A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 168

Chapter 168

“Do y

you want to get married at the beach?” Nico asks.

He is considerably more invested in the wedding than I am. He wants a lavish one, he wants to make a spectacle of it. I want something simple, Just exchange rings in front of our families and be done with it.

I turn to look at him. The beach?

“We could fly to Sicily, get married there.”

Sicily? That’s a……reach.

We are driving home from my doctor’s appointment. Nico wants to make a stop to eat sushi. I shouldn’t eat raw fish, so I’m going to get udon.

He pulls in front of a restaurant, and once we get out, hands the valet his keys.

We place our orders, and Nico brings the topic of our wedding up again.

“You haven’t said anything He reminds me.

1 hesitate. “I thought we could do something small. Simple. Just our families and close friends.”

He tilts his head to the side, “I suppose. Maybe at my parents‘ house. Mom already offered.” I know he is just offering that to make me happy. Since Nico was very young, he wanted a tasteful wedding. We talked about it a lot, strangely. Nico was the only boy I knew who gave a shit about what his wedding would be like.

“That sounds nice.

He nods. 1ll make some arrangements. Have you thought of a date?”

I shake my


“I think as early as possible. Before you start showing. Next month?”

Next month?

Just then the waiter arrives with our food. “Enjoy. He tells us

I smile at him. Thanks.”

Your hair is very pretty” He offers warmly.

Before I can say thank you, Nico coughs. “Thanks for the food.”

1 glare at him, and the waiter walks a

walks away

“What?” Nico questions.

Why are you being weird?”

“He was hitting on you.”

“No, he wasn’t. Also, don’t be possessive. Its really weird.

He falls silent, pursing his lip, and quietly cats his food.

Well, I’m not particularly in the mood to talk either.

We eat in silence. Nico asks me once if I want to get something to go for later un,

but I deny.

He drives us home, and I quickly go to my room to get changed.

Chapter 168

Nien is in the kitchen, drinking water. When he spots, he is homes. Youre seriouly going to get mad about this?”

“I’m not mad. It just wasn’t conl behavior”

He scoffs. Sure wasn’t a problem when Dante did it.

I stare at him. Did he seriously just say that?

Low blow.

Fuck you, Nich

He umiles swertly. I’ve been waiting all

He stalks off to his room, and I’m left standing there.

Nicm and 1 rarely fight. So this is weird, Given the new territory we have ventured int its een wide. thun tie is our first arguement ever, if we beep aside the weird stuff that happened when I was dating Julian.

As I walk past his room, I see he has locked it.

Sighing lay down on the couch in the living room. I don’t want to go to sleep yet, its still er math make a nap because its too inte. So, I scroll Instagram endlessly on my phone and search baby names for both boys and girls. If its a boy, I like Caillin, or Dio. Winste Angeln, then live can be my Ime impel. For a gel maybe Delin, or Mae, or Emilia, or maybe Julia, but its so…

Got this is exhausting, I really do love my baby, but it is stressful to think of our future. Well, now that in nursing ties, there will still be some

I decide to talk to Nico. We are fighting over a stupid issue and he is being petty. But he has been with me though thick and thom, au can at least

serin bere. I could apologize. I hadn’t done anything wrong, but it didn’t matter. It would solve things between us. It turns mad at me.

dont and be rells me to Come in

I make way in Nico wali desk, working. I know because his laptop is open. “Did I disturb you?” I ask.

sit down on his bed pingerty. I muster some courage to ask in a low whisper, “Are you mad at me?

He sighs, and sit down beside me to grab my hand and lays a kiss on my palm. He strokes my hand with his tongue while he speaks, Framtid never be mad at you.”

“You seemed pretty mud jut none

He shrugs. Twat. He thinkt, kanoved”

“Im sorry” I tell him. God, iti not inyo my but.

He s

es my hand. “No, Em sorry. I was jeninus.”


“Jealous?” I whisper

“Of Dante. I’m jealous. I have been for a long time. And I took it out on you. I keep thinking of you with him.”

I look up

p at him. “But I’m

But I’m not with him.

He nods. “I know.” Nico tenderly touches the side of my fun. Im ustadraid you will never love me like you love him.”

“I love you both very differently.” I tell him. “You are my best trend, belair my funct, and most of all, you are the person I

lean on, whenever. It

Chapter 168

was never like that with Julian,”

Nico is silent.

“You’re my best friend.” I tell him, and lean over and kiss him.

I am not like him,” Nico says, “I’m not in the maña, or powerful with connections, and some kind of sex

I giggle. “You’re pretty hot and we both know it.”

He shrugs, “Yeah, okay. True.”

1 boop Nico’s nose, and he buries his head in my neck. “You’re nothing like Julian, yes. You are sweet and kind and considerate.”

You are nothing like Julian, Nico. But… but I wish you were.

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