A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 164

Chapter 164

I go back to the living room and sit down with Nico, Emilio is nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s your father?” I ask.

Oh, someone called him. Are you okay?”

I nod. “Of cou

course. You should not worry so much, Nico.”

He tits his h

head, sighing, “I can’t help it, Ginny.”

God, 1 am lucky to have him. And I don’t deserve him at all, not after what I’ve done. Not after how I’ve treated him. Constantly putting Julian before him, when all along, I should have been doing the opposite. I should have seen what was better for me. Papa always says it’s better to be with someone who loves you more than you love them. I know Nico loves me. And I will grow to love him.

“The rest of your family is coming,” I tell him. “They be here soon.”

“Shit.” He curses. “I told Mom not to invite Dante. I’m so sorry. Do you want to leave?”

1 shake my head, “It’s just Don and Donna. Besides, I will have to face Julian, a lot of times. I’m okay if he comes.”

“You won’t have to face him ever again. I’ll make sure of it. Nico reaches out and tenderly pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear, then slowly trails his hand down my

cheek. His eyes on mine are sad. He sighs, then smiles. “I wish I could protect you both from every had thing in the world.”

“You already do.” I tell him. “I’m so, so thankful for you,”

“Aw, young love.” Someone coas from behind us. I turn around, and Don and Donna are making their way into the living room. Donna has a gift in her hand which she gives to Nico, then pulls him into a hug, “Happy Birthday, Nico. I remember when you were little and used to call me ty. You’re going. to be a father, now.”


He laughs. “Yes, Zia. People grow up.”

Don wishes him a happy birthday, patting his head and ruffling his hair. Donna comes and sits down beside me. How are you, Ginevra?” She asks cheerfully. “What about the baby?”

“I’m well, Donna. The baby, too. How are you?” I respond politely.

Oh, you must call me Zia, now, love. You’re family, now.” She looks at her husband, smiling, “Right, Mariano

“Of course,” He nods, then looks at Nico, “Speaking of family, you must marry her, soon. The child must have the Rivera name.

We will marry in our own time, Zio. And yes, she will have the Rivera name.”

“She?” Donna shouts excitedly. You know the sex?”

“He assumes.” I clarity.

“I would like a baby girl, too.” Don smiles at Donna. “Soon.”

She blushes a deep crimson. I am not very fond of Don, but I know he loves Donna more than life, itself. He has, indeed, taken a bullet for her. I can only wish I will have a love like theirs someday.

Bethany brings out the cake, and Nico cuts the cake again. We have dinner. It’s nice, no one says anything weird. I still feel guilty, though, Last year, Julian had been here. Birthdays in the Rivera family were always a family affair. A hearty dinner, repeated anecdotes and teasing completed it. I don’t think Nico minds that Julian isn’t here. But I know everyone else does. And I know that I am the only reason.

If I had been smarter, if I had listened to Nico before, this would never have happened. Maybe someday. Nico and Julian will solve things. I should talk to him about it.

Maybe I should talk to Bethany. Someday they will have to solve things. This does not look good for the family. It weakens us. I just have to grow some


Chapter 164

balls and face the truth.

Besides, its not so hard now, All my energy and devotion is dedicated to the haby and to Nico now. I rarely think of Julian. I don’t miss him. Someday, Nua and I w

d I will be at the same dinner table, and it won’t be awkward. We might even be friends someday.

Nico and I take our leave a little later. He drives us home, playing Fleetwood Mac on the stereo.

“Why are you staring at me? He chuckles suddenly. I blink. I didn’t realize

“Nothing,” I answer, and tum away, staring out the window,

“We should visit your family soon.” He says. “I haven’t seem them in a while.”

I shrug. “Yeah. Papa was asking about you,

There is silence while he drives, except the soft hum of the music, and the sound of his breathing. He isn’t breathing heavily, but I don’t know why I can hear him breathe. I am so aware of him in this instant. He steals a glance at me. Our eyes meet. His fist clenches open and close.

I look out the window again, but I am aware of Nico’s hand, inching closer. He places his hand softly on my knee, and squeezes. Oh Lord. I have never felt this touch. Not from him. Not from Julian. Tender. Soft. Caring. Hesitant. I keep my hand on my other knee. Our fingers touch for a second. My heart is racing, but Nico’s hand doesn’t move. He is looking at me, but I don’t have it in me to look at him. If I look into his eyes I know I will come

He pulls in suddenly, and I am rushing out of the car. Up the stairs. Up to his apartment. Inside my room. I hear Nico shut the door behind me. I run to my room and sit

down on my bed, heaving Breathless. Shouldn’t have run.

“Ginny.” Nico comes in after

after me, “Are you okay?” He whispers.

Inod. He sits down beside me, his hand on my stomach. “Do you feel well?

No. I’m dizzy and my heart is racing. I can feel it pounding in my ear. I can feel Nico’s skin on mine, even though he’s touching me over my bop.

“I’m sorry.” I breathe. “I didn’t mean to worry you. I’m okay.”

He gives me a small smile, and reaches out to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. “Don’t run.” He says. “Its not good for the baby.”

I don’t know, its probably the way he says it. Maybe its the hormones. Maybe its the softness of his brown eyes, but I’m suddenly blinking away tears.

“Don’t cry, Ginny.” Nico sighs. I smile at him. I don’t want to cry. If anything. I am happy, in this instant. The happiest I have been in months.

The kiss is sudden, but I think we both knew it was coming. Nico places a soft, chaste kiss on my lips. I barely feel it. A brush of a feather. A fleeting moment. He pulls away, but he’s still so close to me. I can feel his breath on my nose.

I don’t know who reaches for whom. But I know Nico’s lips are on mine. I know I’m kissing him. I know his hands are tentatively stroking my back. I know my arms are around him. I know I am sighing in relief. I know I am crying

Nico pulls away for a second. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.” He murmurs

I know. I know,

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