A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 148

Chapter 148

“Is this alright?” Nico asks, “Me in bed with you?”

Haly fuck, I feel my heart twist inside my chest. I had been feeling a little close to him for a moment there, but now it suddenly feels like a he’s a hundred miles away from me.

“Of course.” I whisper.

He gives me a sad smile. “It’s alright, Ginny. I get it, you’re Dante’s. It was bound to happen. I can’t be the only man in your life forever. He pauses gulps. “On that note, does he know you’re here?”

“He’s not talking to me.” I realise how much its affecting me only after I say it. I don’t want him to be mad at me. We’ve barely started dating and we’re already having so many issues.

I look at him, his lower lip is swollen on the side. I reach out to touch it lightly with my finger, he flinches. “Did Julian do this?” I ask and he shrugs. “Im so sorry, Nico. It’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault he’s a dick. It is, however – He stops short, then reaches out and pushes my hair behind my ear, his eyes on my neck, “What the fuck is that?” He strokes a finger down the side of my neck, eyes concentrated on the skin.

“What?” I ask, Did Julian give me a hickey? I’d have seen it in the morning, though. There was nothing there.

*Ill click a picture and show you. He fishes out his phone and takes a picture of the back of my neck. There is an angry red mark on there, a deep scratch from a nall, I think. Fuck. Was it from when Julian choked me last night? Why didn’t I feel it?

God, this is bad. Nico is just going to make the worst of it.

“I don’t know,” I say honestly. “I can’t even feel it or anything.”

“Did he hit you?” Nico’s teeth clench. His eyes flare. He looks ready to kill. This la…new.

No!” I exclaim. “He would never. Maybe I scratched it somewhere.” If he scratched me, I kind of like it. Its strangely hot to have a mark on me.

He relaxes a little, but I can still see the stiffness in his posture, I cuddle up to him, and he grabs my hand, rubbing small circles on my palm. “I’m so sorry about last night.” He says. “I should have handled my temper better.”

“No. Don’t you apologize. It was not your fault.”

*I could have been more polite. And I shouldn’t have called you a dog. I get the significance of the necklace. It just feels weird. You’ve never had any other


your life, so it’s new for me. I take some time to settle.”

I smile at him. Nico is so…nice.

“We’ll work things out,” He says. “I promise. You know I love you,” He pauses, “And not romantically or anything, you dumbass. Tell your boyfriend that.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s all I do. Did you meet Julio? I like him. He’s cool.”

“He seems fine but I don’t think he’s fit enough to protect you or anything?”

“He’s trained, I think. And he’s grown on me,”

Nico nods. “Why isn’t your

boyfriend talking to your Text him.”

“You think I should?

He shrugs. “You w

wanna talk to him? Then yes.

“What should I tell him?”

“Just say hi. Send a meme or a gif”

Nic, it’s Julian. He probably doesn’t know what a meme is. He doesn’t even have an Instagram,”

“Make one. It will for funt

“Hed kill me. But dun it shall be. I’ll do it someday!

I open Julian’s chat and tested him a small hey. He is online, so I am expecting an instant reply. I don’t get one. Maybe he is busy. It’s okay. I shouldn

be lessive like this,

Thang out with Nico for a while. We watch a movie on Netflix and ear more honey cake, Man, do I love coming here. All this delicious Russian food that Bethany makes. I had this false image that Russians eat the worst food ever, but Bethany is a great cook and everything she makes is wonderful.

His parents invited me to have dinner with them, which I accepted, cause there’s his mom’s Chicken Kiev, which I love. I have so much memories attached to this place, God, I got my first period right there in Nico’s room, and he thought I was dying and began to cry, and then his mother helped me out. I loved Julian, but how could I give up on all this? These people who love me. These people I love. My second family.

We sit down to eat, and the Rivers say their prayers. I am not a very religious person, but Bethany is, so the whole family prays before they eat, every time. It’s kind of endearing, actually.

“So, Ginevra,” Nico’s father begins. “How is your tattoo place?”

“We’re doing well, Consigliere. Thank you.” I say. I’m a little afraid of him, even though I’ve met him hundreds of times.

“Hm,” He grunts, “And are you slating my brother?”

My eyes widen. That was lirect

“Tapa, please.” Nico says quietly.

“I’m just asking.” He shrugs, then looks me in the eye. “Are you?”

“I suppose.”

“Well, he gave you his symbol.”

God. I wish everyone would stop obsessing over it.

“Yes, Consigliere. He did. I am very grateful for it.”

“Do you know where he is right now?”

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I don’t. Should L lie?

“Emilio, stop interrogating her.” Bethany tells him, I look down in my lap, Bddling with my thumbs.

“He must be working, Consigliere.” I say truthfully. “He has been busy tonight,”

Emilio lets out a low, scary chuckle. “Of course, he has. Be careful, Ginet

Well, that was strange. I am going to ask him what he meant by that, but then Bethany starts talking about her garden. I eat the rest of my dinner in

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