A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 134

Chapter 134

“Kabsexta” fubans salt visor waxes. His fixeers, are in my hait, conessing solthy

“Kinevra.” The says again,

n, his fingers sliding shown im neck, tickling on set.

Stop Julian 1

The vells. I sit up siskdesh, my head shiny.

“Papa“” I question stupendously.

Ho cercato di svegliati per ore, ragana schovca, continui a sognare!!

I’ve been trying to wake you up for hours, Silly girl hast keep dreaming

Splacente, Papa I mumble, sleepily. Just hve me minutes, please

e varks oil max blanket. “Wake op. Make yourself presentable. Then is here to see you. You have ten minutes.”

1 take two ntimites to register the sentence.

Don is here to see me? I vell. My father cringes. “There’s no need to yell. Just come out. I’m sure its nothing. Have you done something I should knows about

I quickly shake my head, and my father walks out of the wom,

he wom, frowning. Is this alsout Dante? Nico? Something else I did that I have no iden about?.

Its a huge thing that Don himself is here to speak to me. He could have asked me to come to him. He could have sent a soldier, that he’s here himself, which makes this a little scary.

I nod, then rush to the bathrooms brush my teeth, and wash my face, I don’t know that the fuck presentable means so I just thrive on my nicer sweats and a pink


Don is drinking coffee and talking to Papa while he waits for me,

“Sorry to keep you waiting 1 tell him when I enter the living room. “I had a long night.”

My mind flashes images of Julian’s expert fingers as he’d make me come in his car last night.

“It’s alright, Ginesta,” Don says, “I just need to talk with you about Dante.”

He knows.

1 look at my father.

Of course,” Don says, “I would prefer to be alone with you while we talk. Would you like to take a walk with me?”


Obviously, it’s not a question

“Yes, let me grab a jacket. It’s a little chilly.” I say, then run to my room. I pick up my phone and quickly test Julian

Did you tell Don about us

jacket and run outside, my phone clutched tightly in my left hand. Don is standing nonchalantly

standing at the door, and laps is looking at me sompi, kusly. I abrig

Don waits until we are a little away from our apartment building before he speaks. “I wish to speak with you about my brother, as I have already told

Inod, gulping.” “Yes, Bon”

“Ever he came to you a few days ago. You two seems close”

i state a

at him. Slowly, the phone stops buzzing

In a professional way, Don? Just as I say this, my phone rings. It’s Julian, Hon states at the screen, 1

“My point has been proved, Ginevra, He says. We pass a small candy store in the neighborhonal. It’s owned by this cute couple called Aria and Antonio.

They have

four children. Antonio is a soldier, and Aria used to work at the Central. The Central is basically the mafia office.

“Do you want some candy?” Don asks. I shake my head. “I don’t eat candy, Don, Ian not a child.” Of course I fucking rat candy. But I want to seem real lacking mature in front of ham.

Well I suppose FIl take some for Hella then. We make a sinalt stop, and Don lays tou much candy, but who am I to say anything?

I wait until he’s done, before we start walking again. “Since you ate close to both Nico and Dante, I’ve been wondering if you’ve noticed that there has been some İsid blood between Them Lately.

Cause baby now we’ve got bad blood, you know it used to be mad lave…

Fuck, Ginny, stop

“Is there?” I say nonchalantly.

Don stares at me. I flush. Yes, I kayow there’s had blood. And the reason, Don, is standing right in front of you.

Slowly, I nod. “I might have noticed something.

Very well. Then I need you to do something about it. They are both grown up now, but I cannot have rifts in my family, especially since, you know, the matia is all

about blast, Ginevra.”

“It was always expected you would marry Nico, 1 had initially planned for him to have an advantageous marriage.” He says. “But I will happily approve if he wishes to be with you, I cannot say the same for Dante.”

“Nice and I have always put been friends, Don”

He looks at me sideways. Things change.” He says. “You would be a good wife to him. You are Italian. You know the ways of the Lamily,”

It doesn’t matter, I think. I do not love him. He does not love me. I love your brother, not your nephew, I would be a good wille for him, too,

We both fall silent, and I am wondering what the fuck I’m going to do now, while Don walks with a faraway look in his eyes. Yesterday I had fucked his brother.

“Dante will marry into the Lebochi family.” Don says all of a sudden. The Lebloris control the Spanish matia. Nico was supposed to marry into the Lebhotis for strategic alliance reasons, but since he is not part of the comunal part of the mafia the idea was dropped. Where the fuck is this coming

int,” brough, “Tunt Nou Lebburi too young for him?”

“She’s nineteen. Her father called me yesterday. He suggested that Duste marry her.”

Whatever you are fit, Don. I would be happy to do her Capa Bastone tattoo.”

I would give het tetanus with my hacking needle.

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