A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 172

Chapter 172

Julian takes in the sight of me wedding dress and all, and falls to his knees. There is a derp, pinching silence that entier. Everyone is staring at us. I am staring at him.

He doesn say anything for a moment, and my heart is ready to jump out of my chest. I take a step towards him, “Julian, you’re bleeding.” I whisper quietly

His slowly encircles his arms around my legs, pressing himself against me,

, as if I am an anchor and he is a sinking ship. The blood is pooling on his shirt. Did he get into a fight? Its unlikely. He isn’t hurt anywhere else.

I touch his shoulder lightly, trying to lift the shirt to look at the wound. He ends forward, and the blood smears on my dress–fainting the wedding

“Nua, you should come with me. Remi Ajax says suddenly, and nuns to her, leading her by the arm, outside my house. She don’t protest. She leaves with him, no expression on her face. I don’t know if it is shock, or just…acceptance.

“Julian,” I urge. “Please get up. Youte hurl”

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with unshed tears. When he blinks, a drop escapes, 1 left it all.”

“Telt what?”

“Everything.” He whispers, Softly. Like a breath. He sounds defeated, but relieved. “The family. My position. I am not Capo Bastone anymore. I am not a Made Man.”


“Please, don’t marry him, Ginevra. He says. “Don’t marry him. Don’t be with him. Be with me.”

I am unable to say anything, just staring at him, staring at the all–powerful Capo Bastone Dante Rivera, on his knees, clinging to me.

“Look,” He pushes back from me urgently. He takes off his shirt quickly, wincing at the pain when he lifts his arms to pull it off. Julian quickly turns around. There is a deep gash on the skin where his black rose tation is located. I gasp. It’s a deep sound, and the blood is flowing freely and fast.

“Get up!” I exclaim, You re hurt.” I look desperately at Gabriel for help, and he rushes toward us, grabs Julian and leads him into our house. All while Julian is mumbling, “I left it all. I left it all for you.”

Gabriel sits Julian down on a chair, and 1 rush to the kitchen and get a warm washcloth.

“Get a doctor. He needs stitches. I tell Cabriel, who rushes out

Meanwhile, I try to clean up Julian’s wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but it’s a tricky area

When I press the washcloth to his skin, he hisses, then breathes in deeply, I don’t belong to the mafia anymore.” He says. Tim only yours. I always have

been” He winors at the last words..

Who did this to you?” Task, “Don?”

He shakes his head. “I did it.”

God, julian.

“Julian, my wedding is tomorrow.” I stress. “And I can’t be part of your back and forth anymore.

He gets up quickly from the chair, and turns to face me. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me to him. “There will be no back and forth. This is it for me. I want you.

Forever. No one else. If you still love me, if you still think 1 ( worthy of your love, I will take whatever you want to give me. But if you still wish to marry Nico, I won’t stop you. I cannot bear to see you with him. So, I will leave. I don’t have the family anymore,” He smiles, “It will be easier.”

I can’t believe he left the mafia All the power, all the money just left it. For me, Hut I don’t know what to say to him. A part of me wants to leave everything behind and just leave with him – but tomorrow is my wedding with Nico, who has done sa much for me.


Chapter 172

“Julian.” 1 begin, but am intempted by a loud bang of the door. A second later, Nico is in front of

  1. us.

What’s happening?” He questions. He takes in the sight of us, standing close, Julian’s hand grabbing my arm tightly, and my wedding dress stained in

his blood

“He’s hurt.” I choke out. “Help. Please.”

Nico steps toward us slowly, then pushes me away from Julian, softly. “Sit down.” He orders. “Go change.”

I shake my head. He’s bleeding so much. Gabriel is getting the doctor, but I can’t stop the blood.”

Julian sits back down on the chair. He is silent. I didn’t expect him to be

Nico grabs Juhan’s face, and seethes menacingly. “You’re a dick for doing this right now.”

“I know.” Julian says softly. “I’m sorry. I know you love my Ginevra as much as I do. I’m sorry for doing this to you, Nico.”

“She’s carrying my child.” Nico stresses,

“I don’t care.” He looks back up at me, “I love you. I can’t live without you. Please,” He stresses. “Choose me.”

I know what I should be saying now. I have it all, finally,

ly, all that I’ve wished for all these months, Julian. Wanting me. Loving me,

But I didn’t want it this way. Not like this.


Nico and Julian look at me expectantly, waiting for my answer, but its not so easy anymore.

Thankfully, I hear Gabriel and Dr. Fossi come in. Dr. Fossi is the person the family calls on in emergencies

Dr. Fossi doesn’t give us much attention, though he is taken aback at the situation. Julian–bleeding me in a wedding dress and Nico in. well, sweats.

“What happened, Capo Bastone?” He questions.

I’ve stepped to the side and so has Nico. He tries to grab my hand, but my fingers bum. I pull back suddenly. I don’t mean to. I don’t. But I’m worried for Julian and am staring at him..

“Its just Dante.” He grunts.

Dr. Fossi’s eyes widen. He doesn’t say anything, but I know he is surprised

“I’ll need to stitch this up.” He says. “You should come back to the clinic for that. Right now, I will administer some preliminary aid.”

Julian shakes his head. ‘Do it here.”

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