A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 138

Chapter 138

I’m scared. Julian just said he’ll take care of informing Nico about the two us. I’m scared he’ll do something drastic.

When we go back inside I’m sure everyone is staring at me, but deep down I know it’s not true. I’m just being paranoid. 1 can still feel Julian’s fingers inside of me. I’m a little sore. But it’s a sweet kind of sore. Like a promise. There’s more to come.

“Let’s get some food into you.” Julian says. His fingers lightly graze mine, then he lets his hand fall to his side. I know he wants me to hold his hand. And I know why he doesn’t hold mine. He wants me to choose. He wants me to consciously announce our relationship.

I don’t hold his hand. 1 can’t. But I lightly stroke it, just a touch. He smiles at me. It’s enough.

“Do you

like shrimp cocktail?” He asks. I shake my head.

“What do you want?” He shrugs. “Let’s eat, then we should dance, a little.”

I nod. Dancing with Julian is always a pleasure. Even the way he dances is seductive.

We get some food, and Julian feeds me the first bite with his hands. I hesitate at first, but a quick glance around the room and I know Nico isn’t watching us. He’s on the dance floor with Donna Julian eats from the same plate. It’s nice.

Once we’re done eating, Julian makes irrelevant jokes about the Spanish mafia while 1 giggle incessantly. I’m waiting for him to ask me to dance.

He doesn’L

Julian?” I smile up at him.

“Yes, darlin ?”

“Do you want to dance?”

He takes my hand in his and squeezes. Thought you’d never ask.”


But I love him.

Julian pulls me to the floor just as the music changes. This live band is so good. The lead singer’s voice is so smooth. Like honey.

Julian pulls me into him, his arms around my waist, mine on his shoulder. 1 refrain from resting my head on his chest.

“What’s left here for us?

Share your dreams, friend,

Because all of mine are lost.

And was our time here spent in vain?

With overdrawn ideas

And forgotten names.”

Please don’t do anything difficult.” I say. “My heels are too long and my feet hurt.”

Julian frowns. “Then take them off.”

I shake my head, smiling. Such a guy. From the comer of my eye, I see Nico has seen us dancing, and his stare is burning. I think Julian notices, because he makes a show of stroking the side of my face, and pulls me closer.

So this is where

e we started

If I remember right,

Chapter 138

Stumbling through the alley,

Swallowed in the night.”

My throat feels full. I feel like I want to cry. Both because I hate the look on Nico’s face, and I love the way Julian’s arms feel around use. As if I belong there. I know it isn’t true, but for as long as he wants me, I want to belong to him. I always have.

“So all I do is listen now

And hang around your door,

Hoping to find safety here,

Hoping to find warnath,”

“Do you want to stay for very long?” I ask quietly. “I want to go home soon.”

Julian nods. “You’re coming home with me, darlin‘. We’ll leave in a while, okay?”

We are silent for a while as the music resonates around us, I look at Julian. I am home.

*Maybe I


Shelter in your arms.

Maybe I’ll find

Shelter in your arms.

“Ginevra.” Julian coaxes. “I’m going to kiss you,

It’s not a statement. It’s a question. I have to choose. I look up at Julian’s face. His eyes are wanting, filled with expectation. If I don’t let him kiss me and stake his claim, I don’t know what will happen in the future. And I can’t risk it.

“Kiss me.” I whisper. He does.

“Maybe I’ll find

Shelter in your arms.”

He cups my face with his right hand, then presses his lips to mine. It’s a short kiss. Small. Soft. Possessive, yet still incredibly sweet. All doubts in my mind vanish. This feels so correct.

“Maybe I’ll find

Shelter in your arms“.

Julian pulls away, and I open my eyes and look for Nin.

He’s leaving.

I pull away from Julian’s hold, and run after Nico. As much as it’s possible to run wearing heels and a long dress and trying not to seem like a maniac.

Once I’m out of the building I call his name. I know he listens, because he stills for a moment. But he doesn’t stop.

“Nicu, please.” I yell

Why is it so fucking hard to walk in these fucking heels. I kick them off, picking them up in my hand and nan after him. He’s waiting for the valet to bring his car. He has to stop. I grab his shoulder from behind.

The intensity with which he turns, and the way he looks at me anger, pain, betrayal. It breaks my heart.

Chapter 130

“Dont you fucking touch me, Ginevra. Nico seethes. I’ve never seen him like this. Never seen his wrath. Never at me.

“I’m so sorry, Nien, I should have told you.” My voice is small.

You fucking lied to me.” He says, ‘I asked one thing of you, one thing. Dort fucking date may damn uncle.”

His car arrives, and the valet burriedly mishes away,

Im sorry. Nico. You know how I feel about him. You know how I’ve always felt

And you know how I feel about him. He’s the fucking spaces of Satan. He’s a fucking dick, Ginevra. He doesn’t deserve you.”

I shake my head. “No, 1 – ”

Nico grabs my shoulder roughly, Suddenly he’s pushed away, Julian,

My God. Why is he bere? Making things worse than they alrenily are.

“Don’t touch her.” Julian’s voice is quiet, Purposeful. Scary.

He pulls me into his embrace, and I don’t realize I was about to cry untill 1 feel his arms around me and the sobs break free.

“She’s fucking shaking.” He seethes. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Nico doesn’t say anything. He stares at me, spped up in Julian. His arms around me, protective. He laughs a humourless lough, gets in his car, and leaves,

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