A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 166

Chapter 166

I wake up entangled in my new blue comforter. Nico got it because someone told him it is good for the baby. I don’t know if it is true.

I stay in bed, 1 can hear the shower running, Nico is getting ready for the day. I slept in his bed last night. Since the night we kissed and he asked me to marry him, I’ve been sleeping here everyday. Even though I haven’t moved into his room, it still feels like that.

The shower stops, and in a minute or so, I see Nico step out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair are wet, his torso glistens with the beaded drops of water.

“Good morning.” He tells me. His back is to me as he looks into the mirror, applying lotion on his arms.

“Moming.” I tell hins. Nico has the rose tattoo on his shoulder blade that every man in the mafia gets. The rest of his skin is smooth, though, Clear. It is nice. Clean.

“What do you want for breakfast?” He questions as he goes into his closet.

Don’t worry.” I yell a little so he can hear me from inside. “I’ll figure something out

He emerges in his work clothes. I never noticed how nike he looks in a suit before. He isn’t extremely muscular like Dante, but he works out. I can see his biceps flex through the white shirt.

“Alright. I got you some kale and brussels sprouts. Make sure you eat some

“For breakfast? I make a face. I hate brussels sprouts. They taste like shoes.

“Whenever. They have folic acid, its good for you and the baby”

1 groan. “I hate brussels sprouts, and you know that, Why must you torture me?”

He chuckles, walking over to me and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. “Because I love you. I’ll pick you up at five from the shop, we’re going out.”

I don’t get the time to agree or disagree, because he is running out of the house after that. Classic Nico. Always late.

I get out of bed and take a shower, then make myself an egg sandwich. I pack a salad with kale and brussels sprouts for lunch. Maybe Gabriel will eat some of it and I’ll just tell Nico I did. That’s a foolproof plan.

I drive to work, the shop is empty except for Gabriel when I enter.

“No customers?” I question him.

Full back appointment at 1 pm. We’re both working on it.”

I nod. “Okay.”

“How are you?” Gabriel asks.

“Good, Gabriel. The gynac says

says everything is fine. The baby is healthy.”

He smiles. “Do you know the sex?”

I shake my head. “I want it to be a surprise, Nico thinks its a girl”

He rolls his eyes. “Its a boy and you will name him after me.”

“Sure, Gabe.” I sigh, sitting down. We still have about 20 minutes to go before the customer arrives.

I saw Capo Hastone yesterday.” Gabriel says.

I shrug. “Its been three months. I’m over

Im over him.”

He tilts his head to the side. “He was with Nua. They’re getting manied in two months.”

Chapter 166

My stomach sinks, “Good for him,” I say, “I hope they will be happy.”

Gabriel falls silent, and I fiddle with my fingernails. The silence is heavy. We both know I am hurt. The door opens, and a man and a woman walk in. I think we both sigh in relief.

Gabriel and I get done with the back tattoo in four hours. It was really detailed, and we had to do a lot of hard work. Some of it was still left, but Gabe told me he’d finish it

I wash my hands and eat my salad. Nico is a little late to get me. He arrives at 5 30 and apologizes for being late

“Where are we going?” I ask him as he drives. I know we’re not going home. But Nico is suspiciously quiet,

“Just somewhere.”

That’s a terrible answer, but I don’t press it.

Did you have lunch? He asks.

“Just nine. Before you came to get me

He nods, “That’s late. Eat

we h

Eat on time, please. Don’t go hungry for long periods of time.

had a huge thing to do. Very detailed. I’m really tired.”

He frowns, still staring ahead the road. “You can stop working, you know.

I shake my head. “Why are all you Rivera men obsessed with keeping women at home?”

He turns to look at me. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

There is silence. Nico’s jaw is gritted. 1 reach out and put a hand on his knee. “I know, Nico. I know you mean well.

He pulls in at the hot air balloon place we always go to on my birthday. “Its not my birthday.” I remark

“I know,” He says. We both get out of the car and Nico plants a huge kiss on my mouth. I giggle when he places his hand on the back of my neck. It tickles. “Let’s go.” He says.

Nico has already booked a ride for us. The people there recognize us and say hi, and take us straight to our balloon. It is pink and blue, with hearts. Really cute.

I love the feel of the air on my face as we go up. Warm, and then it starts getting coliler.

This is so fun.” I grin at Nico. “Look! That’s the Central

He laughs, “No, its not.”

The man driving the balloon tells us we are at maximum height, and that he will keep us here for just a while longer then we will go back down.

Nico grabs my arm and pulls me to him. I stare up at him. He smiles. “Can I kiss you?”

I nod. He kisses me. Soft and slow, like always. Never rushed. Always sweet.

“I love you.” He whispers.

“I love you, too.” I tell him. I do love him, at least right now, in this instant, in some way.

He pulls away, then gets down on one knee.


“I know I’ve asked you before and you’ve said yes.” He says, smiling up at me. “But you deserve a proposal worth remembering. I brought you here

Chapter 166

because this place is special to us. And you are so special to me, Ginny. You are my best friend, and you are the only girl I have ever loved.” He pulls a ring how out of his pocket and opens it up. It is a beautiful ring. Sleek, made of white gold, studded with a small sapphire in the middle, surrounded by diamonds. “I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. To have you, and hold you, and take care of you forever. Will you marry me, Ginny?”

“Yes,” I tell him. This is a man that loves me so much. And I need to think about my baby, I will be happy with Nico. I am sure of it.

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