. “It’s all in the past,

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