A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 142

Chapter 142

Let me explain what went down after Nien opened that package. Obvioush, he was enraged. I was shocked. I still can’t believe Julian would be so… petty

You see in the mafia, before the advent of mobile phones and encrypted messages, the mafiosis would send symbolic messages to one another via different things. For example, two strips of brown leather and a dead fish means war – something like, we’re coming for you. A small wheel with 6 spokes made of sandalwood means asking for help, Over time, these symbols became a way of spiting one another. Since important messages can now be transferred easily, this symbology is only used as an aggravation, or a challenge

What Julian has sent Nico–red satin, steel chain, black rose petal, it signifies a… aison with the partner of the one who receives it, saying – I took what’s yours, she’s mine now,

Is it exist? Yes. Is Julian an asshole for sending it? Absolutely.

I had snatched the whole box from Nico, apologized to him, then went straight to Julians office.

Currently I’m waiting for him to get free in the Central. I’m sitting right outside his office and his bodyguard Gage is staring intently at me. A few moments later, a short, fat man steps out of lulian’s office.

“You may go now, Gage tells me. I give him a small smile and go inside. Julian is talking to someone on the phone in Italian. He grins at me, then beckons me to come sit in his lap. I don’t move. He stares at me, his eyes narrowing on my hand where I’m holding the red satin,

Julian cuts his conversation short. “I assumed you’d have left by the time that reached Nico.”

You are an asshole, Julian.” I thought I’d be yelling but my voice is surprisingly calm.

“Come here and sit on my table.” He orders. “We are going to talk about it without you calling me names.

can talk with me standing.”

He raises his left eyebrow at me. “Come. Here.”

Ugh. I huff and sit down on the desk, facing him. He tries to spread my legs, but I don’t let him.

You are going to apologize to Nico. I tell Julian. “And if this is going to go anywhere you are going to stop being petty.”

“Is that you ordering me, Ginevra?”

I roll my eyes. “No. But please, Julian, Stop being so


He interrupts. I’m not in the mood for jo

Jokes, though..

He shrugs. “Okay. It was a harmless prank, my heart. Now can I kiss you?”

“No. Also, Nico is coming over to my place tomorrow night and we’re all going to have dinner.” I tell him. “Best be on your best behaviour, Capo Bastone.”

et.” He tells

tells me, then presses a button I didn’t know was

“I’ve had enough of you telling me what to do for today. Now there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” on his desk,

and Gage comes in.

“Send in Julio,” Julian orders.

A moment later, a short, skinny guy with blonde hair and pink highlights walks in.

“Hi, Capo Bastone.” He sings.

“Julio. This is iny Ginevra. You will be taking care of her when she is not with me.” Julian tells him.


“I don’t need a bodyguard.” I tell him. “I know karate.”

Julso grins “sister, I aint your bodyguard. We gonna have fun and get manicures and bitch about your boyfend.”

Julun rolls his eyes. “And protect her, balio. That’s what you’re here for

Whatever you say, Capo Bastone. He says, “Hey, I bought you a charcoal mask hubo places a small tube on Jubany desk. “Your skis


Okay, what the fuck, what is this gux ”

Julian stares at him indignantly. I’m gaping at the nerve of this gus

“Tulan. I choke out. Can I speak with you?”

Julian dismisses Julio and turns to me. “Yes, my love“*

A warm, fuzzy feeling finds place in my heart when he calls me my love, I know that it’s just a term of endearment, I know it doesnt mean anything. but it still fills me with warmth.

“Why do I need a bodyguard? And why him?”

Julian sighs. “I owe his father a favour, Julio can be disconcerting, but he’s a good soldier. He’ll take care of von. And you need a bodyguard because I said so, darlin. You are the Capo Bastone’s woman. Things are bound to be…ansate. Rentember what happened to Isabelle ! I know Marino still blames himself for what happened. I could never live with myself,” he strokes the side of my face. “if anything ever happened to vou?

Isabelle, our Donna had gotten kidnapped by the Russians, and then Mariano, her husband, the Don, got shot trying to protect her. Thank God he was saved.

I nod. I suppose it makes sense. But it will be really weird having someone follow me around like that.

Im still mad at you, though.” I tell him.

Ill make it up to you. Do you want to fly to Bali, tonight??

My eyes widen. Why is he like this?

“No, just…just apologise to Nico. And come to dinner, tomorrow night.”

“We’ll see. Are you wearing panties?”


“Yes.” I say, shyly. “Why?”

“I told you not to. I want you to be accessible to me, always. Take them off.” He orders. “You better start obeying me, darlin. The next time I will spank

I smile sweetly at him. “If you even think of spanking nie, Julian, I’ll beat you up,”

He smiles right back. “You think you can take me?”

“Karate. Yes, baby,” Out of nowhere, a slurp slap lands on my thigh, Julian smiles. “You could have stopped that. Work on your reflexes.”

I get up off of his table and storm out of the room. “Bye.” I call behind me.

Julio, who was standing right outside, follows me as I take the stairs downstairs. I’m lost in my thoughts as I rush downstairs, and suddenly I bump into

someone. I look up.

“Don” I whisper.

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